Controversy about polish judges

Why is everyone freakout out about it? Germany has them this way, yet no one bats an eye. Poland makes the change and suddendly we get texts like these:


Reddit is biggest offender, but also comments under the news on various sites. Everywhere I look, i see comments like these. wtf?

Other urls found in this thread:

We get these texts every time we want to get closer to a real country, instead of being a joke

>Germany has them this way
Not really.

I don't give a shit about some backwater nation, who has a lower GDP output than American niggers

What's wrong with polan's judges?

They are Dreddful

They will now be selected by ministry of justice who is also attorney general. All the people in the supreme court will get instantly fired and replaced with people selected by this one person.
By the way this person also has the power to disagree with any verdict and tell the judge to reconsider it or move the case to different judge, however many times he wants.

In other words, we will finally be a normal country, after all these years of communist regime

>rule of one person is a normal country


yeah no

somebody give me a quick run down on polish judges

>Poland decides to exist


we like poland this way. We love you. I'm not that drunk. you fucker

>in a country where nothing rules

>guy with swastika tells me what is good for Poland

>Germany has them this way,

Gee I wonder why? Could they possibly have any interest in us being a joke?

liberals are fucking retards who believe what they are told

Don't worry too much about then noise. I'm sure Germoney is in a bit of a panic seeing that their subservient states want to seek independence. That being said, Russia obviously has an interest interfering in any political shift, so I would also be wary about some of the voices shouting out in support.

Poland has the right to do whatever their law allows. If the people are fine with it, then there should be no recourse from the EU. If they start trying to sanction Poland for utilizing their sovereignty, then it really calls into question the nature of the EU. That being said, I'm sure the US would be glad to trade with you in their stead, only we aren't going to force you to take in refugees or try to undermine your sovereignty.

I stand with the poles the Slavs & Russians against the fucking commie fourth Reich that is the EU!

>I'm not that drunk

Lying mother fucker...

>Poland has the right to do whatever their law allows.
The problem and reason people cry is that half of shit our government does isn't allowed by our own law. But you can't reason with insane people (the leader and at least one other person in government are mentally ill) and we aren't cornered enough to use force. Hopefully it won't come to this.

>people cry
KOD and their likes are sub-humans

Not an argument. KOD is nothing compared to what's happening now and all the people who were protesting today. PiS followers are sub-humans too, so honestly, what you said was worthless.

Yadda yadda go suck a dick, nobody cares
Tomorrow I'll have a grill with some barbecue, and I'll invite a lot of bros, but I will not invite (you)

Not attorney general. They've changed that last minute, KRS will do that.

Not wrong. Not wrong. And KRS belongs to who? To PiS.

Oy gevalt! It ain't kosher

All Poles are subhumans, very well, (((they))) have a grip on Poland, divide and conquer tactics. I wish Poles had little more reason to see that, and stop spitting each other faces.

The Polish people should elect their own parliament members, prime minister, and president. The people should also be allowed to recall any supreme court member for failing to uphold the Polish constitution. That is how I see it anyway.

Have you ever tried spitting on someone's face?
Especially one you find really repulsive?
Don't knock it until you've tried it

Ha ha, puny human. No justice for people

independency of judges is in constitution

I've literally not read a single english-language news article that actually talks about what started this issue (PO illegally appointing 5 judges). Even the polish president did an interview with a very combative WaPo "journalist" and all he said was "you would think differently of this if you knew what PO did" but then he didn't even say what PO did!

The only way I have any idea what's going is from the wiki article "Polish Constitutional Crisis 2015", which was obviously written by a pole (bad english) and everything is sourced to polish news articles.

That's what's going to happen at some point. Like direct democracy through Internet. Or something alike.

Just like the right for equality and happiness


You know why, you pissed (((them))) off. Keep it up, that's how you know your on the right track.

ziobro (minister of justice) is an idiot and """attorney""" after shitty, payed school

Think of it this way: imagine if you heard of Erdogan doing the same thing. What would your initial reaction be?


They way I understand it
>Poland is changing the system to judges are chosen by elected officials rather than appointed by other judges
>commies are REEEEEEEEEing the fuck out because the judiciary was their last stronghold in the Polish government

If the EU and all the other globalists care so much about preserving democracy in Poland, why weren't they talking about this in 2015 when PO illegally nominated five judges?

It's because the EU doesn't care about democracy. When PO does it to pack in pro-EU judges they keep quiet, but when PiS is putting in poland-first judges, it's suddenly a problem. Selective enforcement of the law is tyranny.

When is Poland going to join Britain and America and throw off the chains of the oppressor? Poland must recognize that it is time to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with the EU, and to assume separate and complete sovereignty to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.

more or less. for average joe it changes nothing

EU would probably like our government more if we were bending over more frequently. They hate us, because we are undermining their authority and we make them look ineffective and impotent. In the end, Freud was right, it all goes down to penis envy.

Who is trying to pull a Ukraine on Poland?

I know, I know - George Soros

If PiS starts jailing some of (((them))), shit might get serious though.

The only people jailed are and will be political opponents, as it goes in Turkey-style "democracies".

Can anyone provide English language sources on the court being filled with commies since 1989?

It's really scary how little info is available on this in English, even though it's dominating western headlines. I guarantee that pro-EU shills are feeding press releases to the major western news organization. Most of them just print "parliament will be allowed to choose judges now which is undemocratic!" which makes no fucking sense because that's how we've always done it in the US.

Literally all we're getting in english is pro-EU propaganda.

>which makes no fucking sense because that's how we've always done it in the US.
The US has a three branch system with checks and balances, and a constitution that actually means something (or did until 9/11). Eastern Europe on the other hand just has a "ruling class", which adjusts to whichever system it needs to stay in power, and all laws benefit whoever is in power and are used against whoever isn't.

Poland was fucked by the nazis, by the communists and abandoned by the allies. They should be left alone to do whatever they want.

I think that the biggest grip isn't really with changing the means of choosing the judges, but that when the act becomes law, all current SC judges will be suspended, with the minister of Justice being able to remove the suspension with no accountability of his own - there are no rules provided on who will stay on suspension and who will return to work. Moreover, while the means of choosing SC judges are provided by a simple parliamentary act, the First Head of SC is a position that's protected by the constitution with a clear rule that they cannot be removed unless there's some serious charge against them. PiS tries to avoid that by saying it's a suspension, not removal but it's shaky.

So while later the new judges will be chosen by parliament, right now a single person will decide who can stay and who can't, and there aren't any rules that force him to follow anything but his personal opinion about them.

It states in constitution that judges can be removed if changes to courts are being introduced.

Basically in constitution it states that it's PEOPLE who are the biggest power.

Not some fucks who prevented so many criminals to face charges and trials.

Is it time of justice??

I've been kicking that idea around for years now. That we could better represent ourselves. Would still need a court system to ensure the core principals or constitution are upheld, otherwise all digital.

So as I understand it, polish civilians can only own firearms if allowed a license for "legitimate reasons". How can you defend against tyranny if the government won't allow you to be armed? Seems like a difficult situation.

>How can you defend against tyranny
You're funny.


I know, an outdated ideal. Especially when tyranny is often self imposed.

I call this change bullshit, because nothing changes for normal citizen

>people in poland wont read anything more than header
>expecting them to read law proposal document

First of all, the problem with polish judges are fucked up technique of proofs (you need proofs for anything, even to see obviosus thing like 2m tall persong fiting in doors), requirement for specialist in every thing because "muh proofs" and many more loopholes, that allows to break judges work like asking for rerading whole documentation on case etc that cant be denyied. There;s many more, that remain unanswered and unchanged. People calling this "change for normal people" obviously lies, because this law proposal is mainly about how top tier judges and law organisations should pick their members

>muh communist boogeyman
People who know only MUH HUSSARIA STRONK dont know that polish scene was purged out of any communists in 1991-1999. Thatsy why mr Piotrowicz is also mad about, becaus ehe lost his job due to purge (seriously, this guy is retarded, he claims that his job was more dangerous than those, who fought and got killed by ZOMO)

>muh opposition
Polish opposition is just plain retarded, thas why its easier to bring those law with serious loopholes and simply logic errors

>polish media
Just another retarded option, because if poles wont read some big walls of text without emotion etc, press/tv would die. Thats why most magazines/tv stations pick their side and openly lie about many thing, to get viewers

>bbut muh germany, austra etc have similiar law
Nope, its just a short memebox without proofs and description. Read about how for example germany court works and how high memebrs of the court are elected

>poland finally be free!
Poland will never be free, when normal citizen brags about muh hussaria, muh poland stronk we will fuck russia.germany eu, while acting like wild animal, selling their dignity for some discounts in biedronka, and openly selling of pride for sucking political parties dick

>you are a commie son etc
The most retarded argument - if you had (even when not knowing about it) commie in your family, someone will use it against you because well, you had any option of choosing parents?

And last, most poles are just plain stupid, blaming others for their faults and refusing to read some things to educate themselfs. WHen calling others about how goverment/opposition is bad, remmeber that someone elected them, and now cries about how politicians are so bad and mean

You nearly described the US with that statement, minus the communist purge.

I understand your frustration, hard to get normal people interested in their country's policy. I believe that laws and policies are written in an overly complicated way on purpose to achieve such apathy.