Was it really worth it to him, you think?

Was it really worth it to him, you think?
What was he supposed to have gotten out of the deal, these past six months?

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you know who Sean Spicer was six months ago?

That's fake news though. He didn't exit the white house.

retard or bait

It was a great resume builder any way you slice it.

I didn't know who Dr. David Dao was six months ago, either.

You're right he just sort of dissolved into floor under Anthony Scaramucci's feet.

he had a pretty shit job 2bh, took all of the initial heat and anger. whoever comes next will have it much easier because many have Trump fatigue now

>any way you spice it

>not "spice it"
1 job, user.

Well,it adds spice to his resume, but in truth, this user has it right: Also, if what they are saying is true (that he left because this scaramucci is a liberal) then, I admire him for being true to his beliefs.

Honestly, they should hire a minority to do the press breifiings, because the press would use kid gloves for the most part.

We need a gay, hispanic or black, lispy sounding press contact that supports the trump agenda, for the better optics.

Lets hope that Bannon stays though.

A fox news contract, obviously


That damn lizard had my heart bumping.

cuckservatives BTFO

Maybe we can start getting rid of the right wing shitposters. Racist shit was meant to be to keep the normies out, not for you guys to guzzle the kool aid factory.

Fox News show... can totally see it. Him yelling at people an hour per day.

that lizard is a fucking legend

He left because scarumucci is a corrupt fucker who tried to violate US sanctions against Russia before and Spicer made it known he wouldn't be able to take the heat for this.

Not because he's "a liberal."
How brain washed or cognitively dissonant are you? Is your only source of information Fox and friends?

Scarumucci met with Kirill Dmitriev to discuss possible joint investments between SkyBridge and Dmitriev's firm, the Russian Direct Investment Fund - a $10 billion state-run investment company - last year and democratic senators asked the treasury department to investigate him.

Scaramucci is another paleodemocrat/paleoliberal exile from the Democrat Party.

DNC = POC now.

This lizard got my respect. Some scary shit

>Not a REAL republican eh? :^) .

But Trump who ran as a democrat ahit-talking the rightwing, promoting left wing ideas, for decades and then ran reform and only recently switched after being unable to get the nomination is the pinnacle of republicanism. His illegal immigrant whore wife can vouch for him.

That Russia stuff had nothing to do with it. It's probably that he's another exiled Democrat.

Russiagate is a farce. The biggest nothingburger and joke around.


>Racist shit was meant to be to keep the normies out, not for you guys to guzzle the kool aid factory.
>all the IQ studies are sarcasn goyim

there is only so much they can take from them.

Lifelong and long time GOP don't want him filling his cabinet and circle with exiled paleodemocrats. They already swallowed Ivanka and Jared.

Trump now brings in another flashy New Yorker to deal with people in his own party who hate New York Democrats.

that's a hilarious amount of salt in 1 post


I don't think it's a bad idea. He needs personal friends and people he can trust like GW Bush did. GW Bush rolled into the White House with his Texas friends.

It's not a bad idea. The only problem is if these paleodemocrats pull him too much to the left. The Republicans will impeach him and will scuttle his presidency if they can get away with it.

Republicans are dicks and he's missing with White Man. This is the party that invaded Iraq and signed off on stuff that didn't benefit their party or country out of bloodlust for Saddam Hussein's head in a bag.

As long as Trump fights for the White Man and doesn't go full liberal... they'll be cool with him... hopefully.

>That snake that tried to lunge but fell off the ledge

Holy shit that lizard is awesome.

>arriving on top of the hill where your lizardwaifu awaits you
>not giving a single fuck about what happened 10 seconds before

Smart to get out before the Russia thing implodes and takes the lot of them down...
Of course the Nuremberg defense won't work either.

>Believing fake news