BUT HE'S SIMPLY NOT WHAT PEOPLE THINK "HE" IS. God isn't some guy that sits on a throne somewhere up above, waving a magic wand and making stuff happen. God is a word for "everything", and "everything" is what we call "God". All of reality is constructed of him. It was once said "Split a piece of wood, and i am there. Look under a stone, and i am there." That's why i'm sure The Creation Theory and The Evolution Theory are both correct (Both, that's why no one can figure out which is true). God uses evolution as a tool to create with. He creates within all of existence (the Universe, once basically empty). Within this reality, God created us... just as we, in turn, create (computers, for example). "Life" is sort of like "God's Saved Memory"... in the hard disk. An awesome notion is, it is probably going on elsewhere as well, (humanoid-like life, due to convergent evolution). By that i mean other planets. As for The Bible... the above justifies why man can say it's God's word, yet it's written by men. It is and it isn't. As for Jesus? He was a man that was an Indigo or something like that... closest to the core of God/Universe. In other words, God's consciousness resided particularly strongly in him, at least partly, making him "The son of God"... being aware of God's existence as a fact (his soul held a large portion of the "memory"). Others before Jesus, and since, have had the "higher knowledge" as well... maybe just not AS high. God's consciousness exists in all of us, that's what GOD is. Am i nuts? No. i'm just a scientist who knows what he knows. God is just the "essence" of what the universe is. Naturally, like everyone and everything else, i could be wrong. But i maintain we're all tiny pieces of God...


prove it

existence can be existence without everyone calling it God. This is a delusion people tell themselves to make them believe that someone is in control.

Nothing was made into something, and something was put into motion by nothing, by pure chance.

This is what Atheists believe. No, prove it.

Good old good is everything. Nice unfalsifiable idea you got there. It's worth less than the nutty conspiracy theories like reptilians and chemtrails.

Cool asspull bro

i don't have to prove anything, i never gave an statement, if you're the one saying there's an invisible something YOU have to prove it.
have you heard about the burden of the proof?
although.. nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Ah falling for the Deism meme.
>Huh huh muh God exists outside the universe and simply farted causing the entirety of existence to occur...

God is love. God is pure love.

Many of you who presume you're godly men, are not. You're driven by hate. God is not in you.

God exists and I am him don't believe me? Observe.

I remember reading an interesting bit on something like this. It went something along the lines of: say that Jesus really existed when the bible says he did and that everything it says about him is true. The virgin birth, the supernatural powers, the death and resurrection, all of it. Even if all that was true, it doesn't prove that Jesus was the son of the creator of the universe like he says he was.
I think it's interesting at the possibility that there was this X-Men dude who rused the entire planet for millennia

God exists?

Just prove it and we can all move on.

Your god is a faggot. My god hates niggers. My god will castrate your faggot god.

ITT: baby's first theology

The briefest, most half-hearted examination of any actual theology will instantly inform you that God is not some anthropomorphic creature. The reason many of us view religion in this way growing up is because religion has been so far divorced from our everyday lives that the only people who actually understand it are scholars, theologians, philosophers, or ardent believers. But all you have to do is listen to one theology lecture, or read one theology book to know that's not what religion is expressing. You must be a teenager or a defenerate to take this long to realize that God isn't a literal sky fairy.

Who created God?

I think the only way that god could truly "exist", is if he were a creator the same way us humans are creators
Human can create stories and worlds, through art, and that's how a god created us
A being that is literally of a higher plane of existence started writing and thus created our world
We can't know this for real because he cannot actually appear in his own creation without using an avatar of some sort, and we still wouldn't actually meet him but his avatar

Creation requires cause and effect, and therefore it requires time. Time, space, and matter were created at the conception of the universe, which is why God is referred to as the "first cause" or "unmoved mover".

Further, simply asking "who created God", and then "Well who created that which created God" ad infinitum still doesn't address the fact that a finite universe with laws must have had a creator because it had a clear beginning. There is no reason to assume that the creator of time iself had a beginning.

We are made in His image.

are you under the age of 10? this is how grade school kids reason
>God isn't a bearded grandpa after all! God is like love!and everything!whoa

>It's worth less than the nutty conspiracy theories like reptilians and chemtrails.

But a brit is worth less than those conspiracies.

>Time, space, and matter were created at the conception of the universe
>the fact that a finite universe with laws must have had a creator because it had a clear beginning. There is no reason to assume that the creator of time iself had a beginning.
There is no reason to assume that any of that is true.

In a purely logical sense - we know about the universe just as much as is discovered by physics and astronomy. Everything else has absolutely zero logical or empirical evidence.

It's good that you have that feeling. I have a different explanation.

We are a set of universes, each of which is created by intelligent beings of a previous ones. If you think about it, creating a universe would be an apex of all of our intellectual and analysing efforts, a true transcendence of our civilization and unlocking of limitless possibilities. And such, consciousness grows like a tree, in which every cell of a universe produces the next one to elevate itself and everything above even higher. I have some evidence for that, but it is unimportant in this case.