
Here's why it's they are imperialist.
Super aggressive hawkish foreign policy, with middle eastern oil always in mind. I guess it doesn't always but capitalism we have now generally leads to imperialism-neocolonialism in the form of large companies buying out governments and/or exploiting the cheap labor in those countries

Capitalism in itself is imperialistic.

If you want to succeed, you have to overcome your competition or bend them over to your will.

Trump is actually focused on making peace. He stopped funding rebels and made a cease fire deal, and has another one in the process.

He still has the Al-Tanf base up though. If that gets removed then I'll start believing

Imho, this is 'short' term. Over long term same foreign policy as the one of Hillary's will be followed, just the other patsy.

The first thing he did, was to fill the swamp with Goldman Sachs hires.

And since Goldman Sachs is one of the "Feds" shareholders, you should start to question your beliefs.

What is the al tanf base?

Steve Mnuchin worked at Goldman Sachs in 2003, back when Trump was a liberal

This makes him the best president in living history by default.

Not only Munchin. Also he is related to "several" typical GS frauds.

I'm not stating he's bad. What i'm stating is that questioning is important.

Even if he says so, doesn't mean he does so.

As you can trace, the roots of this starts from UK ,not US.

".....This changed after 1868 when the British Corporation of Foreign
Bondholders (CFB), the most institutionalized, powerful, and celebrated
creditor association in history was established...."

>doesn't know what empire means

Being aggressive doesn't mean something's an empire you stupid fuck. An empire is a collection of societies bound to an overruling authority.

Examples of actual empires:

- European Union
- International Monetary Fund

Trump is actually the least imperalist US President in at least 80 years. I'll let you think on that and then get back to me.

You do realize that IMF headquarters are located in Washington and US has by far, most of the votes.

They did exactly what USSR failed to do - they conquered Europe and established marxism, the jewish disease.
Welcome to USSR 2.0..

Not only that, they can decline any proposal.

"Changes in the voting shares require approval by a supermajority of 85% of voting power.[5]"

US has 16% do the math.

Mnuchin seems like a pretty good guy. He has organized everyone from CEOs to activists to campaign for the tax reform. Much more competent than the healthcare clowns. Maybe he's a globalist, I don't know.

The fuck. That's a bit of a selective definition and list of examples. The term empire, like the term colonialism means something a little different than it did 150 years ago


Stupid changing the definition of everything because reality doesn't tie in with your stupid ideology


Liberalism=/= Communism

Oh I get it. Fine fucking use word neocolonialism, cuz that's basically what I'm referring to