Why are we being lied to about North Korea?

Why are we being lied to about North Korea?

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they rbcause they are anti jew

what are the lies being told about them?

Because they are off the "grid" the same as Nazi Germany was. If ((they)) can't influence a foreign government then it's a threat to their agenda.

Think about it, North Korea put all of their resources into building a nuke just so they could remain nationalist. Kim Jong Un has complete power over his country, their economy is booming, and they are totally self reliant. Can you see how that is a threat to the global banking status quo?

If a Sup Forums tard was able to create and lead their own country, it would most likely look more like North Korea than any western country. Think about it.

You should go there and see for yourself.

Most westerners love it so much, they are never heard from again.

I'm open to the idea that we are being fed propaganda, but Communist countries really do have a terrible track record in almost every regard. I would need proof to believe that NK is any better than any of the other communist failures.

why did you airbrush out their flying cars and ultra quick transportation tubes

They aren't self reliant, they rely on China and foreign aid

NK is a poor, Soviet tier shithole, anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded

>Most westerners love it so much, they are never heard from again.
who told you this?

>NK is a poor, Soviet tier shithole, anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded
who told you this?

I bet the truth is somewhere in the middle. NK's probably realistically got a comparable standard of living to the the rest Asian countries, all things considered. maybe even better.

asians are notoriously pragmatic. look at how they do things in Africa when give the chance. I do not believe for a second that an Asian country, ran by Asians, would have a lower standard of living than any other Asian country ran by Asians. nations are typically exactly as good as their inhabitants, except when you let Jews run things.

I doubt it's a utopia or anything...but at this point, a homogenous community free of outside influence sounds like utopia.

That big wide open street is missing something.

Really activates my almonds.

I bet 100 bucks these buildings aren't safe to be in.

dunno m8

I've got a whole scad of pictures from some guy doing a telecom job there

>I doubt it's a utopia or anything...but at this point, a homogenous community free of outside influence sounds like utopia.

We aren't, though? What do you mean? Its a fucking terrible place to live. They're literally last on the index of economic freedom.

they're poor as fuck the people are so malnourished they have stunted growth you retard

Leafs aren't even useful for kindling. They put forth a flashpoint and that's about it.

Outside Pyongyang is shit. also, the western media views too are very biases, but only people living in pyongyang, that said, life on the capital it's not that bad, but outside the capital is extremaly poor, africa tier poor.

Bruh, there's hundreds of documentaries and tourist videos all from different sources that all point to that conclusion.

Take your tinfoil hat off and stop LARPing. It's embarrassing.

thats a fucking painting op

>Soviet tier shithole
That tells. Russians (not me, the others) have Soviet nostalgia, they want the Soviet times back.

North Korea is super nationalist, and they're one of the few left who don't have a central bank that's owned by the Rothchilds.

Now you know why (((they))) want people to hate them.

Fucking nigger. Do you honestly believe that all of North Korea is like Pyongyang and what their propaganda says?

The only reason North Korea hasn't collapsed yet is because China is keeping their rotting, dying body upright, since having a meatshield against capitalist interests is to their interest.

Rose-tinted glasses. The Soviet times were brutal and shitty, but at least you had a lot of things guaranteed by the state, and you wouldn't die homeless on the street.

I'm sure you're aware of how Russia's economy went to total shit in the 90s and early 2000s. In that scenario a lot of people would want guaranteed things back, even if they knew it was shit.

Nowadays only fucking retards who never lived through Soviet times would say that they should come back.

There's paranoid conspiracies, and then there's this retard's paranoid conspiracies.

People hate North Korea because it's a genocidal fuckwit of a regime that threatens to do two things: shit nukes everywhere, and create a refugee crisis the likes of which the world has never seen.

Compare it to a man standing in a crowded elevator with a suicide vest. Of course he won't survive if shit happens, but people around him better agree to his demands if they don't want things to occur they'd rather not have.

Found the kike.

Calling out a paranoid conspiracy theorist is enough to be labelled a Jewish agent now?

Fucking hell you larping tween. Little shits like you swarming from Reddit and shitting racism everywhere without considering WHY are the sole reason that Sup Forums is as shit as it is nowadays.

Be gone, Jew.

Be gone to Reddit from whence you came.

12 year olds like you really shouldn't be on Sup Forums.

Pretty sure that photo is computer generated


They send dead body ship to Japan on every year.Is this fake news?

you hate cities but you like north koreas only city because it only has koreans. this really is stormfront

well, it's not as bad as how Vice and CNN portray it as a cartoonish hell on earth.

The average Nork lives a hell of a lot better than the average African, and probably even a lot better than many people in South-East Asia.

It's true that the rural parts of NK are pretty impoverished, but it's the same in most of the world. The famines ended two decades ago and since 2010 or so NK's economy has actually been growing considerably and living standards improving.

who have they genocided?


Mystery as North Korean ghost ships filled with ROTTING CORPSES wash ashore in Japan
>Authorities were left baffled by the arrival of dozens of rickety boats over the last few years

who told you that?

I use to think that a lot of NK stuff was actually western propaganda until that one nk user did those threads. "You don't know how good you have it"

Isn't it funny how all pictures of nk published in the media always have overcast weather

you guys are looking at their capital which you have to be extremely loyal to the communist regime to be even allowed in. Even NK defectors say that Pyongyang is an alright place. Its the rest of the country that is complete shit and lacks food and basic infrastructure.

Im sure the country isnt as bad as fake news says it is. Just like how they hyped iraq as a super shit hole. Its still a shit hole though and freedom is very limited.

There is no (((central bank))) in DPRK. Trump wants to invade and change this to appease his (((masters))).