Can someone define what "western values" are?

Can someone define what "western values" are?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing you're familiar with

liberalism, atheism, self hate, cuckoldry, individualism, progressivism

What the fuck is central and south america supposed to be

Generally speaking, all those values defined in the US Bill of Rights. In other words, things that will get you arrested anywhere else.

those are liberal values
they aren't western
western values are christianity, monarchy and imperialism

Like what? Invading Cuba, Mexico, the Philipines, Panama and Germany?

no, those are exactly western values, created in the west by westerners
stop defending a rotting carcass

>western values are christianity, monarchy and imperialism
ghosts from a long gone past

Then no european nation have western values

western values are just a cuck way to say white people
cause that the only thing that matters
there are no western values without western people, wester values are those values shared by the majority of the western nations at any given time
Right now is sucking mohamed cock

Fuck you if we are in this shape is because we adopted thise jewish made human rights and western values bullshit
Go suck somali cock in siciy, that's your current western value Mario

Yes, more specifically it's the belief you should work hard, reap what you sow, and others can fuck right off. It places a value on the individual and a moral responsibility on that individual to pursue self improvement and creation

The values used to be pride, honour, tradition, family, christianity, nobility. Nowadays they are all long gone.

Catholic Christianity 'empowered' with the Enlightenment notions of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the secular state.

Rule of law

nice nigger behavior, blaming others for the problems you created
jews are just riding the degeneracy train that the west created
it wasn't jews who made the protestant reformation
it wasn't jews who created the values of liberalism

>Romania and South Africa included
>Slavshits all included too but Norway and Switzerland are left out

i guess having good infrastructure and not starving to death/ having malaria kill half of children under the age of 5

How is south africa western world while some south american ones are not? Sad map!

limited government
rule of law
freedom of speech
freedom of religion
fair trials
property rights

Ideology does as it always does, poorly defined unscientific terms

Left or right , both are shit

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The European nations adopted their own version of it later.

Universal rights of the INDIVIDUAL not the 'collective'. Freedom of Speech and thought no matter how controversial, even being a hateful bigot prick. Exploration. Invention. Secularism. Due process. Equal application of the law.

>freedom of religion
freedom of christian religion, meaning all kinds of christianity
big diference

>it wasn't jews who created the values of liberalism
yes they were

no european nation have gun laws of freedom of speech so cut the bullshit

we are more white than you potato nigger

funny how none of that gets in the USA made constitutions after USA invades a nation

Blood and soil, God and nation.

Being western means striving and struggling upwards towards the future, towards progress and enlightenment. We are the ones who invented science, philosophy, architecture and statecraft. Everything this world runs off of was built by us. While every other race was squabbling in mud huts we were building aqueducts and conquering the known and unknown world.

Hail victory.

oh really? can you name some relevant jewish liberals from the "enlightenment" era?

> what "western values" are?
The average and approximate behaviors, cultures, and ideas circulating in places inhabited and ruled by Western people (aka White Europeans) as a distinct and dominant group. They can change, and have dome so in the past, as some behaviors are deemed inappropriate and others acceptable, some cultures fade out of fashion and new cultural trends emerge, and as some ideas turn out to be faulty and are replaced by newer ones. But for as long as Western people exist so will their values.

As a rule of thumb the West and all that is Western IS Western people, by definition.

Being tolerant of values that undermine and replace it.

white people

True, it's a nuance.
Now you mention it, it's being abused by mudshits and libcucks in their defence just like the "all men are created equal" part of the Declaration of Independence of the USA.


>enlightenment era
>modern liberalismn
nigga please

>changing the subject
as expected
modern liberalism is the consequence of liberalism, which has its roots in the "enlightenment" era
pure European stuff

it's not certainly the consequence of the values of the west that was, traditional and regal as Charlemagne would think about it

the judaism came through that
just before the french revolion jesuits, freemasons and jews were nothing

>modern liberalism is the consequence of liberalism, which has its roots in the "enlightenment" era
>pure European stuff
>it's not certainly the consequence of the values of the west that was, traditional and regal as Charlemagne would think about it
oh right and the enlighment has it's roots in Jesus so what? It's not the same at all
Do you think they would let fagots marry in the enlightment era?

Gynocentrism. Apathy. Drug abuse. International banking. Debt slavery

yeah, exactly, it was Europeans with their impending modernist thought that slowly emancipated the jews until the latter took the upper hand

>oh right and the enlighment has it's roots in Jesus
good joke
the enlightenment is literally, almost by "definition", in contrast with traditional catholic Europe of the high middle ages

>Do you think they would let fagots marry in the enlightment era?
no, and? it was a slow process, but the philosophy was already there, it only had to make its impact, and it did, first with the french revolution, then with the communist revolution and now the modern west

Guys who else misses those based days of the goberment lockdown?
Those were the best

Is Switzerland a African country?

We must preserve the white race and protect a future for our white children. Christianity and nationalist must be defended from the invaders of the Muslim world.

then what makes catholicism less of a western value that the liberal ones?
we've lived more time under one than the other

empathy and some sort of materialist rationalism whether on it's own as now or part of a duelist philosophical system as in the medieval times

Western values are long-term planning to maximize social harmony through reduced emphasis upon political, tribal, or instinctual methods of conflict resolution. Individuals with western values seek to achieve roles of personal profit within environments of mutual profit, being both a source and recipient of incentives to maintain the system.

Civilized people win at game theory by thinking ahead and recognizing the value of other participants.

in the end though western = white. We've changed values numerous times but the common thread is our white brain power.

simple, catholicism has nearly completely lost any cultural relevancy it had
not just that, but it became so irrelevant for westerners that it made itself be influenced by modernist thought

maybe my message is coming off in the wrong way, I am simply saying that those values you are referring to are long gone, even if they belong to the roots of the west

the Europe of kingdoms, castles, priests and chivalry is long gone, our continent is almost unrecognizeable if not for some material remnants of that era

>South africa
Chose one

99 cent whopper jr's.

might have something to do with brown people.
Did you see our Freedom of Speech in St. Louis and Baltimore? It destroys cities, drives out businesses, drives out productive people. raises insurance cost.
Some groups of people cannot do a protest with rioting.

The drive and discipline and pride required to put (white) man on the moon and across the stars


Communism, tranny bathrooms, gay pride parades, gender-fluidity, feminism, refugees, and atheism, goy!

I seriously hate it when the "civic nationalist" types talk about "muh western values". That's the same cucked bullshit we've heard from cucks since the 60s with their "muh freedoms, muh constitution, muh nation of immigrants, muh melting pot" bullshit.

>limited government
Sorry burger that is just you and Germany.

All I'm saying is that the west won't survive another century with this so called western values
They should be called suicidal values

I have optimism in the long run. Unfortunately, it's human nature not to react until things have gotten past a certain breaking point. I believe things will get worse, but then we'll take it back. And it will be the biggest shitstorm we've ever seen, but we will win.

I completely agree, we're witnessing the death of a civilization that has strayed away from its roots and is heading to the grave. But for that we can only blame ourselves. Parasites only accelerate the inevitable.

swizzterland off kek

What may work better to describe Western values are too compare it to its competitor East asian/oriental values
>individuality(freedom of speech, less about what one must do, but what one wants to do, variance within in group is encouraged)
>novelty seeking(curiosity, out group empathy, Pioneers)

third world

we need to start building instead of destroying. That's the problem. We keep knocking down institutions and values as a culture but we never take the time to build up new ones.


pray for honor long time gone

niggas no honor, chinks no honor, arab no honor, slaves no honor, south americans no honor, only japs seemed to have honor, but they were arrogant and destructive

Greek democracy. It's why you have columns on your govt buildings, kinda like a cultural nod.
Roman law. It's why they have to give you a trial before execution, no one else figured that out.
Empiricism. The West is the only one to separate the church and the state. Also the only one to do anything with modern medicine, modern engineering, aviation, arms manufacturing, etc. This is why the West has the highest quality of life.

Most other replies here are confused and sad desu.

>Greek democracy.
so only landlords voting?

1. the idea of individual moral responsibility
2. the idea of moral obligations towards other people
3. the idea of human rights other people cannot fringe upon
4. the idea of truth, some statements relating to the real world are correct, others not
5. the idea of curiosity, it's natural and righteous of people to seek truth, even for only itself

1. Christ cuckoo unity is okay
2. Islam is NEVER okay, never will be.
3. Slavery of nonwhites is okay.
4. Rape and murder of nonwhites is okay.
5. Marital rape is okay.
6. Military service would be good.
7. Jews are not human.
8. Women should not vote as they're all whores.

9. Homosexuality is wrong, unhealthy and degenerate.
10. Only a white male and white female are permitted to adopt or reproduce.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. The rule of law is innate to white society, amongst whites in good conditions is self enforced.

To the average normalfag: "liberal democracy"
To me: Classical Roman/Greek philosophical ideals, meritorious leadership like that of Marcus Aurelius.

When "Western Ideals" pops up in the news/average they're paying an homage to current hedonistic cultural norms, and not the traditional application of real Western ideals.

liberty from tyranny
striving for glory and beauty
collectivism over individualism
brotherly rivalry but unity in times of foreign invasion