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Stop posting propaganda

The obvious solution here is we need to get the deep south reading Mises and Rothbard

I'm educated. STEM degree. Still conservative. Not necessarily Republican, though.

wtf i am going to occupy the demo crat now

If it ain't STEM it ain't education.

>Republicans hate education
Citation needed

>When you get one you stop voting for them.
Depends on the education.

Every Republican I know is an Engineer, or scientist, etc with Graduate level degree

Every Democrat I know is an artist, or "in between jobs"

I find it so funny that everyone assumes the Deep South is "dumb" because it statistically scores far lower in educational metrics than northern states. And then you realize how many blacks there are and it all makes sense why that is. White Southerners actually do likely read Mises and Rothbard at far higher rates than anyone in states like New Jersey and New York


I live in Texas. I can confirm that the larger majority of people around here (where I live specifically), especially very rural areas, aren't the brightest. Cities are a different story altogether, but there are quite a few very small rural towns.

Liberals don't know the difference between education and schooling.

you know which people i'm talking about, and thinking about it is sort of strange that those people are also the most uniformly staunch Republicans.

is there a social media account as autistic as occupy democrat

Being educated suddenly makes me want to let illegals and criminals steal from me? Weird

>Democrats hate jobs

Yea, just look at these smart intellectuals. Truly the pinnacle of society.


>Most college educated people vote democrat
>Most college educated people are women and minorities
>Most women and minorities suck on the dick of the government

Maby because these fucks brainwash the students to be blue pills

>Democrat "education"

And yet Democrats are the ones who lower education standards because not enough black people are graduating.

By voter incomes, Trump was a blowout. That suggests solidly remunerative educations lead to conservative voting patterns. Only useless educations that lead to a life of misery and envy lead to voting for liberals. Curious, that. It's almost as though seeking for ways to harmonize our self-interest with service to others leads to being stably positioned in society with a concomitant desire to preserve a functional order.

Snowflake Alert!! Snowflake Alert!!!!!

Its melted snowflakes is what makes Trump Water taste so sweet.

>yes goy! benig educated in gender studies and having liberal arts degree makes you smart!

brainwashing is the same as education now?

A liberal arts degree is not an education retard.
This is where liberals get confused.


Were you ever taught about Hispanic geniuses in school? Ya me neither(pic related)

You think they would have at least made some kind of new burrito machine or at least re-engineer lawn mowers by now but no......

Same. Pretty much black people in the south are expected to have low standards.

It wasn't the liberals or Democrats Washington, but the Reagan administration, who offered successful black educator Marva Collins the position of Secretary of Education.

>1 post by this ID obvious slide thread
>90 IQ retards still respond and bump it to page 1

Kansas has a higher average IQ than California.

The majority of college-educated whites voted for Trump though, according to (((NY Times))).

It's not hard to comprehend, as the Dems only cater to 3rd-world trash at this point; and openly shit on white people.

OP is a regular on Sup Forums.

He always posts a new pic from OccupyDems, accompanied by "conservashits" then leaves.

Kek keep telling yourself that, STEM is the educational equivalent of autism


I haz the BS degree & I think trump is doing pretty good....MAGA

Haha but how many of them got a degree African American studies from one a Californian university? Checkmate republishits lol

You can still sage and post redpill.

You just can't link to another post or post an image, while doing so.

/Our girl/
There was some hog that was snapping instead of clapping so no one's PTSD would get triggered

who are you ?? how did u get to earth ???

Yep, that.