Jewish-Marxists BTFO by Jordan Peterson

This is a 45 minute 'speech', but it summarizes EVERY knowledged idea that J.P. has learned to-date.

I'll bump while you watch. This is the best laid-out argument he has had to date. Post-modernist Jews and Cultural Marxists BTFO.

This is THE most important issue in our day. The youth are being subverted and he is exposing it, all and out.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, everyone. Professor of Psychology; University of Toronto. Yuri Bezmenov quoted, Hitler quoted, Jewish-Marxist BTFO for eternity.

Share this.

Other urls found in this thread:ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-

Shout-out to Solzhenitsyn @ ~43:00

"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."

- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.

'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.

FULL ENGLISH LINK: Can preview and read it without downloading it if you want (it auto populates the pdf on screen.) Might have to click the orange button twice to d/l because it has a pop-up the first time you click it.

This the original release from 8chn. The wordpress has been edited (probably by JIDF) and released. This is a full scan of the original as soon as we got our hands on it (before we relased to public). Again, you can read it on the site w/o d/l if you don't trust a .pdf file.. Enjoy :)

Watch the OP video b4 to gain insight first.

Isn't the first step to solving a problem identifying that there is a problem?

(((That should be illegal.)))

Wait. What's the problem?

Jordan Peterson has spoken against anti-semitism on a few occasions and said most of his friends are Jews. What's this actually about?

>said most of his friends are Jews
Source it chaim.

>What's this actually about?
Watch the fucking video.

it's 45 minutes long

You don't say...

>>watch this 45 minute video
>can you explain it a bit?

Now that you've asked a quick rundown, rather than just stating "it's 45 minutes"...

Jewish-invented "Cultural Marxism" has been reinvented with "Postmodernism" by the same people and he blows it the fuck out. Everyone needs to watch this. Our civilization depends on it.

First 10 seconds of this video. I actually have the video you linked auto-bookmarked or whatever it's called at ten minutes, but I think I stopped watching it cause I'd pretty much heard it all from his other videos. I respect him a lot but he's pro-semite if anything. He says we should be grateful that high IQ Jews are running things, which is pretty hilariously opposed to how you think he actually feels on the subject.

No wonder the right wing likes this cunt so much. He just regurgitates the same ignorant bullshit theyve said for the last 30 years but he has a PhD and uses fancy language to mask its stupidity.

Peterson crashes and burns on nearly every topic he talks about. I mean, 1 minute into the video, claiming Post-Modernism is an evolution of Marxism is complete bullshit. Post-Modernist thought was heavily criticized by Marxist because its anti-Marxist at its core. Relativism and an absence of objective truth is central to post-modernism. Marxism relies on dialetical materialism which is not a belief system that is compatible with this subjective claim about truth. Its a form of materialism and relies on the belief that the world is governed by forces that we can understand.

He totally fucking lied about Marxism as well. Karl Marx didn't suggest you fix the problems of Capitalism through equity policies. He said the State was the problem and the reason why Capitalism is able to function and create such inequality, and that you must remove the State to solve this problem, hence where the phrase "the withering away of the state" comes from.

This guy really is an intellectual midget.

Get shut down by (((youtube))) and (((college))) or say that they're his friend.


>another patreon kike worship cult thread
for fuck's sake reddit

its not actually THE most important thing happening. the west declining economically which affects the global economy is kinda more important

what this means is frances proposal of giving africa money is a waste of time and europe needs to get its shit together. africa cant sell you coffee if you cant afford it and due to proximity and the african migrants you may as well get something if your handing them money

The West can spring-back from a tanked or non-existent economy; they can NOT spring-back from a subverted culture.

>the west declining economically which affects the global economy is kinda more important
holy shit
this has to be written by a jew

Lot's of "oh it's nothing" et al in this thread.

>big words that don't mean anything
>marxism is based on a view of reality that is independent of actual observable truth
>but that's different that believing there is no truth in a significant and not at all bullshit way
>Marx never said that because he didn't use those words even though those words mean exactly what I said he actually said

You are spectacular.

>>what this means is frances proposal of giving africa money is a waste of time

Meanwhile in the real world, everything is going according to the hundred year plan:

>Kojève died in Brussels in 1968, shortly after giving a talk at the European Economic Community (now the European Union) on behalf of the French government. In his later years, he had repeatedly expressed the position that what Marx called the European proletariat no longer existed, and the wealthy West sorely needed to help developing countries to overcome widespread poverty through large monetary gifts similar to the Marshall Plan.
>"The universal and homogeneous state is `good' only because it is the last (because neither war nor revolution are conceivable in it: - mere `dissatisfaction' is not enough, it also takes weapons!)

>In the final state there naturally are no more `human beings' in our sense of an historical human being. The `healthy' automata are 'satisfied' (sports. art, eroticism, etc.), and the `sick' ones get locked up. As for those who are not satisfied with their `purposeless activity' (art, etc.), they are the philosophers (who can attain wisdom if they `contemplate' enough).ève’s-idea-of-end-of-history-philosophical-key-to-european-

Yes, keep fighting the good fight with your words.

it is nothing, the other poster was right for the wrong reason

Somebody have that "How shills shill" guide on how to shut it down? Consensus-cracking etc... So that this guy get's put in his place.





Is Jordan Peterson knowledgeable and brave enough to talk about the holohoax? He teachs genocide

Word has it, he's been known to come to Sup Forums every now and then. I think it's banned in Canada to debunk the hoax.

at one point he says he tries to meditate on "how nazis killed so many people"

so no

My sides

To add on to the complaint that Peterson is too soft on Jews, he did infact claim that many of his friends are Jews.
He probably doesn't think that modern Jews are to blame and knows that (correctly) attacking past Jews would only allow his enemies to discredit him. So he skirts around the JQ, which you may find reprehensible unacceptable or dishonest, but actually gets a hell of a lot of good work done while also maintaining plausible deniability.

>He just regurgitates the same ignorant bullshit theyve said for the last 30 years but he has a PhD and uses fancy language to mask its stupidity.
yeah, what good what it do to show this to a young mind wondering what the fucking fuck is going on. what good would that do?

it's much better to give him/her a grainy video from 1973 recorded over a tape of bigfoot sightings, that's long, boring, and coma-inducing. who gives a fuck about our youth or our future; no?

You need to upgrade your Jewdar.

How about a fucking book?



Last bump for visibility.


It's heartening to see that real people still exist on this board. Post is what a sane person would type.

>dialetical materialism
>Relativism and an absence of objective truth
That's an accurate description.

Read Culture of Critique if you still believe jewish influence is a meme.

Neo-marxist. The subhumans realised the proletariat revolution will never happen in developed society so they decided to swim in cultural waters.

That's not really what's happening, and what's happening is completely irrelevant considering what else has been happening i.e. With that, all your cultural wars and marxists and fascists and globalists and nationalists and whatever the fuck don't mean shit.

Commie newfag

Yes, historical fusion of all the bad things about capitalism and communism will be great, and everyone who doesn't like living in a dystopian hell is a commie (?)

*tips fedora*

You come off as attempting to shame JP and discredit all of the good work he is attempting to sow. Next time don't be such a faggot who lowers morale.

/leftypol/ retards funny as always. Do you know deny that the Boasian and Frankfurt schools (both full of jews) have actively worked towards destroying European racial consciousness and promoting non-European immigration while at the same time staying Zionist on the Palestine question and supporting a jewish ethnostate?

1965 Immigration Act marked the end for America in the white European sense. Guess (((who))) is behind it?
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Here are some of the Frankfurt school graduates.

DON'T IGNORE THIS. These WILL change your life for the BETTER, but only if you want it.
Each video holds innumerable strength, and in totality; you will grow stronger than you seek.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


Just-in-case you wondered who were the 'Marxist' aggressors, you will look to Zionist Jews. Perhaps you then know why Sup Forums has so much angst against JEWs. The Soviet Union fell, but they are STILL pushing this ideology, only this time; they are seeking for Israel to be the light among the world.
>Mix 105 IQ Whites with 80 IQ browns = ~92 IQ cattle race that's easily ruled over.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messiah comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.
t. Chaim Hirshel Mordehai - (KARL MARX)

Also, see:

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Yeah obviously, his career would be over the moment he names (((them)))

Of course
I bet they were total communists with ties to Europe too

Yes the satanic part of Europe known as the Soviet Union.

I really ought to read that book

Absolutely needed. Believe me it's not hard to understand and very informative. The first 50 pages are like years of lurking on Sup Forums.

Get this book while it's hot. Some people have waited a lifetime for it to be finally translated. If you know about "shut it down", then you should probably grab it. It's very interesting. The guy is a Nobel Prize winner.

I wouldn't recommend it in fact Culture of Critique does an even better job of describing jewish influence on bolshevism while Solzhenitsyn tries to make excuses for (((them))).

How far are you willing to go to make America great again, Sup Forums?

It's fairer and more normie accepted, but it still drives the point home, and it's good to have the 'History behind it'; which is exactly what this book says. It shows the method to the madness and exposes just how ruthless the Jews were/are. It removes victimhood status.



oops, meant to post this

>Cultural Marxists

OP can you tell me what cultural marxism is?

>The youth are being subverted and he is exposing it, all and out.

Yes, I can. Refer to for the basics.

Here's a truth-bomb.



Lately i get the impression that the jew people are not exactly that smart.
They have power, and can create all those "golems", like modern feminism, but they quickly run out of control and the jews keep running away from those things comically while that jew song plays.

That's because of their head-shape. They appear to have that negroid 'slanting' forehead; which equates to lesser pre-frontal cortex volume. It's from being raped, generation after generation of Neanderthals, whilst the whites moved forward north.


funny how communists believe that they can argue with reason and concrete evidence...

Does anyone have the pic of Jordan hugging the sperg in a MAGA hat? I can't find it.

I aint clicking that shit nigga. This shit was going around weeks ago and everyone was reporting it as a virus of some kind.


Wasn't the out of africa theory proved bullshit?

No, but I have this one.

Wrong. I'm a permanent autist who 4chans 18 hours a day, every day of the week. You're fake news.

Thanks, senpai. 1488.

It HAS been proven, but that map doesn't give dates. When talking about humans, you need

... to take into effect how DNA is passed down and how it retains itself. The current theory is that everything north of the Saharan desert (top of Africa) holds the answer. That is to say that, Cro-magnons/Neanderthals/everyone crossed the Sahara 130k years ago except "Blacks". Depending on the locale, some hold more Neanderthal (rape) DNA than others. The purest are the Cro-Magnons that used ranged weapons to defeat the Thals and move up north and learned to sustenance farm for the long winters.


(You) scared?

It's a .PDF, I've saved and opened it. Been waiting for this one.

Xer is not scared of a potential 'virus' in a .pdf, Xer is scared of what will happen to his 'Chosen people' if the word got out that they were running the communist business all along.

So its fair to say even 130k years ago no one wanted black neighbors?

Even the Arabs were based.

Thx for bump, need to get this culture-war recognized. 105IQ White mixes with 85IQ Black/brown and result = 92IQ shitskin that is just smart enough to work, but not able to understand the Meta of Jewish rulers (and to rise up against them).

It's all planned.


Very good video. I really, really love Peterson's ability to see above the veil on his own merits for the most part and absolutely rip apart in analysis leftist "arguments" and their self-proclaimed "ideals".

Plus he has a comfy af voice, easy to listen to. Good watch OP.


Get lost, user. People of all kinds like videos.

I somewhat akin him to 'Kermit the Frog' in his vocal anatomy, but that's a Joke. Seeing above the veil or 'looking behind the curtain' is a high-IQ game, and as such, many retard strike-out at that which they can't understand.



>tfw listening to so much Peterson lately that a Canadian on holiday asked me where in Canada I was from

Per happenstance they value the same ideals and social-norms that you do. Maybe this is our strength?