Black Pill Thread

>If every single western politician is (((controlled))) in some direct or indirect way, what is the solution?

Civil war, but it will never happen. These kinds of problems have been around since before the invention of cuneiform writing.

>So what will happen? Sounds like you're implying there's no hope.

Essentially we actually need a cataclysmic scenario in order to start over. The apple is rotten to the core and needs to be thrown away.

>But people are waking up.

The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.

>So become authoritarian?

Even if you were to do away with everything "liberal" the current stock of human beings have been out-dysgenic'd. Modern medicine is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. See the 3rd world population boom and the decline in world average IQ. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. The "Beta" phenomenon. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I agree. You can especially see this in the cities where the worst of mankind is concentrated. Sometimes I think society just needs a reset.

Society does not need a reset, humankind needs a reset. A return to a type of hunter/gatherer/farmer society where if you were a greedy cunt you would be caste out of the tribe. Not to chuck away all our technology and such, but this is the type of social structure modern humans have lived in for 99% of its history. Cities are unnatural, unplanned and have brought more misery. A large portion of society can now just "live" and try to find trivial things to keep themselves busy with.

>So the Zeitgeist needs to be completely redefined? And the only solution is some sort of massive catastrophe?

Exactly, this is inevitable really. That's what I have been trying to explain to retards using "Blackpill" liberally. They have no broader perspective. "You're just trying to bring us down blackpill cuck!" When in fact I'm trying to explain the gravity of the situation.

>Has this happened before?

It's detailed quite nicely in the Sumerian Swindle book how Ubaidian traitors and merchants betrayed their tribe and started importing Sumerians to replace them slowly without any backlash. Even if you get rid of all the Jews or any similar group, you still have to get rid of the liberals, commies, kosher nationalists ect.

>But what about the economy?

There's more to life than just "the economy". Before interest came to be, before some greedy tribesman asked for more than he gave away, everyone had their fair share. Not because of a "gibs me dat" system, just because it was impossible for 99,999% of society to unfairly benefit, and if you didn't work at all (live like a welfare leech) you would die for not being able to provide for yourself. It's what commie pipe dreams are made of, except with actual work involved.

The industrial revolution and the industrialized "modern world" that it created were a singular event in history with a clear start in the 19th century, a peak of wealth around 1960 and ever since an irreversable phase of decline (in terms of standard of living per capita).

Wealth creation is at its core mainly determined the "quality" of available energy and mineral resources. Unfortunately there is this natural phenomenon called "diminishing returns". Ever since we mined the first coal and started pumping the first oil, the Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratio of these resources has been decreasing. Likewise, the energy acuisation costs for minerals and essential resources like food have been going up and up as we deplete the cheap and easy stuff first. Oil is the MASTER resource, it's everything around you in the modern industrialized world. Without abundant and CHEAP (in money and energy-terms) oil we will economically degenerate back to a pre-industrial state.

The inflection point where we had rising standards of living is already long in the past. And no we wont have a renewable engery revolution since these energy technologies can't provide for their own energy costs AND run an industrial society. Unfortunately many people are blinded by an irrational faith in technology to see what's coming and don't even realize that technology is not a source of energy but just a way to convert energy-resoures into productive work. Once the high grade finite energy-resources are gone, we're only left with the sun and its derivative energy-types. And we will adapt accordingly.

You will not go to space in your lifetime. For now, this is the rock we fight and die on.

>Then what happened?

Slowly but surely the tribes separated into two social classes, the Haves, and the Have-Nots. Obviously the haves dictated everything that happened, started foreclosing on farms and taking their tribesmen and families as slaves to pay off their debts which could not normally be paid. We briefly had a period where it seemed this dynamic would dissappear with the rise of the middle class, but since the 70s this class has effectively been culled in the west.

>So what’s then the ideal philosophy for society to follow if not an endless pursuit of prosperity?

Essentially we need to go back to Darwinian Eugenics, which in itself actually almost took off during the industrial revolution when it became clear to many we were spiraling downwards as a species. We have to do away with loans and financial manipulation, modern medicine that helps the genetically unfit and the imaginary concept of “human rights”. Many hardcore Natsocs and those that call themselves “redpilled” do not want to accept that modern civilization is what has led to our downfall.

>How do I prepare for the collapse?

If you’re in the west I encourage moving as far away as possible. Even remote regions in some 3rd world countries will be better off once the pot reaches boiling point funnily enough. semi arid, or semi tundra areas are ideal. Start a small group.

Take the BBC vernacular pill. Use BBC terms like "based" and "nigga"

Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about.

In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart.

Nevertheless you as an individual can always chose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

Exactly because the modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow.

Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.

>This is all very morbid though. Don’t you feel any empathy for those that might perish? Don’t you want to save them?

Most normies base their opinions off 9gag memes. That’s why I say let it all burn in hell. I’m not sacrificing anything for such sickly people. It would just be arrogance at that point. Maybe some like Hitler thought there was a possibility because there was no internet, otherwise all hope ended there.

>This thought process makes me feel like a psychopath though.

Nah. The psychopaths are the ones who do not understand these simple concepts. I used to think everyone was a normie - when in fact, we were the normies all along. I cannot imagine living like the average western individual today. I used to laugh at the “wake up sheeple” crowd until I woke up. It was depressing for a time, but now its just funny really. I started digging into all these nationalist movements but found out they were all just another strain of the Jew virus. I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme one time. I realized my mistake roughly 6 months before the election.

>I’ve come to realize all these political events, elections, movements ect have no true effect at all on where we’re going. Do you agree?

Yeah brother, here’s a good analogy; it’s like kabuki theater for the goyim.

But for those that have realized this and those that have been convinced; you are part of a small fringe that might outlast this event and can then ensure another chance for mankind as a whole, a chance for your descendants at the very least. For us to eventually reach the stars, we need to come to terms with this.

Stay strong, prepare, and good luck.

Also, this is quite the opposite of nihilism. Nihilism is not giving a fuck. I very much care for the future of my race, I am a practicing Calvanist Christian aswell. Like the great flood we need to wipe ourselves clean. I firmly believe we have never strayed this far from our morals as the entire world has succumbed to secularism and nihilism, worshiping ideals rather than nature.

t. posting from an isolated Karoo farmstead

I want a return to simple living, guess that's why I envy Varg a lot. Civilization was a mistake.

Do realize I'm not saying give up all hope, but do be prepared for the worst since things aren't going that swell. I'm saying do not let your guard down with a false sense of momentum. Always fight as if cornered, prepare for the worst case scenario. In the meantime, yes sure, vote for the most conservative politicians, but don't rely on them.

Indeed. While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This itself is also unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, a form of "meditation" I suppose, but its nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.

The vast majority of things that modern society has brought is inherently bad. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.

I'm not anti-tech, I'm anti-automation and urban living. Cities as we know them today have only been around since the mid 19th century, when cities reaching hundreds of thousands of inhabitants really started to become common.

yea basically weve somehow decided that we should use our highest margin nonrenewable energy stores to own a lot of shitty consumer goods and flood the world with subhumans
its fucking sick
we need to conquer the universe

I love to use my computer too. I use it because once SHTF, it's gone then. Technology will be inaccessible. There is so much knowledge to be found and learned about on the internet so I might as well take advantage while it's still there. You summed it all up really though, living in the modern world is meaningless. Pointless. I would love to live in a world where simple living in the backbone. Small scale communities. Urban living has been a disaster and has bred shameful filth. Even during Rome's era, nothing but filth was coming out of the "Eternal City".

Indeed. While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely nit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.

We should grow our own food, not rely on other food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many. As long as you have a plan to go somewhere if shtf and you are in good company. In the meantime you should be doing well. Learn some trades, talk with people about this low key, be as independent as possible. Those who are weak-minded do not want to realize just how hard things are. Stay positive about the future even though you carry the heaviest pill.

I would rather not want destruction and death, but so many people do not deserve to live and are anyway dying slow deaths themselves. Suicide rates have skyrocket, life grows meaningless for many in the cities. Soon those living in post industrial society will just be receiving their monthly ration to "live". What is society when it has no purpose and is ruled by greedy kikes? Bring the rotten structure crashing down by the gun or just let it collapse in on itself. In the meantime, rediscover your true nature, not that of an ant, but as survivor.

The end goal is to go innawoods. Slowly but surely, I have little income to my name right now though so I might just do odd jobs, save up a bit and take Vargs advice of living out of an RV or something similar until I'm able to buy or build a property in the rural countryside. I don't even want a mansion, just a functional, clean, nice, happy property to call my own out there away from it all. Some want a sports car out the front, some want thousands in the bank, some want a mansion. I reject these luxuries. I want a property in the countryside, crops to grow my own food and living space.

I also want to learn some trades and hobbies. I'm interested in learning about woodworking, fishing, hunting, farming etc. Can't do much in a suburban area though.

>this is quite the opposite of nihilism
Nah, blackpill is Nihilism man. I agree with everything you said but I'm also not conceited or foolish enough to think of myself as above them or worth saving.
Literally just a passive narcissist who read Nietzsche once.

Yeah man. Society will rebuild itself ,since our degenerate fat and the Jewish International Empire would have perished, and hopefully with the values that survive we do not make the same mistakes as before, and we can finally end the cycle of collapse. Rural values will shine through as our true and meaningful philosophy, not urban instant gratification. I'm pretty sure we have not strayed this far from our morals in history before, neither has our destructive capabilities been this far reaching. When society collapses, again, it will be the most drastic one we as a species have ever seen. Hopefully we learn from it.

Listen, it's not about demoralizing it's about priorities, you can take part in politics still, but in now way *rely* on it. I do not understand these people who believe anything can be done through processes like elections when the other side is entirely opposed to you. It's us vs them. I still hope for "le ebin day of the rope xdxd" if something happens that causes it, but until then it seems my odds and my descendants odds are better to just retreat to the countryside and wait until the kike empire collapses from within, being inherently unstable as it is.

>Society will rebuild itself
I hope so. I hope we don't rebuild cities again though. Towns maybe, but I don't want cities again. Nothing but centers of decay and degeneracy and should be abandoned promptly.

Agree wholeheartedly friend. Because cities are inherently self destructive and they are unnatural. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run. 99% of our history has not been like it is today with us living like ants. I do not wish for us to suffer under the Dystopian future (inevitable unless we topple the governments) so I'm just saying be prepared, don't just rely on politics because its a kike's game.

I understand. Our ancestors were preppers. For example, they regularly had to prepare to survive a winter by stockpiling food and other materials, lest they perish. Crazy how easy we have it today. Just drive to the local store and buy what your heart desires or go to the McDonald's drive-thru and purchase a (((Big Mac with fries and a coke))). Honestly, the sooner we crash civilization rather than trying to save it, the better off we will be. Civilization is, or at least was, amazing but it's unnatural and it has turned against us and become our enemy.

i like to listen to this while reading your blackpill posts, and want to let you know i appreciate them for the realistic conclusion.

also can i ask, do you think there is any potential event, say another global economic depression or something that may alter our destiny?

forgot to link the music i mentioned whoops lol

>the goal of the black pill is to fight for one's own survival and for the potential rise of a Nietzschean ubermensch, someone who has surpassed humanity
Humans are fundamentally broken and unable to coexist peacefully in large numbers due to our tribal evolution. It's part of our DNA no matter how enlightened or smart we think we are. The "ubermensch" will not be human, it will be machine.
You cannot claim to see the truth while ignoring the true destiny of all finite creatures in a finite universe. Organic life is just a stepping stone to something more permanent.

Cities served *some* purpose when 95% of the population lived rurally, but it has gone completely out of control now. It's crazy to think about it, we used to be the apex predator, now dump someone in a green and naturally healthy environment and they're helpless.

When humans had to rely on family and close friends, be it farming or hunting, our best values shined full and true. Now with all your needs provided for you we waste our time with absolute degeneracy. I eagerly await the day we can start over, I do not wish for my children to grow up in the world we have today or my grandchildren.

I do not have an idea what it might be, it can be nuclear war or a financial collapse, either way one has to happen eventually. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Do I wish for it? No. Is it needed? Yes. Will it happen? Yes.

Oh certainly, cities played a role in the past. But this was back when the population was at a bare minimum. Crazy to think how most now live in cities and suburbs and couldn't survive 5 minutes out in the wild. Sadly, I'm probably amongst them but I wish to learn now rather than learn the hard way when civilizations' roots finally give way and caves in on itself.

I also believe that community is what we lack. Family, friends and neighbours were our community and everyone relied on one another and learned from each other. We can't say the same today. No wonder so many are depressed.

>Hey I'm a trans-humanist and machines which are an artificial and unnatural creation will be the thing that conquers the natural universe.

What's not to say these political factions of the alt right/identitarians/identity europa and the like won't rise up and bring on a form of thought reform across the lands even if it does take something "big" for it all to kickstart, why should I not join these groups whom are fighting for tradition morality our women our children and our future among the stars?

These groups believe in both an orderly sense of tradition to save us from the perpetual cycles of rinse and repeat and in the technological ingenuity of Europeans (and East Asians) to better our conditions. Tradition & science how is this not the way?

I have a friend who's across the street neighbors didn't even know a family with his surname existed nearby. Where I live friends are kilometers from each other, but we meet regularly and know each other well, we rely on each other and have the same problems when it comes to droughts and such. The contrast is ironic and grim.

Modern conservatism is now about protecting gays from Muslims. The slippery slope is not a fallacy. If you unironically refer to yourself as "alt-right" you are nu/pol/

>Le based Alt-right cultural war m8 xdxd

If you could remove your Jewish overlords tomorrow that would be dandy, but I think we all know that stands no chance in happening. Until the masses come to terms with the JQ (which will never happen) we will slowly but surely decline. World government and dystopian centralization of power is itself a pipe dream which will also lead to collapse. The question is, will you be a content little lamb and vote for another "FUCKING BASTE" candidate like Trump or will you prepare for the future?

Humans won't last forever; that's a given. Your petty scrambling due to potential happenings, all your worries and struggles are nothing to the void of nonexistence that we grow nearer to everyday. You're putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound in the name of self preservation; you're just as trash as the lowest pleb.

thanks for reply. best wishes to you

Same for you man.

Thread theme :

can i move to this place


Evolutionary trash.

Wish I had a tight knit community I could get to know and rely on. Crazy to think I even have to say that, considering 99% of Human existence was based around community.

>fear-based self preservation
Typical. You have high opinions of yourself for someone so basic.

cool theme, this one would be the 'we have hope' theme do you agree?

Farm prices are cheap where I am, plus no nigs for hundreds of kilometers since they can only farm in the highly fertile hilly regions. The Kalahari is harsh but rewarding.

Damn, all that edge bruh, its almost like he chooses to discard the average social morals and values and stick to his own; wow I wonder if anyone ever wrote a book about something like that

You're speaking like an end of the world preacher and they are always wrong even if this final collapse does come how sure can I be it will come in my lifetime?, do I take your word for it? I don't see it.
If the Alt-right is fighting against the Jewish liberal and post modernist cancer, fighting for our European peoples our history our tradition while advancing our conditions as an intelligent specie in this universe I will join it. It is much healthier than to wait for a "happening" that never comes and I can still choose to prepare as I see fit, I see no reason to stray people away from our indetitarian movements.

our communities have been lost with multiculturalism.

working class ones anyway, from the rare times i have encountered the upper class British they appeared to have community and its very close nit.


A sad state of affairs user. I have regular chats with my friends about these concepts and they are equally perplexed about how city-folk seem so inhuman. Yes, they go to "clubs" and parties on the regular and such but in real conversations not diluted with drugs or alcohol they seem half human, like they no longer have souls.

>anomie makes me special

did you read ride the tiger,and if you did how was it, is it worth the time ?
I tried reading revolt against the modern world, but didnt like it (might give it another shot later);

I'm not saying wait for the happening like some whackjob doomsday prepper, I'm just saying be prepared for anything. Go and vote for the most BASTE politicians you're *allowed* to vote for, but don't expect it to change anything in the long run unless you're ready to pick up a rifle. You being a burger you guys are the only ones who still have a realistic chance, but meh, not likely.

>how sure can I be it will in my lifetime?
Even if the collapse doesn't come in your lifetime, you will have laid the foundations down for your children to live away from societal decay, from degeneracy they will be able to care for themselves and rely on others in a rural, caring community when the collapse finally does arrive. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by truly "checking out" and I mean properly checking out and not just complaining about society from your keyboard whilst be a shut in. You will have done something with your life regardless of whether the collapse arrives or not.
The upper classes voted for it, they're away from it all.

The only person who has actually done anything close to a solution was Breivik.

Leftists are monsters. All the problems you bring up here come back to this. The monsters will be monstering 24/7 for the rest of their lives.

>The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want.

This is bizarre and crazy. "enlightenment values" is "exactly what the Jews want"? What does that even mean?

the entire 'Alt Right' brand is a compromised mess of Kosher Nationalist misdirection, even using the term implies some level of shame attached to the true name of the ideology at the core of this whole thing - National Socialism. Ultimately we can never advance if we ourselves are unwilling to challenge the lies and slander leveled at our ideology, its symbols and leaders.

Funny enough despite the fact I have the image saved, no I haven't read Ride the Tiger but I plan to. It's on the recommended reading list so it's obviously worth the read. I'm working on getting a new bookshelf at the moment for my room.
I don't attend clubs or parties but I know plenty who do. They become different on drink, changed. I want nothing to do with it, I've seen the effect it has had on Humanity as a whole.

This exactly. It's insurance and makes life much more fulfilling anyway. This is itself's problem. He's already too used to instant gratification and does not regard something like this as worth it if the results don't come quickly. If something takes too much effort or is "inconvenient" he regards it as unnecessary even though this is *planning ahead*, like any intelligent person would do.

Funny thing is this is the end game for Zionists to some extent. This is talked about in the Protocols

What if Socialized medicine is a trap to accomplish these things. We already see it with Charlie Gard, honestly speaking the kid should die. We have reversed natural selection and are evolving in reverse.

Best bet would be to take the top 10% of humanity and exterminate the rest. With Artificial Intelligence already being an amalgamation of diverse minds there is no need for a massive population to draw ideas from. A.I. will soon evolve on it's own kind of like Asimov wrote about in The Last Question

Well yes. He did a small part of one of the options. There are 2 as I have repeated.

1. Literal overthrow of the corrupt governments (hilarious stretch, you need a literal army and no, the grip on the youth of our nations is too tight unless some catastrophic event redpills eveyone.)

2. Ride out the storm since the Skype global gov is a pipe dream anyway. Let's say things keep going as they are, think realistically even though Yurop or burgerland will suffer something is going to give eventually but by that point it's going to be pretty ugly. Be it nuclear war, giant economic failure ect something that really turns the world into madmax will be the end result with the Skype agenda. They're not going to be able to control the Chinese or Pajeets (s-super power by 2020!) or even the Russians fully without literally wiping out these giants. (I know they're pretty much indirectly already kosher but they're not 100% good goys yet like the West). This will ultimately end in some apocalyptic collapse and a dark age not seen since the fall of the Romans. Those who survive will be far away from the epicenter, and those who perish were perhaps not very valuable to humanity as a whole considering the way they lived.

Enlightenment values like "muh frehdums to be degenererate", "homosex is a-okay and should be promoted as we are a liberal society", "wamxn need to do everything men do, unlike those ebil conservative muslims"

ect ect.

In rural or natural environments these "freedoms" do not compute. They are a symptom of urbanite degeneracy.

Indeed. If Trumps betrayal/uncommitted actions and overall the past events in the last 20 years haven't caused mass revolt, people have effectively been pacified. Don't get me wrong, I still hope America and Europe will have the revolution, an armed one, not a "le based cultural xdxd" one, but its looking very unlikely. "Meme magic" isn't going to help us here. Do not associate yourself with such pointless movements that get rehashed by (((figureheads))).

Happy for you. If someone can only enjoy social interaction while under the influence of drugs/alcohol they are less of a man. I disdain people who do not know when to stop drinking or who drink for the purpose of getting drunk.

>tfw blackpilled myself so hard that I got sick

He means that liberty, freedom and the things we hold dear in the west are actually the things that will bring down the west. Our society believes having the right to be degenerate is some sort of noble concept when in reality it's slowly eating away at the fabric of western civilization. Zionists are expediting the exploitation of western values as we speak and they will use the west as an example of why freedom and liberty aren't conducive to the betterment of humanity in the future.

Socialized medicine is already pretty much accepted as "a right" by many people yet they do not realize the end goal. Soon we will move to universal basic income.

It's code word for 'this is the way we can give people the bare minimum that they won't overthrow us and we can stop paying people a fair wage and then eventually we can just stop paying them if we need to and they can starve to death because they have no skills and are entirely dependent on daddy government'. They'll eventually frame your acceptance of UBI as a contract with the government and in order to continue to receive your goybucks you will have to consent to whatever crazy shit they want, neural implants (for your convenience, goy), whatever they want.

UBI is a HORRIBLE idea. It will just enslave you even more.

>cashless system
>get a card the government puts X amount on
>government can program it so you cannot buy certain items with the card as punishment for wrongthink

It's the heaviest pill to carry, but its not the depression pill, there is still light at the end of the tunnel but it is a long journey my friend. No shortcuts, only perseverance.

But I am doing my very fucking best, I don't know anything about you guys you guys know nothing about me, I am highly educated (masters level) (doc candidate) in an allied health profession (audiology) with a white fiancé, active politically, understand the JQ and the postmodernist philosophy of nihilism, I'm trying my hardest to 'Not help save the west' BUT completely create thought reform for my people to eradicate the perpetual cycle of rinse and repeat whilst advancing our human conditions. Where are my sins? I am a more accomplished member of our race than most doing More than most for all of us if I am not doing even more is because nobody is mobilizing. If you'll take me as a larper leave room for a chance that I may be telling the truth in what I've just said. I am doing good for us. What else is there for me to do if not everything I'm already doing?

>option 1: liberals, "degenerates", gays, etc. get slaughtered when all they ever did was commit the crime of being indoctrinated by the jews
>option 2: conservatives or traditionalists get slaughtered when all they ever did was want a functional society and be pushed towards the ideal by the jews
>option 3: people are randomly killed off by manufactured viruses until things "fix" themself
>option 4: we enter a digital Edenlike simulation where somehow everyone is happy
technology, the cause and solution of all life's problems

Societal reset soon, for better or worse? What can we expect, and where is everybody bunkering in. Cheers to everybody, see you underground.

>There is still light at the end of the tunnel
Is there? I don't know about SA, but there is no hope for my country. Let it all burn down.

You have no sins. See now this is the black pill, realizing the road ahead isn't an easy one. It's not a about knowing the route from A-B, it's about realizing there's no road to begin with. I'm happy that you are politically active but even you know you can't publicly talk about the JQ without losing all hope of political credibility. Our countries are entirely swallowed by (((propaganda))) that we have to walk on eggshells when we express our views. We are already slaves in everything but name.

You must revolt against the modern world, not try to fix what's been built to break.

Nihilism is believing technology will solve everything. It has brought pollution, despair, and destruction when abused. You cannot worship something that can be both bad and good, you cannot base morals on "progress" because it can be both bad and good. You are the nihilist seeing value in something so vain.

Perhaps our decedents will one day meet.

Alps seem like a good place to set up. Wait for the world to finish killing itself and then we hope it never happens again.

That's like saying religion is forever evil because they used to commit human sacrifices. Technology being how it is now doesn't prevent it from evolving into something better.

Something went wrong

>>Hey I'm a trans-humanist and machines which are an artificial and unnatural creation will be the thing that conquers the natural universe.
>>hey I'm an engineer and this tractor plow, which is an artificial and unnatural creation will be the thing that conquers the natural agricultural field.
There's nothing mystical and invincible about nature, brah. It's just a bunch of matter acting according to physical laws. There aren't any demons, spirits or gods waiting in the wings to fuck up any designs the human mind has on altering nature. Understand matter and the physical laws that govern it, and you can do whatever you like within physical bounds. This IS the human means of survival: we adapt nature to ourselves, while animals adapt themselves to their environment (or perish). The whole distinction of man is that he has a mind capable not only of perception and instinctual reaction, like an animal's, but also of understanding the world around him. This enables him to act so as to create the conditions in which he can thrive.

I get what you're saying about civilization being doomed, but you're wrong in identifying technology and 'distance from nature' - both of which are the result of reason being applied to the problem of man's existence - as the culprits. On the contrary, we're doomed because we have abandoned reason in all cultural, moral and social issues. Reason applied to the physical world produces material abundance through science and technology; unreason produces nothing but poverty and misery. Reason applied to moral and social issues would produce harmonious, noble men and societies; unreason produces savages. What we are seeing in Western decadence is not an unprecedented descent into technological degeneracy, but a regression to the status of uncivilized, rutting, animalistic barbarians. The worship of material goods, as it is seen in modern societies is not a product of the same rationality which produced the material goods. A savage believes that a lucky charm or a totem pole will bring him good fortune and happiness; a rational man realizes that physical objects alone cannot bring him happiness.
tl;dr Cities and technology are not the problem here. The problem isn't too much rationality and advancement, but too little. We ahve made great progress in the objective realm of the physical sciences, but the moral and social realms have remained cesspools of mystic subjectivism. If both realms were to be conquered by the power of man's rational mind - emphatically NOT by blind tradition and nature-worship - then we would have an ideal society.

Loving this thread, im curious as to what your image for the future is. You of course believe that nature is inherintely "fascist" and will take that course despite the situation we find ourselves in today. What i would like to know is.

How will we live after the reset?

How will we govern ourselves?

How will we utilize the past?

How will we write about the past?


feels bad man

was the Unabomber right all along? do we need an actual "freedom club" doing what he did but on a much larger scale to achieve that first goal of overthrowing corrupt governments?

it might seem unfeasible to gather that all together but if you could, it would look very possible to actually achieve something

Well you misunderstand my meaning. Technology under our control might be good, but if we let technology govern ourselves, our societies, it make us into ants with no purpose. It's abused.

Just like how it's nice to sit on the computer all day, and you don't always need to get up, but if that's all you do in your free time then you'l become unfit ect. We become undone if technology rules us. It's not a boon anymore, it's a curse. A money's paw or pandora's box if you will.

I like the alps very much, unfortunately for an englishman it's very difficult tolearn another language like german or italian and find a job to escape from this forsaken island for a simpler life.
Maybe one day..

>Black Pill

What is the Black pill?

Oh, OK. But I think you're falling into the same fallacy as the liberals do when they accuse the gun of committing the mass shooting. A tool is only ever a tool, nothing more; it is the spirit which rules matter and not the other way around. A man who is lazy and sits in front of a computer today, would not act any differently if he had been born 100 years ago and had the same mindset - he'd just sit in front of the radio or a newspaper instead. An energetic man, who has a purpose to achieve, will not be stopped by the distractions of either period.
What we have to ask is why people are lazy or energetic, and how man can acquire a purpose. Both of these are philosophical questions. Does morality require only 'the greatest happiness for the greatest number' - regardless of how superficial that 'happiness' is or how irrationally it is to be achieved? This way lies the welfare state and the Brave New World. Or does morality dictate that in order to be truly happy, man must choose a purpose for himself according to a rational standard and then work towards it by the guidance of his rational mind? Both paths are possible at any level of technology.

>How will we live after the reset?

Depends exactly what time you're referring to. Obviously any type of "world end happening" would pretty much create a highly fractured global population like it was during even pre-Sumer days. Since we're still products of the modern world we'd still be using some basic modern knowledge and tech that does not require a constant energy source like fossil fuel, but depending on if fossil fuels run out *most* of us will live in villages like during the pre-enlightenment era minus any cities since we will have to all produce for ourselves. No fuel means no mechanized farming.

>How will we govern ourselves?

Strong leaders naturally rise everywhere. In smaller groups things like democracy are completely irrelevant. In the villages or groups everyone will know each other so everyone will sort of agree on who shows the most leadership qualities I suppose, but even then these "leaders" will hold very little power as they will have no means to exercise authority (can't fund private armies). Essentially father figures. There might be skirmishes over farm able land or maybe some will eventually find ways to live in peace. Who knows. War is constant for mankind as is violence in nature. Monarchies come later.

>How will we utilize the past?

People will probably scavenge what ever is left of the old world for rare artifacts or building materials, but after a while cities and other scrap will just end up buried in time over the course of hundreds or even thousands of years depending ofc on our energy utilization and how fast we can get back to "modern-esque" levels of civilization. Until then it's all pre-industrial living and cities will arise as soon as we get *some* specialization again (but hopefully not to the extent of today, pre-industrial only)

>How will we write about the past?

Probably how we write about the Roman Empire but on a global scale. That's all I can say for sure.

Your guess is as good as mine.

>A man who is lazy and sits in front of a computer today, would not act any differently if he had been born 100 years ago and had the same mindset - he'd just sit in front of the radio or a newspaper instead.

Not quites, sitting infront of a computer gives off emf, also puts you in a trance like state, your brainwaves change to delta or something else i can't remember.

Reading on the other hand puts you in a higher state.

Humanitarian aide

I've read his manifesto, he was right.

Without memeing, I think hastening the decline of it all would make for a better result in the end -- that we may storm our way out of this coming dystopia for the prosperity of our future generations.

If you want to go full /una/ rn, I'd advise first becoming resource independent and then take these steps:

>withdraw all money you have in the banks, buy a decent safe to store cash. Also buy some gold since cash is not a long-term store of wealth.
>completely withdraw from being a consumer of anything more than basic needs
>satisfy all debts to avoid usury and interest profits for debt-generating super-corporations that inflate/bloat the economy
>chop up ALL credit cards
>move to a remote location, preferably with a family to start (or already started)
>contribute to the local economy by trading goods/working for local businesses, even if it's for chump change -- all to feed your family

Scottish Highlands are also quite comfy. Point is to go somewhere relatively remote and agriculturally semi-productive that's close to where you live. hence why I'm in the Karoo.


Take the Final Redpill:

“Anyone who studies this stuff…the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, the political side, the elite, Hollywood, all of it–anyone who goes really deep…finds God, the Bible and Jesus Christ. It’s all about Him. It’s a war on HIM.”

All of this, ALL of it..Is a WAR on CHRIST by the (((Synagogue of Satan)))) :

Because CHRIST is the EMBODIMENT of TRUTH....The LOGOS made FLESH.

For YOU.



Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1 John 4:4

I remember you from the old threads.

So, be one with the universe?
Been doing that since i started being aware. I'm a filthy nihilist, though.

Dude when alt-light talks about western civilization they're talking about white Europeans. The liberals are right. That's a dog whistle. So in that sense we do need to preserve western civilization.

Let's name some some "alt-right" figures.

Gavin "buttplug" McInnes
Milo "Gay kike" Yiannopoulos
Alex "avoid the JQ" Jones
Richard "gayness is whiteness" Spencer
Paul Joseph "Nazis are bad" Watson
Donald "I love the jews" Trump

the list goes on.

Listen. It's time to put the Pepe down and realize white nationalism will not rise in mainstream western politics after 3 generations of altruistic propaganda. Yes, there's been a slight rise of "woke" lads and such but it will never be enough to retake political positions. It takes 1% of the population to start a revolution. If you want to save what we have with the "alt-right" movement, it's just big enough for that, but if you aren't going to use force, it's time for flight or to wait out the coming storm.

fuck fuck FUCK

Breath for a moment and read the rest of my points before you neck yourself.

Thank you for making a quality thread and for being well read. It's about time someone spreads the truth around here. I'm in a race against time to become independent from the system, but it looks to me like I have a long way to go. I respect people like you, be happy you have a good setup/start.

God fucking damn it. We've got a lot of work to do. So, I have a question for you SAbro, what will stop the kikes from using technology to defeat us before the enormous collapse happens. Of course the collaps won't happen all at once, at least I don't think so, but in 50 years, I don't know how whites will survive.