Brit/pol/ - CRA edition

>Cabinet 'united' over EU transitional deal (including ongoing free movement)

>(((Goldman Sachs))) boss says a "significant" EU transitional deal required ASAP

>Vince Cable: WE MACRON NOW

>Baroness Hale appointed as UK's first female top judge

>Government borrowing went up last month

>Five-year-old girl fined £150 for lemonade stand

>EU won't sign trade deal if the UK moves to deregulation after 2019

>Crime in England and Wales has seen its largest annual rise in a decade


Other urls found in this thread:

First for High Toryism.


anyone ever play car wars is there a non degenerate way i can enjoy this at 40?

Up the ooh arr why!

Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

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>implying anyone much younger than that has even heard of steve jackson these days



Haven't heard of it. Board games are inherently better than watching television like most people, just under reading.

God i wish my past was squeeky clean so i could get into politics. I'd have the acryonm for my party as RWDS, godknows what id call it tho

Thoughts on English Independence lads?

I know, I would actually fucking love to but I''ve been somehwat of a mess.

Right wing dick suckers?

is a good game though will porbably be a movie by next summer, aesthetics fit with current investment studies by studios, soundtrack you can rip from 80's artists who have washed up, plot will be the same as everything, cartoon level with some dark moments towards the end. No offense to other washed up actors but you can get a few good dads for less than one star.

just nuke the yellow and red areas the problems will be solved

Hey lads
I was feeling depressed like most of you, but then I had some sex and it did me a world of good
I'd definitely recommend it

jo moma's nickname?

car wars is d&d with cars nothing more

Rhodesia was darn swell

How do we stop the rise of the Cornjahideen? They have already started attacking and sending Anglos to the great Pasty Refineries of the South West.

Is it too late to stop them?

You did the sex? with your penis? with... a female/?!?!!?


Prozzies are very underrated and surprisingly good value.

You take that back, are jo was a saint.

she really wasnt

Stop posting on Sup Forums you old man

average corncuck

>wake up
>realise applying for this teaching apprenticeship is going to change my life if I get it
>now scared I wont
Tell me it'll be ok lads


Evening lads. Anyone drinking? If so, what? I've had a pint of Guinness West Indies Porter and half a bottle of brandy. LINK ME IRISH SONGS (NOT U2) BOYS.


I don't mind if brexit is a long as the cunts that voted for it get burned first.

It won't be OK, You applied for a Beta job. Cancel it and join the Army like a real man.

Please dont mention that place, i'm an anglophile and its despairing to see whats happened to not only the empire but all anglo nations/lands around the world.
my heart burns with a passionate love for England, but she's dead

Literally not seen a non-white since I moved here 2 years ago

Women like me and come on to me, but my contempt for them has reached critical mass. I've never been even slightly attracted to average girls and I can't bear to entertain their nonsense if they are better looking. I have no money anyway.

In the rare old times, a classic

I might go round and buy some drink because my gf fell asleep desu


you've explained to your flat mate over 40times your MGTOW right?

It's the day before Brexit and you are going for a walk in your constituency, Batley and Spen, You are walking to the shops and see a Women being Attacked by a man with a sawn off shotgun and dagger,

What do you do

>Mrs. Browns Boys is unironically a thing that people actually watch.

>in the army

oh im laffi, garauntee if she ever got into a close combat situation she would be raped and killed in 2 minutes

so you're going to be a teacher, there's a few things you need to know


I thought the first reports were that the attacker was a mentally ill man who owned alot of nazi parafinellia, and that it was with a knife and a handgun? Did the narrative get re-written or something. seem to remember seeing that his neighbours described him as a caring soul who helped the elderly with their gardens and shiieeet

Then you obviously haven't served yourself.

as soon as you stop posting memes

I'm a teacher.

Don't do it. It will ruin your life.

wonder why I saw the same bloke get out of an unmarked black van and fit an earpiece round the corner a few minutes earlier

is a Bhuna nice never had it before??

>brainlets don't understand the deeper philosophical meaning behind Mrs browns boys

Watch it with an open mind lad
Heres a tip - its not meant to be a comedy

Nice try BBC

Pretty sure he had a knife and something that fired .22, not sure if it was homemade or not.

>deeper philosophical meaning
what? dont let paddies make a tv show?

Where are you ordering from lad? hopefully no muzzie owned places and not on just-eat/hungryhouse.

No keema naan.

You fucked up.

It's Indian lad. They're safe.

Im drinking alright a bottle of half drunken absinthe i found in my draw from ages ago.
Tastes like bloddy shite mind you, even when mixed with water and with added sugar stuff is grim desu dont know why i even brought it all that time ago must have been pissed already.

Anyone else /drinking/ here? What you on lads?


Plenty of Indian places are Muslim run.

bhuna is potato chunks, VERY filling, not spicy at ALL. Depending where you're ordering from, they are pretty tasty.

Mix it with something proper you eejit

*blocks your school play*

Had a couple of bottles of wine yesterday, not having anything today since i'm at work in the morning.

Genuine Indian or Bangladeshi? Bhuna's good, but £4.95 is worryingly cheap.

Multiple reports that Israeli war planes will bomb Gaza any minute.

Hamas troops also getting ready.

The only thing I drink is pussy juice
Got a red moustache today, was extra flavourful

>She screams out

user HELP ME.

What do you do?

Why are you afraid yank? The Muzzies will be eradicated

Do you not drink at all if it's a work night? Not a loaded question, just curious.

>Not know who the fuck it is and dash in to help only for her to die in hospital

>thinking ahead


Speaking of which, what was the last Hamas v Israel showdown like here?

Are there any screenshots? I heard there were livestreams of rockets being launched and threads archiving after 5 minutes due to the sheer amount of people posting.

Tfw pajeet the paki is closed, and have to suffice with water!

Bottle of red, with this for afters.

*Sends him to England*

Sometimes i do, but i'm working with my boss tomorrow and its a new job.

brandy and diet because regular is too sweet

Watch yourself anglo! Us cornish are preparing our druids...

If you asked me say, a year ago, i may have helped. but now, after whats been going on in london and manchester and rotherham ect ect and the inaction of our police and government, my heart is turning to stone over time and im starting to not care anymore.

Where to begin?

12-14 hour days, and you still get called out for not working hard enough.
Little to no professional respect.
Constant demands for time and attention (not just from the kids).
Less than living wage per hour.
Use little to no actual knowledge of your subject.
Constant investigations into whether you're marking books properly or teaching lessons properly.
Incessant and useless 'CPD' (continual professional development), where teachers display Powerpoint slides of Excel spreadsheets for half an hour.

Kids are the best part of the job, even with their utter disrespect and dislike (not all of them, mind) for teachers.

You *will* have zero (0) free time, you will become grumpy and withdrawn, you will become a hard, manipulative, shell of a human being.

Holidays are good, mind.

some random hungry house thing because it was 30% off and free delivery i aint rich
i cant eat gluten

Sorry to barge in, but I remember thinking years ago that going into coalition with the Tories was the worst thing the Liberals could have done. The Labour party was on the ropes and the Liberals could have muscled them out to become the official opposition.



Where's the lad who has never read Nietzsche yet referred to me as 'untermensch' in from the previous thread?

Oh man, played the fuck out of it. I love it.

JD and coke. I've found a playlist of grandad era music too. Proper comfy.

I'd probably try and help
In the hope that I get killed in a way that ist embarrassing/ is heroic

Best English King lads?


would be brinking frosty jacks but i gotta goto londanistan tomorrow so don't wanna be hungover

Yes well done BBC, keep pushing that agenda
Keep pushing

FUCK Israel... If they don't get the fuck out of Palestine and their settlers move back, I will dedicate my life to bringing ruin to their festering Satanic shithole of a nation. They fund ISIS and have the AUDACITY to call Hamas terrorists for standing up for the REAL people of the land who are constantly gassed by Israeli JEW RAT SCUM.

had 6 pints last night and I have work tomorrow and the day after so i'm sober tonight
will probs drink a werk though
I'm going for teaching assistant though so i'll have it on ez mode right?
that also doesn't sound too bad to me as someone who was (is) a chef, used to most of that shit already

Charles iii
