Calls himself redpilled

>Calls himself redpilled

>Still has social media accounts

Not anymore. Deleted my Facebook months ago and it was the best thing I've done.

the alt right cant survive without it.
theyre pathetic like that

You're absolutely right, OP. Facebook is a fucking worthless piece of shit site that does absolutely nothing for me.

Wow we can't handle it so edgyyyy

>Calls himself redpilled
>Still posts on Sup Forums
Good goy.

But I don't. I had a Facebook that someone made for me without asking but I deleted it day 1.

>they are only ficticious accts for my world class shitposting.

>calls himself red pilled
>uses the internet at all

I only have fake ones to cyber stalk people and use in ebin troll schemes that I log into every few months

Deleted mine a month ago and haven't looked back. Life has improved substantially

Deleted my FB account in March - no regrets but lost contact with many of mt family

>social media are the whole internet
kill yourself

Everyone needs to delete their social media, it's literal cancer. Want to cut down on the depression epidemic? Stop thinking that people need to be on a website where you watch everybody around you post only the most fun and enjoyable snippets of their otherwise mundane and normal lives, thinking that partying every day is the norm and you need to be able to compete with these people to be "cool." It's honestly disgusting.

This. Anonymous civil war reenactment enthusiast forums are just social media for people with no irl friends.

I have Instagram because my friends only send memes through there. I always have to act like i'm impressed by the memes as well which really sucks. Other than that social media is pretty shitty.

If this was first post it'd be fpbp hit the nail on the head

It's an easy way to redpill others. Without social media, fucking Hillary would be our president. Shitpost, faggot

It's one thing to maintain a Facebook account for utilitarian purposes, as that's what I do. I don't share/post photos, links, add people, etc.

I use it to gain access to pages I would otherwise be blocked from viewing without an account, read messages/posts from certain groups/brands/etc., and as a general tool for information.

If being "redpilled" means being an ignorant Luddite, then have fun with it I guess. You're farther ahead knowing what these people are up to, how they communicate, and what they're saying. You're worse off relying on some idiot on Sup Forums to make a thread about some shit they found online, then spend 45 minutes screaming MAGA and sperging when you could be informing YOURSELF.

>lefty/pol/ trying to gain ground on youtube while not realizing its a lost cause and they need to focus on not losing twitter

I still have instagram because it's only pictures i mean

It's a useful tool, can't live in a cave and be successful ,grandpa.

I still possess a FB account just to maintain my email in their database. Deleted the apps off my phone tho, that was the kicker.