Oshawa Ontario Canuckistan everyone

Oshawa Ontario Canuckistan everyone.

Just write this one it:

"Communism killed over 100 million people in the 20th century."

have a spine and tear it down

>implying commies care for facts
This is the only option

go to the meeting and throw a Molotov cocktail

I live in Oshawa, near the 401. Where is this? Specifically what streets


They're literally a cult.

Ha their meetup is within walking distance of me. Should I infiltrate them?

OP where is this sign? I can fuck with it and take pictures if you won't.

I didnt take the picture, but its listed as just "north oshawa". I can try and find the exact spot.

To be fair none of these retarded communist groups ever have more than like 20 members

Yes and start reading the gulag archipelago.

Nice trips. I Google'd the address and I can easily infiltrate them.

They're growing tho.


how can it turn your country into venezuela, where everyone digs through the trash to find enough food to prevent starvation for another day?

>people cry about Nazis while flying the hammer and sickle

Are you fucking kidding me right now

Its funny because Oshawa is like one of the whitest areas in the GTA

Fucking Oshawa
Where motorcycles are torched at Midtown mall

over 100 gorillion innocent kh*khols and g*rmans

Tear down that shit everywhere you see it.

>prevent starvation for another day?
>CIA tales during 4 years

The CIA supports Maduro fucker stop telling yourself bullshit.

surely this time it will work

none of those faggots can into farming,it would be zimbabwe 2.0

Rip if the fuck down, that's what I would do.

infiltrate them and gather evidence of these cucks crimes

Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck happens in mainland Canada?
If somebody tried to pull commie shit in Newfoundland they'd get the shit beaten out of them.
In fact, somebody fucking tried having a commie meeting in Harbour Grace last year and only 4 people showed up, and two of those 4 people were only there to troll him and another was the commie's grandma.

Somehow I don't believe you.

Economical reasons lad, Newfoundland's run by a right-leaning provincial government.

Even our racist, extremely far-right politicians were telling people to vote Trudeau solely because Harper lied to us tons of times and kept on fucking with our shit.

Stop larping as Conservatives, you guys are gibs-whores, you don't get to pretend like you still have dignity after living off of welfare from the rest of us and slutting your vote out to the party who promises you the most welfare.

"Economic reasons". Top kek. I guess you could call it that.

There's what, like 16 chromosomes in this picture?

>you guys are gibs-whores, you don't get to pretend like you still have dignity after living off of welfare from the rest of us and slutting your vote out to the party who promises you the most welfare.
Part of the reason why Newfies fucking hate Harper was because Harper was getting rid of our fucking jobs and putting us on welfare. Learn a bit about politics and Harper's fake promises that he moved back on.

>Stop LARPing as Conservatives
Newfoundland's never been conservative. We're a right-leaning province that has continuously been screwed over by the Conservative party ever since we confederated with Canada in 1949. A Newfie who votes conservative is a Newfie who shoots himself in the fucking foot. Voting conservative means we have to move out to fucking Alberta to get a job.

If you came to Newfoundland and talked to the people, the general consensus is literally "Conservatives want to rape our economy, Liberals want to destroy our culture". Luckily, Newfoundland's racism is what keeps it 99% white (94% if you include Labrador).

They would be dead within the first 10 minutes of their revolution. Literally picked from 90 meters away while the first one goes down and the rest start crying and running in circles in a panic since they don’t believe in God and are confronted with the endless void coming sooner than they expected

The only person I ever met from Newfoundland was married to a jew and constantly tried to convince me that the earth was flat and demons and god are real. When I didn't believe him he got violently angry, started punching walls and kicking chairs for about ten minutes before apologizing and saying it's not my fault. Is that level of ass burgers common in Newfoundland or was he just an exceptionally retarded case?

Changing fast tho. North Oshawa is pretty much the Middle East demographically, which is just sad.

Newfoundland really is like that. It's an extremely religious place, and a lot of tourists claim Newfies are really backwards people and get overly emotional over everything, down to being excited over nothing or angry over nothing.

70% of the island is still stuck in the 1960s.

holy fucking kek i live in Oshawa!

Tourists also complain if you're not white, be prepared to be stared at since the vast majority of the island has never seen a nigger, a mudslime, or a chink in person before.

Be the jew, infiltrate, compromise, and sow seeds of decent.

"Stupid capitalists!"

Write about how Communism pretty much destroyed Ethiopia.

This thread led me to find the same group in my city...
Time to buy some red clothes, the best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves.