Fidget Spinners 4 Homeless

Over on Sup Forums anons are starting a new hashtag to spread over twitter and other social media. I am here to alert Sup Forums I think this is an idea that Sup Forums can execute perfectly so I am leaving the option here. If necessary for more information. The thread and posters and links are all on Sup Forums. I hope that the anons of Sup Forums can help with the cause of #Fidget4Homeless


That's weird, I am homeless and I just saw another homeless person playing with their kids fagget spinner

this is an awesome idea


>homeless people are reproducing
i wondered where all the homeless people came from

can homeless people become white? or do they have homeless genes and are thus impure? good question


This is what my kids step dad bought her for her birthday. She's 11 yo. These are the cheapest dumbest shut that ever existed.

Unlike pokemon and pogs kids don't actually even like these

nice thumbnail u retard faggot





Is this a good one for the homeless?

>fucking with homeless white people at the mercy of our jewish system
Sage. Take this dumb teenager shit to Sup Forums. Is only funny if they deserve it.

Whats the end game of this?
A bunch of homeless people buying fidget spinners? You cant even say 'for the lulz duh xD' because its not even funny. Nu-Sup Forums is so shit.

Pretend to collect thousands of dollars to buy fidget spinners for homeless people.

Liberals will be pissed that we are wasting money on trash toys instead of food.

Conservatives will be pissed we're giving jobless layabouts a toy that encourages laziness.

Enjoy the lulz as it trends.

i dunno, i imagine some homeless guy asking for change and he gets handed a fidget spinner. the look of confusion on that mans hungry face seems worth the price of admission.

i don't hate the homeless or anything though, and getting a cheap laugh at them while drawing awareness to their plight seems fair.

But some homeless people are alright though, aren't a bunch if vets homeless?
>Pretend to buy
What will you do with the money and how can you trust some Sup Forums tard with it all?

Nobody's taking money and the homeless will never know because it's only a fake viral trend.

we're doing this for the vets

>nobody's taking money and the homeless will never know
>we're doing this for the vets

Anything dealing with homeless people is hilarious. I'll spread the picture on twatter.

at least somebody is asking the important questions

These are still a thing in Canada?
Don't know about the rest of the U.S. but I stopped seeing them here in Texas.
I mean they're still sold EVERYWHERE, but I haven't seen a kid play with these in a good while.
That's a good thing.





It's the perfect idea for /b. Really funny and stupid.
It's also a good business for Fidget Spinner Mafia Barons who make money on innocent retarded children who buy this fidget spinner crap.
Fuck off leaf

Well, this is hilarious.

