Polygamy is the future, family is not

Polygamy is the future, family is not.

The world is changing by the minute. For thousands of people, casual sex is just one screen swipe away. The American work force has changed drastically over the last thirty years. Women now receive more college degrees than men and thus have a higher earning potential. Men on the other had have begun a trend of regression by choosing not to go to college and taking less paying and successful careers.

Why on Earth would an educated woman choose a lesser partner just because he's single? An expansion to my argument would be that if you were to look at statistical data you could easily see that women out number men in every age group past child hood. So logic would dictate that woman have fewer choices in a partners than men. With a smaller pool of mates to choose from this leaves women with the choice to hope there is a good single man left, try and take another woman's husband, or live in a plural marriage.

I see no reason what so ever that 3 or more consenting individuals couldn't make a healthy and happy life together even regardless of age. As for the legal side it's only a matter of time until outdated laws get overturned. We as a society need to practice acceptance of others and be more open minded in general.

It mostly depend on where you live and who you allow to influence you. Here where I am almost all women I know eventually wants at least one children and own family. Some didnt go through marriage procedure, but thats the extend of it. I dont see what are you describing.

If a few men get all the women then the leftover men aren't going to just sit back and contribute to society. It will end in disaster.

Polygamy is natural but nature is the opposite of civilisation.

During the 60s the hippies tried to start a free love revolution with open relationships and polygamy. Despite this what happened was people in these groups always formed monogamous relationships.

t. turkem ouzebek tchetchen from rossiaskaiaalmuslima

In reality, all this kind of lifestyle leads to is either single motherhood supported by the state, or no children at all.

The idea of high paid women having many children outside a monogamous marriage just doesn't happen. By the time these women are old enough to actually want children, they regret not getting married younger, can't find a man and die childless. Or else they got knocked up and scrape by with bennies on their own, with no chance of attracting a self-respecting man.

Traditional, young married couples are the only people producing quality children, all other methods of reproduction are unproductive or produce little criminals.

It's a numbers game that either traditional families or possibly single mothers will win, if the state continues to gib and society continues to slacken it's morals. In which case we're fucked, because all of our children will be criminals.

Stop being a degenerate.

>We as a society need to practice acceptance of others and be more open minded in general.
gave it away. Fuck off kike

and what the beta fags would do? kill themselves?

i feel like there are too many options. this may be an illusion.

You can't sustain civilisations through polygamy.

This thread is designed to subconsciously brainwash you into become a degenerate sexual deviant. SAGE.

These were true for many centuries but now with automation, the beta plebs can be replaced and alpha chads can have 3 wives each

>implying it's a good thing
Who's gonna work and make money for Mr. Shekelstein if betas start offing themselves?

My mistake
Sup Forums and sexual don't go together

>just one screen swipe away
What are you going to do when your precious screens go away huh?
Family --> society --> production --> consumerism
Take the first one away and tou house of cards will go with it.

>Women now receive more college degrees than men and thus have a higher earning potential.

Women have always had more earning potential because they can whore themselves out for over 300k a year. The real issue is that immigration and globalism has devalued humanity as a whole, every person is essentially replaceable. Women aren't going to thrive in this system no one is except those already rich enough.

Russian feminist stop shitposting already.


Go burn yourself Bolsheviks. Monogamy has thousands of years of evolution pushing us towards it.

This is wrong. We've been evolving towards monogamy for at least ten thousand years if not 100,000.

I think that's essentially what happens in islam, all the successful ones get a couple wives each and the beta fags go fail miserably trying to make war to prove themselves.

>make polygamy legal
>beaners , niggers, and sand niggers start having 6 wives each
>30 kids in every family
>now you get to pay for even more welfare so Muhammad can do literally nothing all day and live off the white man
Who thought this shit was a good idea?

and who drives automation, creates and maintains the machines and develops the technology? Trevor the fullback?

No. Polygamy is very rare in Islam today because Islam is not in warmode.

For polygamy to be viable, the tribe needs to be on a warpath, loosing at least 25% of their male population and gaining female members of other tribes.

Even when polygamy does happen, it is usually limited to a second wife only.

this new modern liberalism is only proving that tradition is the best, not the opposite

>be 'liberated' degenerate
>get aids
>get a worthless degree
>cant pay debt
>cant afford anything
>no family by 30 either
>die at 35 all alone and hopeless


>poligamy is the future, family is not
This gave it away as a shit bait.

>go fail miserably trying to make war to prove themselves
Or just go wreck someone right at their home. Polygamy is exact reason why muslim societies just cant stop being fucked by western psyops, society full of frustrates males is volatile and by no means healthy.

"Polygamy is the future."

Actually it's not. If humanity has any hope we need to regress to a more traditional lifestyle, not move to polygamy and a bunch of random weird sex.
Our entire society is based around a family unit and we think we're going to destroy that in a generation and our species will survive? Nah.

Western women are influenced by Christianity. Despite them hoovering up all the degenerate leftisms their worldview still agrees with the fundamental Christian worldview on polygamy.

Polygamy is primarily an education & economic issue. The Man and first wife are typically "equal" to traditionally optimized, additional wives are an order of magnitude lower in education and economic standing then the first wife so that the first wife has preeminence in the household.
The real key to fixing western culture is a return to more traditional multi-generational family structures. Smashing the boomer individualist culture because it is unsustainable.