Ok guys, this clearly went too far - even Trump administration is now criticizing Polish government...

Ok guys, this clearly went too far - even Trump administration is now criticizing Polish government. How can we stop Poland from becoming totalitarian shithole again?


gib us more EU monies

wasn't the Polish commie gubment 100% Poles?

Polish People's Republic

no you fucking idiot
polls were faked

What the fuck happened? Even fucking Adam Darski shared some shit about it 10 minutes ago.

Their ruling party is trying to take control over supreme court and national election commission - basically they are trying to get rid of democracy. EU, USA, Canada and even Slovakia and Czechia criticized them and called them to stop this, and there are thousands of people protesting in Poland.

Don't panic Polaks, this is just the EU trying to cuck you. The EU is a paper tiger, and we are backing you.

Well we fell for a "right wing" meme, except that PiS is nowhere near being a right wing party. We are going to have to pay for this... 4 years of catho-socialism and populism.

Yeah... Complete bullshit you're forgetting about the fact that current judges rule for life and are all commies.
That's the only way to actually remove the commie grasp over the country and proceed with creating a free nation.


>they are trying to get rid of democracy
So literally nothing.

Relax and take care about your own countries, we'll be fine.

>thousands of people protesting in Poland
and many more paid Ukrainians

Stick to your own backyard shill, we don't want you to make us happy by force

>How can we stop Poland from becoming totalitarian shithole again?




This. I don't even reply when they throw buzzwords like that.

This. Let Poland deal with Poland. I'm tired of being the world police.

>Don't panic Polaks, this is just the EU trying to cuck you.

No, not really. EU is flawed we all know this. Taking in African savages is bad mkay? But what is happening right now in Poland is bad. We gave democratic power to really really mad people, and they are using it right now.
Imagin, all those weird people you met in high school (ufo, mason, space jew conspiracy etc weirdos) in charge of your country. Thats what we have here right now.

It's inevitable, so we might as well get on the right side of history and heil the new Polish Reich.

>basically they are trying to get rid of democracy

>Relax and take care about your own countries, we'll be fine.

That's nice that you are linking Korwin, he thinks that Kaczynski is a crazy commie manlet.

truest friends

>No, not really. EU is flawed we all know this. Taking in African savages is bad mkay? But what is happening right now in Poland is bad.
>Imagin, all those weird people you met in high school (ufo, mason, space jew conspiracy etc weirdos)
so basically 70% of Sup Forums population right. Just fuck off.

Literally the only way you can appease the nigger tier Poles is to gibs dem more moneys.
I will petition Trudeau to give 10million to you guys becase youre niggers.

Omg the people are using democratic power to exert their anti-democratic will! You can only use democracy to further democracy, that's what freedumbz is all about!

also, funny thing is that all those protectors of democracy are in reality anti democratic. It only democratic when its like they want it to be. All the fucking time.

>so basically 70% of Sup Forums population right. Just fuck off.

They have a steady 30%, most of this is "bydlo"
(equvalent of "chavs" in britain", "niggers" in USofA etc, human garbage), they have their support because they are gibbing them free monies.

Well they are using "democracy" to force their catho-socialist bullshit, like lowering the retirement age from 67 years (for both ages) to 60 for women and 65 for man. Also Saturday is going to be "free from work (thousands of people will lose their jobs lel)" because their Polish church overlords demand it.

>meme conservative party president gets elected
>poles are sick of EU dick sucking
>they overwhelmingly vote for a conservative party
>they get majority in sejm for the first time since commies
>leftist cunts now literally cant do anything because PIS can pass anything they want alone and are SO SALTY that they turned the sejm into a circus
>we get fresh memes everyday

Funniest thing is that we still have 2 more years of this ahead of us. Just let us have our fun, ignore the leftists autistic screeching to the west about how bad things are.

It's easy, we need to put Poland (and Hungary) under EU adminstration. This means that Polish politicans won't have any Power, and the country will be lead by politicans in Brussel

>Just let us have our fun, ignore the leftists autistic screeching to the west about how bad things are.

Thing is the left is dead in Poland. The (relly shit) opposition is less left than PiS.
Our situation is completely different than the one they had is US election.

>I'm tired of being the world police.

Well all they EU problems are your fault. I have no idea why EU politicians are so blind to that.
You and you shit country should be the ones taking all the refugees.

You may have a point actually now that I think about it, but it's still fun to watch them sperg out.

I'm unclear on how we managed to ruin the EU. Didn't the EU ruin the EU?


No western country should be taking any shit. Middle East was, is, and will always be a lost cause. If there's one country that should take refugees is Israel, because they're the root of all this shitfest.

stop watching tvn kodziarzu

>speaking about Poland in third person

I know you're a Platforma Obywatelska supporter you coward, show your flag

For all the foreigners: The protestors are Soros monkeys trying to overthrow a legitimate right-wing government. Don't fall for the shills!

>even Trump administration is now criticizing Polish government

What? Source?

Good idea.
But i think we should do the same with the netherland france italy denmark spain portugal belgium ireland estonia luthiua and all the other bullshitcountrys. But not Germany. Someone hast to lead it right ?

Space Jews are real, man.

t. tvp jew

Well Seba nawet nie mam podłączonej naziemnej telewizji do moich 65 cali za 20 tysiaków :^)

>but it's still fun to watch them sperg out.

yeah it is, the opposition in Poland right now is probably even more pathetic than the communist government.

Go away USA, all you care about in Syria is your own gas pipeline

It's bullcrap. Why are you even spreading disinformation not knowing the situation at all? Are you paid shill or just stupid?

>Not being flooded by niggers and mudslims
>Not being germany's slave
>Not bending assess to leftists

"too far"

They're switching to the system used in the US. If you think Poland is going to become a "totalitarian shithole", then the USA has been a totalitarian shit hole since 1883.

I do not believe you have used that flag in earnest, comrade.

>>Not being germany's slave

But.. but ok.

Then we will have to search for new toilet cleaners.

Rather weirdos than commie normies. At least they can think for themselves and not rely on puppet Masters.

>65 cali za 20 tysiaków
are you trying to impress me with a tv set?

no wander, you have no fucking brain in your square head polaczku

>thinking that mudslimes would ever move to poland
>despite the fact they can already do that since there are no borders in the EU
>thinking there is a left like in the USA in Poland
>being a retaded sheep



we don't need niggers in poland when we have own subhumans like (You)

Legislative/Executive appointment of judges is more democratic than unelected judges appointing unelected judges.

But what do I know? I still think that freedom is freedom and slavery is slavery, but all people on the right side of history know that's backwards thinking.

Wish we had a totalitarian state here. Sounds comfy.


Is that what y'all are doing with the Crimeans?

Unfortunatelly _real_ right side in Poland is a meaningless minority, they call """right""" anything that isn't red, never mind it's still commie

No seba za tyle to ty bys miał golfa 4 co nie? ;)
Stać mnie nierobie, na wszystko co mam zapracowałem sam. zbieraj se pincet plusy i placz jak Ci zle nierobie. Ja w wieku 30 lat ma dwa apartamenty, piekne auto i 0 kredytu, wszysto ciezka, ciezka praca. Zaczynajac od zera w tej "mega komuszej polsce".


Seriously get rid of democracy

Sound good to me.
Split ?

Go choke on a cucumber, faggot. We didn't sign up for EU membership to be Soviet puppet states again.



Poland is trying to free itself from the EU
> the Jew screams as he's striking you


"Trump administration" , congratulations you have been nominated for an Oscar

the goverment is literally full of jews and globalists

We have the same problem here. Right just means not-left and left just means not-right.

I keep waiting for one side to collapse, but that kind of thing hasn't happened since one party (that ultimately survived) literally revolted.

nice larping zulu, still doesn't impress me, you can have more money than Rydzyk, but you will always be a fucking idiot with no spine

Why the fuck do people try to stop the Polish government

They literally couldn't give less fucks about your protests or opinions XDD

>Why the fuck do people try to stop the Polish government


they are not trying to get to the goverment, they are trying to get to the women.

Who the fuck is this guy lmao

"unofficial support given by the rulers to the extreme right nationalistic and antisemite organizations" kek

they communists, when did they ever operate in the realm of reality :P

>support Polish nationalism non-stop since the 1790s
>they act nationalistic
oy vey, where did it come from



The polish ruling party is btfo communist activist judges

MSM and soros initiatives are trying to jumpstart a color revolution in poland over it

ok so if poland becomes authoritarian or whatever, does this mean george soros won't be able to fuck up poland and poland will be able to still take gibs from the e.u while telling them to fuck off? if yes then go ahead and accept your new king

Democracy is mob rule. The votes of two idiots are worth more than that of a wise man. It's also heavily influenced by banking and susceptible to bribery very easily. Let Poland carry on.

>you can have more money than Rydzyk, but you will always be a fucking idiot with no spine

How do i have no spine?! because i don't want to submit to a virgin dude in his 70's who's a fucking power hungry manlet? Because i value hard work and right wing values without an interference of the corrupted Polish Church??

Following someone like him is against the rules of nature. He is insane, and his followers are mostly opportunists.

it would be very devious of them if they gave the names of polish communists to sandniggers and let them run wild.

I also too welcome the rise of the Chinese hedgemony, they will surely be far more gracious, fair, and just rulers than we were!
protip: somebody is always the world police. Right now we're enjoying that privilege, but if we don't stick with it, somebody else will

Im not sure what their plan with this is but if the EU have to fight back its good to me.


Listen guys, we have the same style of govt, for over 7 years know, and freedom of press hasn't been abolished, lefty papers push out more propaganda than ever before, it's not totalitarian if your opposition can talk BS all day long.

Don't believe the leftist fearmongering, they are trying their best to pretend like everything is over, literally Hitler and it won't work. N Hungary the left did the same kind of fanatic fearmongering, they called everyone a Nazi and what has happened? Nothing, ironically it just made Orban stronger. Economy is ok, unemployment is ok, we are actually short of labor in many sectors and people aren't panicking, unless they have been fed leftist hate propaganda. Yes, corruption is shit, but the leftist govts got deposed because of their corruption scandals and their inability to run the economy. They were also shilling for refugees, yet none of them ever took a single refugee to live with them. Nobody other than fanatics believe the lefty BS anymore.

No, we don't have to be the world police. We just need to makes sure nobody fucks with OUR shit. The rest of the world can get raped by China for all I care, but once they come to the US, we shoot nukes up their asses.

It means judicial decisions aren't going to be made based on communist judge opinions of law.

If the communists can control the judicial system, the executive and legislative hardly even matter. Judicial + legislative, and you've basically got the country under your thumb no matter who the people elect.

I think you didnt get my point guys.


Sorry I'm on phone and it's hard to tap, no idea how I became a pirate, Hungary here.

Fuck off you stupid, cuck.
Trump's a liberal Jew, like all of his family, and all of his appointees, including the recently tapped Anthony "more gun control" Scaramucci.

I would be very poor if i would live in germany

>Following someone like him is against the rules of nature. He is insane, and his followers are mostly opportunists.

in the mean time you're getting raped by german media, and selling out what's left of Poland for pennies, so you can have your fucking TV, and brag about it like a 4yo kid

>Well they are using "democracy" to force their catho-socialist bullshit, like lowering the retirement age from 67 years (for both ages) to 60 for women and 65 for man. Also Saturday is going to be "free from work (thousands of people will lose their jobs lel)" because their Polish church overlords demand it.
So? Who gives a fuck? OMG opening up an ever-automating, ever-shrinking job pool by allowing older people to retire in their early to mid-60s.
Oh no, people aren't going to toil away every day to keep the globalist consumer machine purring, what a travesty. They'll have to spend Saturdays with their families and shit, just brutal!

How do I become polish citizen. I agree with what they are doing

Dude the thing is that the "american type of left" is no existent in Poland. No one here is fighting for transdeminigger bigender flowers. No one is fighting for trigender toilets etc. People with such ridiculous ideas are being ridiculed all around. There's no racist "problem" here in poland because we only have one race here.
The conflict is only about old thieves against the new thieves. Those new thieves are going a little too far with their shit. thats why people are protesting.

Hahaha, pathetic hate propaganda. Qatar is a terror infested nest, trying to controll the narrative. It's over guys, you can't bully us with petty fake news.

Poland is becoming great again unlike the US which is getting worse by the day. This anti Polish shit is complete garbage. The Jew has no control over Poland and is freaking the fuck out.

Expect an array of anti Poland propaganda and articles from every major media outlet in the future. Remember this post when you start to see the articles. Poland is being targeted now.


I'm not a burger, just screwed up the flag, Sup Forums is garbage on phone.

We invade them and take prussia back. Its the only solution. Under german rule the people will live free and under democratic rule.

and? what, you think if they get power, they wouldn't bend over for the globalists just because the peasants will be angry