"The Nazis have killed over six million Jews, and we're next if we don't get out of here NOW!"

"The Nazis have killed over six million Jews, and we're next if we don't get out of here NOW!"

The propaganda has gotten WAY out of hand.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did someone watch this movie? How was it?

Just got out of it, it was honestly great until the quote above, which 100% ruined the movie for me

did they really said that?

Did they really say that?
Also what is heroic about the British being allowed to retreat by the germans

it's kike propaganda like every single other ww2 film with Germans in it. How the fuck do you think it was retarded goy

Fuck, I was really counting on some Nolan kino to pick me up today.

Are you Americans this retarded?

Dunkirk was before the nazis systematically murdered 12 million Jews and other undesirables

Read a book you stormnigger and get off my board

Ladies and gentlemen I present "the master race"

lol, I don't remember this

No. OP is full of shit or maybe the USA version was different.

Holocaust didn't even start until 1942.

>Hitler can massacre all of the stranded British troops if he so pleases
>Decides to be a merciful gentleman in hopes of making peace with Britain
>Britain repays him by revenge-bombing Dresden to rubble

The moral of the Dunkirk story is to never place nice with your enemies

I enjoyed it. Went in not knowing what kind of movie it was so I expected something more war based, but it was good.

No and I know the exact scene in the movie OP is talking about and it does not say that.

Thats why we're pissed off, you goddamn mong.

And plus, it was 18 gorillion. Not sure where you get your numbers from.

Pretty fucking amazing, it's like the Omaha Beach scene from SPR but put into almost a 2 hour movie. You're thrown directly into the action and there's never a pause from it.

That's the joke, clown

There is zero chance they said this the 'Holocaust' as we know it only started in 1941

nice sound and cinematography, but thats it.
action gets repetitive real fast.

The sounds of the Stuka's on their dives was legit frightening to me.

Brits are fucking delusional.

the autist in me was thinking about hellstorm throughout the entire movie. I thought it was quite boring.

don't underestimate Jewish producers, user

Thought it was pure kino 9/10 . Honestly, would not have noticed OP's comment if I didn't see threads of this afterward. IMO the film was very anglo-pilled:

> all white soldiers, besides 2 blacks in french foreign legion
> germans are shown and described as a formidable foe - i.e. not the comically evil bullshit you see lately
> no identity politics or liberal propaganda; focused solely on the events at the beach
> celebrates nationalism and pride
> Bonus: french are described as pussies

>nobody picked the USSR

You actually believe the autism spewed from that that shit tier documentary? I've watched it myself and it's just as bad as Jewish propaganda but from fucking delusion Wehraboos.

I have seen two exact threads like this today, and honestly, I can't remember them saying this at all. My ears were ready for the propaganda too, and I would almost sweat this jew comments was NOT in the film.

This is such a fucking stupid poll. If you wanted to actually see how it was in 1945, look at this French one.

Saw it today . Never said shit about the 6 gorillian or merchants. The only Germans scene are in ME109s, Heinkel 111s, or JU87s .There are 2 blurry German infantry at the VERY end. It was ok, but little shooting. Mostly guys in boats that are sinking for 2 hours.

Jews are manipulating white people even though Jews are lesser than whites and none of them died in the holocaust because it never happened even though it definitely should have

While I haven't seen it yet I find it hard to believe that this line was in movie as Nolan was going to historical accuracy and the Holocaust wasn't even going on/known about.

It's a great movie. One of the best WW2 films out there.

No. You don't even hardly see Germans in the film either except for planes and in the end two soldiers out of focus.

Brits have no honor, hitler should have killed all 380k

jews are manipulating white people even though jews are lesser and none of them died in the holocaust even though they definitely should have

To be honest though, it could have been worse. The movie (well, apart from that line I guess) was HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. There wasn't fucking niggers running around and all female characters in the movie probably had a collective screen time of around 30 seconds.

could hitler have won if he hadn't shown mercy at dunkirk?

no heroic acts just Goring's incompetence. He lost the war for Germany. Luftwaffe always under performed.

This movie is an absolute Jew shit show. Dunkirk had no "escape". Hitler deliberately ordered all forces to let the British leave as a show of good will to the British soldiers. They were caught and could have all been massacred, but Hitler chose the road of peace. And yet, this movie shows Germany attacking them as they retreat LOL

Combine that with the Jewish holocaust bullshit ( the holocaust wasn't even announced until the war ended ) and it makes for one extra Kosher film.

That quote was DEFINITELY NOT in the film. There is no mention of "duh jews" whatsoever. OP is probably a jew himself trying to get anglos to avoid supporting the film because it didn't bow the knee to hollywood or (((them)))

The movie didn't say anything about Jews you dolt. It didn't have a political agenda, it simply showed young men trying to survive in a tense environment.

Is that why the Germans attacked the British during the entire evacuation?


There is fucking nothing about the movie even being a Jewish shit show. Why don't you do some actually historical digging and read about the alleged reasons why Hitler allowed the Brits to retreat back to Great Britain you incompetent retard.

This is bait, this wasn't in the movie
Fuck you SAGED


History revisionism, I thought this was only a tactic of the left.

Dunkirk, and Operation Barbarossa are the two most egregious errors Germany made in WWII. If either of them had gone differently we most likely wouldn't have tranny porn all over this board.

gotta do better than citing wiki as source

are you retarded?

ONLY six million?

Goy, I...

The scene when they were inside the beached vessel was wack.
>Hey we're getting shot at lets not return fire or move or anything

>I thought this was only a tactic of the left.

Did you miss the holocaust denial and "states rights" during the Civil War?

Was that a legit quote from the movie?

probably not

When the Vichy French ships refused to turn themselves over to the British, the British fired on them and sunk them and chased and sunk all retreating ships. This was less than a month after Dunkirk. Hitler has nothing on Churchill

Show mercy to your enemies

Brutally bomb everything into glass, even utilizing nuclear bombs
>world power

Really makes you think mercy is for losers. Winners don't practice mercy, they rewrite the history books after they've finished winning to make them not look like the bad guys.

t. jew

No it's not and I saw the movie a few hours ago, there's nothing mentioned about the Holocaust or Jews in the film.


What a terrible alternative reality!

he wasnt being merciful at all hence the patrolling luftwaffe bombing/strafing runs the tanks were stopped because he expected a counter attack and they had been going for a while and needed to stop and get their shit together, they continued on later

war with UK was inevtible

Why did you start this lie you worthless faggot? Look upon the mirror and despair. Sage.

Didn't you stay after credit when Hitler shows up and said "I'll do it myself" while holding the holocaust gauntlet.

you mean kiev/stalingrad/moscow as opposed to the whole eastern front right?

You're alright leaf

t. Wehraboo

Yeah, total shit documentary from a delusional retard

Fucking kek that would've been comedic gold

As someone who actually watched the film, that phrase was never said.


There was at least 1 black soldier with the French, which is actually historically accurate since the French used some Algerian soldiers

How is this a real human being? Just bug eyed?

I wrote a book you stupid fuck, and you have no clue what you are talking about that is all bullshit retarded leaf

>The Nazis have killed over six million Jews, and we're next if we don't get out of here NOW!

Made me lol, wish they really did say that, would have lost my shit in the theater

Would expect no less from (((HOLLYWOOD)))!

Started somewhat slow but ended good, I give it a 9/10. The propaganda is a given with any WWII movie

Based Norway

Also since everyone has been slinging shit over it, is there any conclusive evidence about "Hitler let them go" or not?

I mean, it is pretty weird. It would have been a simple but bloody task to crush the entire army and be done with it. He did not do this or even try though. Yes there were bombings but nothing to suggest he was trying to wipe out the entire force. But clearly he wanted to defeat the British eventually considering the RAF vs Luftwaffe fighting and the planned invasion.

Is it that weird to consider maybe he just didn't want to slaughter literally like almost half a million helpless surrendering soldiers? Doing so might have forced the hand of the Americans into the war, if not other countries. At the time Germany wasn't really vilified or the big bad guy of the war.


You wrote a book in America, you might as well have written a children's book for retards

Please go on and continue your ignorant stormnigger behaviour

12 million died wether you assholes like it or not

England has been invaded by:
Looks like they've only been able to stop the Germans and Spanish from stepping ashore. What makes the island and it's people so cuckish? The weather?

For a movie and sheer entertainment value, 8/10.
For realism and capturing the intensity of war, 9/10 (10/10 is basically missing gore, but that is about it).
I like how after the strafe and bomb runs, the soldiers just line back up. It basically gives you the sense that it has been happening for quite a while and everyone there was just... ready to die.

the shills are out in force tonight

no the movie was horrible, there was about 5 planes, 8 boats and 200 people throughout the entire movie and they call it Dunkirk - they even mention 'le 300,000 men' on the beach more than 5 times, but, where are they?? are we supposed to be crying and sucking nolans dick for a modern representation of a historically massive undertaking by the british navy and civilian boats when its literally 8 craft and 3 disgustingly shallow characters paying homage to the so called "greatest military disaster of the time"

maybe if they spent that 100mill + on b-list actors then maybe, just maybe it would've been better, I reckon the dialogue would've stayed the same-- non existent!


Were you expecting Napoleonic type gatherings of troops?

$5 for a movie? Where the fuck are you? Alabama?

retard confirmed
there was 300,000 to 400,000 people being evacuated while roughly 10k were on the beach at one time - yeah, if this movie is to tell a story then fucking tell it with visual accuracy, which by the way, cant be all that difficult to achieve with modern filmmaking (CGI)


No hitler did not personally order the halt for 2 days at dunkirk. British and French counter-attacked at Arras, and ran into panzer divisions unsupported by Infantry. The commanders on the ground wanted the halt to allow the infantry to catch up.

It was judged in hindsight a bad decision, because the counter-attack failed tactically, but in the end it accomplished a strategic goal.

Didn't the evacuation take over a week? That's another thing I find strange about it, surely if Hitler/the Germans wanted to destroy the army they would have found the means to do so within that time frame. I'm not really trying to argue Hitler "let them go", just the circumstances surrounding everything seem to kind of point to that being at least part of it.

>muh 500,000!
lying jew

There wouldn't have been a USSR if America hadn't supplied nearly all their war materiel.

English obviously isn't his native language, you total fucking retard.