Used to be a liberal when I first grew into politics

>used to be a liberal when I first grew into politics
>zeitgeist shit made me hate Christianity and distrust the government for 9/11
>hate the corrupt and corporatist economic finance system, dabbled in Communism because of it
>bite the redpill hard about communism, grow to hate it too
>watch/realize the entire left from liberals to communists to anarchists are nothing but Marxists
>alienated by Christian sharia corporate suits on the right and marxists who only care about destroying civilization on the left

I don't feel at home anywhere anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anarchists aren't all communist. Some of us just want to see the system crash and burn. What happens after that is irrelevant .


You're in the extreme minority of people who identify as anarchists. Most of them are anarcho-communists or syndicalists or whatever, Antifa wants to replace an authoritarian corrupt police state with their own authoritarian corrupt police state so that whole movement is fucked and owned by marxists.

Respect though for being a genuine anarchist, I'm leaning that way at this point myself even though I feel like people would centralize power back into states and authoritarianism after a while.

They would but if society feel into anarchy all the commies and fascist would end up killing each other. Fucking win win. Then those of us who just want to live a reasonable life can do so. I'm tired of fucking ideology.

But the underlying cause of communism and fascism would continue to exist. Anarchism in all ways is just a temporary solution that's more like a single isolated state that quickly disappoints as opposed to an actual governmental doctrine.


>the corrupt and corporatist economic finance system
I can tell you're nearly underage because of the way you phrase your stupidity. Now, before you lock me in for opposition, let me be clear: I was once sitting where you were politically. But now I'm a diehard capitalist for many reasons.

First of all, communism and socialism don't work and have never worked. But a total free market ancap world wouldn't work either. The game is to increase the standard of living for all that are living, and to do that you need a free market that's subject to government inspection. This free-ish market system is what we have today and it's working beautifully. Look at the average American living situation- two-story house, plumbing, electricity, food, running and hot water, a car or two, and money left over for fun stuff. Go back 100 years and it was a luxury to have a car or a two story house, not to mention both. Think communism got us here? Nope.

Corporations have skin in the game, and that's what makes for good innovation. Government oversight in socialism or communism is bad because the government doesn't have skin in the game- a company is do or die, a government sucks the money out of our pockets via taxes which is guaranteed money for them. Competition and mortality drive innovation, without these two elements you stagnate hard.

But letting corporations run the show is bad because infinite choice and infinite information doesn't exist for the average consumer. That's why you have Uncle Sam do audits, and why you can file lawsuits. In effect, corporations run the show, but the government makes sure there's no foul play.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter if a corporation is evil. Just vote in representatives that will outlaw or dismantle those companies' practices and vote in judges that will handle cases in accordance with the law. Everyone wins this way..

He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.

stalinism is the ultimate redpill

Trotzki spins in his grave

good the jew had it coming

>Some of us just want to see the system crash and burn

You say that now but wait till it actually happens and people are robbing your shit abd beating your ass

I'm worried about my lifetime not future generations. Regardless of what happens even if we managed to create a perfect world its going to get fucked up again at some point. Let future generations deal with their revolution and we'll deal with ours.

Oh I know marxism doesn't work, but we live in corporatism where these monopolies aren't being checked because corruption lets special interests own our democracies. Nearly every corporation works together and adopts the same bad practices, government, even if they wanted to, couldn't attack them for it without it crushing entire sectors of the economy because the entire system is dependent on joint abuses where none of them can be singled out.

Capitalism at heart is the only possible form of government but what do you do about late stage capitalism/corporatism like what we're experiencing now? We haven't experienced genuine capitalism in decades, and Marxism is obviously not the answer. What is?

Go after the monopolies.


>im the only whos capable of defending myself.
I'm American. I do have the ability to defend myself. Also I'd probably go innawoods till things calmed down a bit anyway
Not to mention I don't believe for a second that a majority of people will be raping and pillaging

Basically cut down the tree when it gets too tall?

That's the conclusion I keep reaching. Ancapitalism is pure chaos where growth of any kind is borderline impossible, and those that do grow to dominate the whole country through corporatism. Regular capitalism like what we've experienced in real life results in the same thing through darwinism as the strongest businesses dominate everything and they're too big to fail.

The only conclusion I can reach is having a free market that stops growth beyond a certain point so you don't get trillionaire Jews and monopolies.

explain this floor is food pic

This along with ending overseas tax havens by creating a one-time repatriation of funds rate and taxing heavily expatriation of funds should do the trick. Renegotiating trade deals, deregulation, navigating specific issues to ensure fair and free market access (ending net neutrality to fuck over monopolistic ISPs and give little ISPs a chance is a good example), reviving the manufacturing industry in America, better information flow (with mainstream options that aren't msm), etc other stuff is icing on the cake, the first bit is how you fix it, the latter is how you improve it.

And what if anybody who wants to do that turns out to be a corporate shill tied up in red tape?

I don't see anyway around it. Humans are greedy and greed is a manifestation of our primal instincts to survive. That may or may not go away in a few thousand years as we keep evolving but realistically for that you happen things would have to play out a certain way. When it gets down to it, shits all fucked up man. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out.

When a democratic government doesn't serve its constituents' wishes, you know what happens. Luckily we have Trump and his admin who is doing or in the process of doing everything I said.

Holy fuck the Donald won't leave.

>gommies don't have food because gommunism a shit

You have just described the major political diaspora of the age. We cant side with the left because they will destroy civilisation and we can't side with the right because they will destroy the individual. The biggest joke is the left claim to be the heroes of civilisation and the right the heroes of the individual.

corporations are by definition GOOD
they produce something for trade
a crony communist getting tax money might have a corporate stucture but is not a real corpoateion is a capitalist sens just a shell to gank tax money they cant get in fre market elon musk style

most anarchist are beta males though they would be the first to get raped and killed

Then you're just an idiot.
If the system was to ''crash and burn'' and there was anarchism, it would naturally turn into anarcho capitalism.
Stop LARPing as an Anarchist and just be a libertarian/AnCap already.

What the fuck do you think would happen with no government, retard?
You think people would just stop owning things and not protect their own capital? You think people wouldn't trade their things for other people's things? You think people wouldn't be territorial and create institutions to protect their property better?

Fuck off newfag I've been here since the election

Corporations are a government enforced scheme that fucks over everyone but the owners.
Corporations are nothing but money laundering scheme that allow share holders to distance themselves from a company and responsibilities.
Corporations are why really sleazy piece of shit people can replace an entire company with cheap Indian workers, make an insane amount of profit by ''saving money'' and then watch the company burn as they don't have to lose any money or worry about what they've done. Thousands of lives ruined, jobs lost, Indians imported into white countries, and none of the people at the top suffer any losses because corporations exist.


no corporations are how you get things done

marx could never see the modern corporation

capitalism made america and hong kong great as well as sweden and china

Corporations are not capitalism. That's literally corporatism.
Here are arguments

>Fuck off newfag I've been here since the election

youtube yaron brook
ayn rand was always right
corporations are hoiw u produce stuff

A money laundering scheme is definitely not how you produce stuff.

therefore lower gov spending so onyl willing payign custoemrs make u money in corpoation!