42 golf trips

42 golf trips.
O bills passed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hahaha he's fat. He'll pass his anti BDS law though. That should be Booby Blowsandyahoo behind him


Good. Let him do nothing but golf all day and night. We sure as hell don't need him in the white house passing bills.


>It's the President's job to pass legislation
>what is congress
CNN education, everyone

Log off your wifi to samefag on /pol

>being mad that the person you think will ruin your country isn't doing it fast enough

No WW3, no wall, economy fine. Wtf is people complaining about, tweets? Fuck off CNN! FAKE NEWS

I guess that's why u retards have been bitching about CONGRESSCARE for 7 years

Kys canadafag

Israel cheezie

last 3 digits of my id are the number of aids riddled cocks op has blown

also sage slide threads

Shouldn't liberals be glad about this? They got so worked up about trump bringing forth the fourth reich or something, and now they're mad he's not passing any laws??

(866) 347-2423 deport illegals

Does CNN even have a basic understanding of the structure of our government?

Woww! u actually have pictures of two men fake fucking saved on your computer?

>vaginas are dindu pockets
Stupid dense super gonorrhoea zika throat cancer period estrogen yeast infection mucus fungal cuck. Truvada. Doesnt work on women

It's not real fucking? You kiss girls? Hahahahaha!

If a dick has gonorrhea i can see that. You just see slime holes and fuck em bare back anyways. We wear condoms. You dont


Please bump me before they archive me again.

42 shitposts, 0 brain cells

A) Presidents don't pass bills, Duh.
B) 28 bills in first 100 days, more than any president in the past 70 yrs (since Truman)



You can read, right?

Yeh what gives I need some more laws n shit I'm a little too free

>unarchived clickbaiters

>businessinsider com/trump-100-days-congress-regulations-laws-signed-repeal-obama-2017-4/#the-president-signed-hr-609-on-march-13-the-bill-designates-a-department-of-veterans-affairs-healthcare-center-in-butler-county-pennsylvania-the-abie-abraham-va-clinic-1
>politifact com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/apr/27/sean-spicer/trump-has-signed-more-bills-100-days-any-president

This is how far Sup Forums has fallen. This is the kind of joke they use to distract themselves.

>he doesn't know what samefag is


hey Steve

Our Daddy taught u snot to be ashamed

2nd one is just perfect

Don't you have debts to pay, Manuel?

>O bills passed.
morons thinking the president passes bills
>congress passes, prez signs
Trump can't sign something until the congresscritters get their shit together and pass a bill.
>VA reform passed and signed along with 38 other acts of legislation signed since Jan 20th.

0 Bills passed?

>along with 38 other acts of legislation signed since Jan 20th.

bragging about bills naming highways and post offices

dont forget
>number of liberal tears collected:(you)