Poland happenings

So the rulling party is trying to override the power separation by approving series of laws allowing them to pick and kick any judge in any court including Supreme Court.

It's obviously a terrible thing for a country when courts become political. What people need to understand is that protests that we have right now are not defending the judges themselves, but the democratic constitution we have. The new laws are breaking it.

The refugees and other pepe themes are not important right now and I don't fucking care if PiS wants to take in or not the refugees. What's important right now is to defend our democracy and freedom, as without them this nation is going to perish.

Let the Russian shills with Polish flags begin their dance in the comments, I'll see any of you sane ones on a protest tonight.
>also pictured: cucks, normies, old commies and useful idiots

Other urls found in this thread:


Go fuck yourself leftist shill. If implementing rules like in Germany means Poland will have "no power separation" that means Germany hasn't had power separation for years.

You leftards are the biggest pieces of shit on this planet. Always with lies, hypocrisy, manipulation and propaganda. Human garbage.

Please leave the EU.

Thank you.

Poland is dead

How much did they pay you to shill your leftie garbage on a natsoc/libertarian site?

On one hand, yes, this is threatening the separation of power.

On the other hand, you fucking well know we have commie judges in courts.

What the fuck are these protesters even trying to achive?
Kick PiS out of power? That's illegal.
Ask for a referendum? Nigger according to polish law referendums are just a suggestion for the people in power.

I've seen countless pictures of these protests with cucks with their phones out, taking pictures of themselves or whatever. They're only there to brag on jewbook later on

How many threads are you going to make about your country finding its balls, Jew?

After you, mohammet.

with pleasure. I'd leave this shithole this minute

btw plz stop buying polish lands in silesia and pomerania

>I'd leave this shithole this minute

That's a relief.

Lolbertarians are cucks.

>On the other hand, you fucking well know we have commie judges in courts.
And they won't live forever. That disgusting clone cannot into that fact.


So much this.

Where are the new judges going to come from?

They are already getting their children into positions, its fucking hard to get into some better position without some sort of uncle in "business" already.

Op is an idiot.
You can fix politics and economy
You cannot fix a genocide or an invasion.
Only priority is stopping immigration.
Rest is secondary



>calling others shitholes

party nominations, probably

the ministry of justice already started 300+ judge contests

We are not germany and shouldn't try to imitate it, I'd rather switch to U.S. common law if we're trying to replicate western countries

>Russian shills with Polish flags
Also muh heritage trumpists trying to convince themselves that democracies are shit anyways despite living and prospering in one of them

This is EU propaganda


Judges have been appointed by our politicians for years. Nobody cares. The only reason why this is in the news is because Poland is giving the EU the finger, so the MSM mouthpieces are being put to work to badmouth the evil racist polish government.

The backlash is overly big but I still don't like that national socialists can handpick the Supreme Court for next 6 years

So it doesn't bother you that your beloved PiS tries to emulate Germany in many aspects (this law, 500+ aka Kindergeld) but when the opposition parties do the same it's treason of the highest order?

Why are PiSturds always complete brainlets incapable of logical thought?

>implementing rules like in Germany
That's objectively wrong and you know that. Majority in Bundestag is unable to pick and kick the Supreme Court judges on demand.

I bet we'll be kicked soon enough.

However the party deems worthly.

That's not an argument in Poland. We just have Ukrainians.

Again, wrong. You're repeating what you've been told without critically analyzing it.

Again, wrong. The new law will allow the rulling party to choose the judges on whim without any consultations. You don't have that, separation of power limits the ingerention of the other branches of govt into the judiciary.

>The new laws are breaking it.

Welcome to the club

holy shit what a faggot, be thankful Poland is not becoming less ethnically Polish, you cocksucker

You want PO back? because that's how you get PO back...

In my country shitskins don't rape, murder and add little girls to kebab meat.
In the progressive UK on the other hand...
pic rel




you faggot

I'm confused, how are judges elected ATM ?Is this for all judges or just Supreme court ones?

>defend our democracy and freedom
stop shilling

This entire thing is against Polish law. That's pretty great, actually.
This means that if PiS doesn't get reelected then any opposition put into power won't hesitate to put them all in jail, which in turn gives them incentive to govern well.
Only thing that would make people of any country overthrow their government is poverty. Nothing else.

It's political, but it's not POLITICALLY DEPENDAND.
Imagine if Trump or Obama kicked out all the Supreme Court judges that are against his reform. What would happen on the streets of us? They want to do that here.

ATM judges decide within themselves who should be appointed and the reccommendation has to be accepted by the President.

>On the other hand, you fucking well know we have commie judges in courts.
Even ignoring the fact that all judges who did actual unlawful shit during PRL got purged during the lustration, the average age of judge in Poland is 38. They were 10 year old when communism fell, so how the FUCK could they ever serve the communist state?

If PiS wants to go on an anti-communist witch hunt perhaps they should start with their own fucking party and scum like Piotrowicz, who was a PZPR member and a state prosecutor during the Martial Law. Just a suggestion.

desu in US Roosevelt did the same shit with new deal, but instead of kicking the judges he appointed new ones without removing any because the us constitution doesn't specify how many judges are there in scotus

Your country is at a turning point. Either you get your birthrate up and permaban all shitskin immigration, or Poland dies like western europe, faggot

that's all that matters

that's the only thing that matters

We've been living under a shitty leftist dictatorship for quite some time.

See ya, and remember Belarus is this way ----------------------->

Oh, btw, Supreme Court controls the elections in Poland.
So... For destroying the separation of power the rulling party could be tried for treason after the change of government. Why would you accept the election results then, if you don't have to?

>When Małgorzata Gersdorf, the president of the supreme court

>The head of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Gersdorf, who was member of the anti-communist Solidarity movement in the 1980s

>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.

So to sum up:
Poland is the first country that wants into EU and capitalism in Soviet Union.
Poland happy when EU was created with Soros' help, so Poland could migrate around Europe and get EU/Soros money.
Poland now against own EU creation, while Soros still supports his judges of democracy who destroyed Communism.
Poland now goes soft Communism, but still blames Commies.
Poland goes on streets, plays 2 sides of Commies and pro-government freedom people, hires cameras to record how they scream some Communist and anti-Communist slogans.

Poland just has a power struggle among different capitalists. Poland is becoming Romania.

What is king korwins standpoint on this situation?

>They were 10 year old when communism fell, so how the FUCK could they ever serve the communist state?
all western education systems have been compromised since the late 1960s, coincidentally right after the soviets realized that they were going to lose the cold war, badly, if they tried a direct confrontation with NATO.

>Having full control of your JEWdiciary.

Good idea.

And economy due PiS is going great, record low unemployment, fast growing, budget surplus despite social expenses.

Got ot hell, lefty

shot both

he literally said that both the government and opposition should be shot

read the fucking budget you idiot, it was expected to have surplus by july

500+ needs to be abandoned because we're cerating a welfare leech class

He would shoot both the commies protesting and the ones in power actually kek

You see, that's actually smart. He didn't broke the constitution to do that.
PiS is shitting over the law constantly the last few days. They all should've been fined and arrested right now because it's already criminal.

>need to increase birthrate
advice Poland
>destroy free courts

Sounds great, doesn't work.

Democracy is overrated when invading hordes of savages are at the door.
This will only help the jews.

Nobody would take that seriously, overruling elections for no good reason would absolutely destroy Polish foreign relations and even warrant foreign military intervention. And well, isn't the Supreme Court controlled by the ruling party now?


I feel for you Poland. No matter what happens, in the end we will bash the fash together, as comrades. Duda, Orban, Trump, even Putin, all nationalists will feel the mighty foot of the people up their asses.

I want a new, intelligent opposition to take over and restore order in this country. I don't even care if it's left or right at this point, it's all fucking buzzwords for morons anyway, as we can see with the "right wing" PiS passing socialist policies and the "left wing" PO opposing LGBT laws.

No, that's Constitutional Tribunal.

At last they have children.

I would also have children if I wasn't forced to give away 60% of my wealth in taxes each year. I'm not going to breed just for the sake of it, I want my child to have a good stable future and right now I'm not able to guarantee it.

Duda is just a marionette, he is basically manipulated to do anything the rulling party likes. I don't mind him that much. Of course he's going to prison with the rest of them fuckos when the day comes.


Korwin is in EU parlimanet, which means he gets EU salary. Poland salaries are lower for Polish politicians. All Korwin needs to do is whistle on Polish mentality to get elected for another 5 years into EU parliament.

Yeah, I agree. Hopefully something is going to crystalize over the next few months. I don't want to support KOD either as it seems like they're Solidarity larping faggots. I'd rather have a new, modern movement.

Only if he survives the beatings.

He's a millionaire anyway, I don't think he cares about the salary at this point.

I hope not, we should be above the use of violence. But who know, we should be prepared for the worst.

And if we have to choose between 500+ or importing shitskins to improve birthrate, 500+ is much, much better option.

>It's obviously a terrible thing for a country when courts become political

But that was the issue, judiciary system became self-appointed mafia with same surnames since Bierut's rule (explantion for non-Poles - Moscow's puppet during Stalin's period). Who is supposed to regulate the courts if not the party currently in power? Voters gave PiS mandate to introduce those changes, neo-liberal opposition is mad because it's only democracy if they are the ones in power, we've heard this groan since 2015

Honestly you should just have children anyway before it's too late. There are no guarantees in life.

Prussia is Polish clay now and forever more.
Fear the Pole kraut, for now his military is much stronger than yours

Lets not think about what isn't important. What's important is what's written down and is a fact. I don't care what politicians say, only what they sign.

It still doesn't work. The birthrate needs to skyrocket, but it it barely moved up.

Modern movement will be EU puppet and will take 500000 immigrants in half a year, we will become Germany and France in a heartbeat, the best thing we have is that we are not west.

Lel PiS did fuck all. The economy is doing good because, if you havent noticed yet, Europe as a whole has entered a "good koniunktura" period, just like shortly before the 2008 financial crisis broke out. Even Spain is finally under 20% unemployment and with 3,5% projected growth this year.

Our growth is good only in the overall sense anyways, we're actually doing pretty badly compared to most of our neigbbours from the region, I mean fucking Romania is having like 5,5% projected GDP growth this year, while the Balt-dicks are closing up to 4,5-5%. Our measly 3,2% projected growth looks fucking abysmal in comparison.

>mandate to introduce those changes
Constitutional mandate. These laws are directly against Constitution.

Birthrate is never a problem. How much you produce is so much you produce. You don't need to produce more than your country needs, unless you don't produce for yourself, then it's never enough.

Are you so deluded you actually believe you live in a democratic country? Do you really believe democratic countries exist nowadays? As long as they are not (((internationalist))) rats you should be happy your leaders have more powers to stand against the internationalist menace.

^This. PiS is strong because everyone else is shit-tier. The get majority of the voters, but over half of people are against their government, when you look at the approval polls. They're simply the strongest option out here, it's not as if there's an alt-right wave sweeping through the nation. It's just bastards v. bastards that give you 500zl per child.

It's too far gone for that. As I write this, fashies from all over the world are having wet dreams about killing democracy with violence. We should fuck them up.

They have two choices basically - go for the ancap option and cut taxes and some welfare (especially targeted at non-parents) or continue the path they've been walking so far and give free housing to new parents as lack of affordable houses seems to be the biggest bottleneck, I think.

Nice larp

Aussie here, redpill me on poland. Are you guys getting another pinochet?

You're scared, and scared people say stupid shit. Nobody wanted us to take 500 000 migrants, the number was 20 000. And EU would pay for them. That's not much. Anyway we've got the right not to take them, seeing that we already took 1 000 000 Ukraininans.

>As I write this, fashies from all over the world are having wet dreams about killing democracy with violence


You misspelled "antifa retards". Pic related, a little antifa tyke who is the pride and joy of mom and dad burning a police car at G20.

Oh cry me a river! Kaczyński isn't even a member of the parliament!

>becoming France or Germany
>bad thing

Are you even a Pole? I'd prefer getting raped by Somali dudes every Sunday and getting decent roads and housing to being stuck in this Gdynia-ass country

Pot calling the kettle black. The fashy renaissance is only happening because you're able to delude and agitate from behind your PCs. Take this to the streets and you will be Mussolini'd.

Pole here, redpill me on Pinochet, so I can redpill the aussie on if we're getting one

Not really, The Chairman just wants to settle some old rivarlies of his and he needs the courts for that. Some old commies will end up in jail, that's all.

Which articles exactly? Or perhaps in 2000 years we will still use the same constitution? PO did a lot less transparent shit in 2015 with supreme court judges. Nobody gave a shit (onet and all Germany controlled media)

First we need to clear what democracy is.
Democracy is:
- human decides
So do you decide if they drop migrants in your town? If not, then it's not democracy. Do you vote how high the taxes are in your town? If not, then it's not democracy.
Democracy doesn't exist in Democracy.

He's literally an MP, retard.

Nazi delusions are doing far more damage to society than a burning police car, you idiotic nerd.

Chilean dictator, made the economy really good by implementing some ancap reforms.


lel freedom to be flooded by shitskin and choose from which country theyre from

I just realized I posted in thread made by paid EU operatives where two 'Poles' argue by agreeing with each other.

How does it work, btw? Do you get paid per comment made, by work done or per hour?

>But that was the issue, judiciary system became self-appointed mafia with same surnames since Bierut's rule
Any examples or are you just throwing shit at the wall and hope it's sticks?

>Voters gave PiS mandate to introduce those changes
Bullshit, they got no constitutional (66%+) majority in the parliament that would give them the mandate to introduce such drastic changes. What they're doing now is breaking the Constitution, plain and simple. Whatever party takes over after them will have a legit cause to put them under the State Tribunal after all is said and done. Then again we might not have another free elections at this point if things keep progressing as quickly as they do.

>threw commies out of helicopter
>Saved country overnight
>Economy went STRAIGHT UP
>Chile became 1st world country and best country in south america

living proof that ancap works to a degree. at least the market side of things.

>I'd prefer getting raped by Somali dudes every Sunday and getting gibs

thats why nobody is taking you KOD here seriously. You just want to have gibs and the world can burn. Who would care about heritage when you can get gibs, right?

We can become France or Germany in a hearbeat? Just tell us how and we'll do it.


Song related. Everyone needs to listen!