Stay at home daughter general

>tfw no stay at home daughter gf to wife up

You need to get involved in this guys. The stay at home daughter movement is comprised of godly, feminine Christian women who believe their sphere is completely within the home. The only proper "career" for a woman is marriage to a man and bearing his children and taking care of his house. They are

>submissive to their husbands as the Bible commands
>focused completely on being wives and mothers
>family oriented

The catch is that these girls expect you to provide for them and be their leader. But the reward of an old style traditional woman is so well worth it Sup Forums.

If you know of any, do your part and wife them up. Help restore the patriarchy Sup Forums.

Link to a prominent SAHD (((YouTube))) channel:

These sorts of girls don't exist in my country. This place is even less Christian than the UK or Germany.

Yeah,because emus killed them

> retarded religious fanatic women
>dont even do anything in their lives, boring
>desirable in any way

It rhymes with emus...

How do you even meet them? Just knock on random doors asking "Does your daughter stay at home"?

>dont even do anything in their lives, boring
Raising children is the most important job in any society, Mr. Shlomo Shekelstein

>doing anything in their lives that is worthwhile other than having children and being wives
Oh geez, these boring women not going out and being sluts or lowering my wages by being in the workforce, how dull!











get her a nose job and hope to god the kid gets your nose

Are these girls Catholic? I'm seriously considering converting, but I want to know if Catholic tradwifes are a meme.

Oh vey

The yid is right though, you don't seem to realize that an infantilized, naive and oversheltered woman won't be good for anything but to raise autistic fragile kids who won't achieve anything in their lives

You don't seem to realize a worldly, materialistic, status-seeking women is naught but a liability.

> implying that an overstiumlated, world weary and used up woman is good for anything
Sad! It's easy enough for women to learn about the world once they have been safely married off, but you can't turn a whore into a housewife.

>infantilized, naive and oversheltered woman
you just described 95% of western women

If you're only used to hanging around trashy women then too bad for you, projecting it on the entire gender is just moronic

their virginity puts them above 99% of all women. if only they had better genetics. also the fact that women are completely integrated into the work force fucks things up

You described my mom,I usually act like the good kid she thinks I am in front of her,is every white mother like that?

Depends. If they are legitimate shut-ins. Sure.

Most of these women are likely involved in community through Church, and otherwise have parents who are active participants in that community work - such that their authority keeping their daughter on the straight and narrow is maintained.

The worst case in the latter is that a potential husband doesn't take an active role as authority in a leadership position (rather than "boss" position). But even then, it would be more deterioration in family generations, rather than immediate destruction the likes of which are liable to occur in the event of marrying Arby's

> roastie detected

No, it's not moronic, it's understanding the psychology of females and the role evolution played in shaping female social behaviors.
Humans aren't unique individuals, they're social primates with rather predictable behavioral patterns.

These women are opressed and some end up running away from home to escape the abuse.

This doesnt need a general you fucking thirsty beta