What is a political opinion you feel the most strongly about?

What is a political opinion you feel the most strongly about?

israel must remain a jewish (and democratic) state

>What is a political opinion you feel the most strongly about?
KissXSis is the best manga/anime/ova ever made, also, kill sandniggers.

Other than being anti-communist, it's that immigration is bad for my country. We're in the middle of a fucking housing crisis, a lack of doctors and healthcare support, a lack of schools, a lack of jobs in many areas, the list goes on. Yet the left think "HURR DURR YEAH LETS LET IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF IMMIGRANTS FOR THE SAKE OF LETTING THEM IN WOOO DIVERSITY!1!!11" with no consideration for these things. Right now we don't even have a points based system, and no limits to immigration from the European Union.

what the fuck, man

That men are better than women and only men can stop the hurt women do of men

Jews are cancer for western civilization

Affirmative action is an insult to workers, and it's strange that the government needs to enforce such a "beneficial" thing.

It is right and good to empathize, but never cuck for nonwhites.

Did I say something wrong?
Oh wait, it should be "kill all sandniggers", well or niggers in general.

Gas the kikes race war now

Why? Israel belongs to Christ


Israel belong to us, goyim.
The filthy yeshua is already dead.

the right for a country to exist, the right for a people to look out for their own

its depressing how that is an actual political opinion now when it should just go without saying

personally, i want to see the world cleansed of degenerates. but we know that's not happening anytime soon.

>KissXSis is the best manga/anime/ova ever made, also, kill sandniggers.
How is this straying from god?
>Remove sandniggers.
I mean, I genuinely see no problem with this.
>KissXSis is incest
They're not blood related btw.

Hatred of white straight males. I despise that our media and entertainment promote this


Inseki (sexual intercourse with non-related family members) isn't as bad as so much other shit out there mayne.
I too would fuck my step-dad's hot daughter if I were in dem shoes..! >=3

As of what "Political opinion", how about we drop a nuke atop of Israel and hunt down all the jews wherever they may be and THEN we can have a 'political environment' which isn't gonna be fucking 'poisoned' beyond remedy like now with the jews AMONG us..!

It's a paki, they aren't capable of human thought so don't ask for its reasoning

Are you serious?


Oh damn totally misread that post bong.

please accept this picture as apology


Ako 2nd cutest

BONUS: Hang all attention whores (instagram)

Islam is cancer and the world will not be at peace until it has enflamed such a violent reaction it is eradicated. Many Muslims are good people but they are slaves transmitting a pernicious ideology that will either be eliminated, or the world will eventually succumb to a perpetual dark age under it.

the world is objectively a better place to exist today than it was 100 years ago and the usa will remain dominant for the foreseeable future. sorry drama queens with too much leisure time, you must content yourselves with LARPing for the most part

I can see how it would be something you'd disagree on, but elaborate on the "insult to workers" thing?.

1. LGBTQ+ rights (especially Transgender equality)

2. Climate Change

3. universal healthcare

The Netherlands should regain its colonial empire

whatever i'm raging about on that particular day

Globalism is the death of liberty.

>fuck censorship
>must censor attention whores for attention whoring
nigger, get a consistent stance with some congruity.

Do you guys really want to try and rule over Indonesia?

"Indonesia" doesn't exist, it's called the Dutch East-Indies or Nederlands-Indië. Saying "Indonesia" is like saying "Kaliningrad" or "Szczceczczin" instead of "Königsberg" and "Stettin"

That usury is the purest form of greed and it is the soul reason why the west is becoming a multinational slave state.

Atheism is the master religion. All those other ones do is create a bunch of chaos: Christians for the third crusade, Muslims for terrorism and causing migrant cancer, and Jews for controlling the public by seeming innocent over the holocaust.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.



gassing jews man



People deserve to be able to espouse their political positions without retribution.

Crusades NOW

Let's kill all the Muslims.
Among other religions.

Esport is not a sport

We shouldn't have any gun laws. None at all.


That ethnostates are going to be an absolute necessity in the modern era

Politics is just people in power sacred to lose it, and people without power wanting to have it

IT can't be solved , even in Sup Forumss white utopia

You are the exception i assume , authoritarians are so predictable

You belong in the oven

Nazism isn't consistant either

That my country should be nuked from sea to sea.

Lol how can you be a nazi then? Or are the jews an exception

>inb4 chess is a sport so why can't vidya be a sport
Yes, because anyone who has ever kicked a football is automatically an athlete.

abolition of income taxes for anybody who doesn't make so much money that it's impossible to actually comprehend

Definitely NOT paying a "divorce fee" for Brexit. It's such a random nonsensical thing plucked out of thin air and yet theres some cuck politicians actually saying we should pay.

Not letting Jeremy Corbyn anywhere near 10 downing street is up there too.

Other than that its probably lowering immigration, cracking down on Islam and I think some kind of controlled euthanasia is important. The thought of being a miserable vegetable kept alive on life support against my own will is horrifying.

Promiscuity, both male and female, is the worst malady plaguing society, with food aid to Africa being second. I don't understand why westerners consider race mixing a greater threat than promiscuity to their civilization by comparison.

Nobody is equal and it is foolish to strive towards equality. Men/Women, Blacks/Whites will never find equality among eachother.

All Jews must be removed from positions of power, the rest will leave once their tricks are exposed and high tail it to Israel. Also we MUST stop supporting Israel and hold them accountable for breaking Geneva and aquiring land via hostile takeover.

white nationalism

Taxation is theft.

Racial science is real, we need segregation and to remove women's right to vote.

The idea should be 1 vote per family, not 1 vote per individual. If you do not have children you are not invested in the future.


All types of socialism are cancer bound to fail.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

That's retarded. Nature is savage and wants to eat your soul every second of every day. It must be conquered for your survival.

Fourteen Eighty Eight

>If you do not have children you are not invested in the future

Ok, then you should pay for my costs of living since apparently my labor and taxes don't contribute to the future. "1 vote per family" is stupid shit that falls apart under the slightest scrutiny.


>How is this straying from god?
Remarried parents.

Taxation is theft

Fuck islam