Blacks are not intellectually inferior to whites

>blacks are not intellectually inferior to whites
>algebra is racists since blacks can't into algebra

Pick one and only one

Other urls found in this thread:

Algebra was only introduced to blacks recently, give them time.

>college in america
>do you have a pulse? are you black?

The source of the failure is that black parents don't teach their kids jack shit before they fob them off on the school system.

My parents didnt teach me jack shit and I still learned algebra in grade 6 like all the other whites in my class

Algebra is fucking easy. If you can't pass Algebra in college you don't deserve a degree.



tests are racist
grades are racist
learning is racist
working is racist
having money is racist
not breaking the law is racist
paying for food is racist

>meanwhile in Asia
>Algebra is the most basic stuff
>we have to learn them when we're at about halfway of our learning curve
>And they said Algebra is too hard for them
>i barely passed the final test for university
>srl niggas, you're really need to look back at yourself

>anybody else feel an intense urge to slap that dumb negress?

bitch, get your victimising black ass back to the virtue picking fields


Oh FFS....

>meanwhile in Asia
>"very" BAsIc math

Stupid cocklicker thinks that being raised by a black mama is the same as being raised by two white people who use big words, promote thinking, and otherwise provide for their child.

My grandma taught be basic algebra before I was even in kindergarten.

If you can't learn basic algebra and you're not severely retarded due to some disease/accident/genetic defect then you should not be allowed to live.

They said remedial classes were racist, boom they barely exist and are replaced with "college math", or "Principles of Mathematics". Soon these classes, covering things most people learned from ages 11-14 will be deemed racist.

Seriously, classes that used to not count for credits because you were literally retarded are almost completely done away with.

Our parents stay together and use big words because our parents arent stupid niggers.

College physics instructor here - Asian students are just as bad.

Niggers and asians are both fucking shit at math, the only difference between them is asians cheat their way to a passing grade.

they meant abstract algebra

Abstract in what way

No they didn't.

Abstract algebra is linear algebra, no way in hell are colleges demanding people pass linear algebra to graduate

Not in USA i think

How the fuck difficult is preforming the same few manipulations to solve for something?

This is simple as fuck

I can't read this shit drunk. It just makes me want to leave the house and start blowing niggers away until someone takes me out.

Yup, and if they complain anything about this, or the higher ver of it, they really have a problem with the brain function...

there are no such thing as civil rights

only individual rights
and education or medical are not

12 rounds for capcha fuck u Sup Forums wtf

>One of the studies' findings was the IQs of adopted black children reared by white families did not differ significantly from that of black children raised by their biological parents.

I can't read this site sober for the same reason

when movie?


its not that theyre inherently inferior its that the culture surround my people makes em think that, raise a black kid like you would a white and theyd be about equal. but you cant fix stupid


I wouldnt stop you, just bring my popcorn

I find it funny how we keep making school easier for niggers yet they continue to push the agenda that they are our intellectual equals.

They simply, holistically, are not.

they literally all cheat

the top graded students of my degree were all filthy whities including me because exams in bongland are taken under much stricter conditions than the gooks' high school exams in china were.

Well i at least dont have an issue with algebra, i just think most blacks are to fucking lazy to apply themselves. I saw it all through highschool, dont wanna educate yourself youll always be known as a dumb nigger and ill be damned if that happens to me

abstract algebra is way harder than linear algebra friendo...

Yup, i barely passed my university exam with that shits on my back

Basic undergrad courses only cover rudimentary group and ring theory, usually hardly even touching upon Sylow theorems, it's no more difficult than a decent linear algebra class.

But user, being a nigger is a genetic defect outside of the savannah.

>taking algebra in college
you're supposed to already know that shit when you get there.

americans were never good at algebra anyway its doing the whole country a favour

>algebra is racist
But there is a kebab in the front cover

I got this taught at high school when I was around 14.

This is why the white man has lost his empire, this is why the west is dying.
He started believing in his "fair play" meme.

Not Thai by the way, Dutch on holiday.

Algebra appropriates other people's cultures

Ours was 12 :)

stupid nigger thinks niggers are like people.

This is true. Spics didn't have a concept of the wheel until conquistadors arrived, and those fuckers are just barely figuring out how to drive. Shouldn't take blacks more than a few hundred more years tho

Algebra was invented by the Muslims anyway, the hell with it.

>lip smacking

There was no need of wheels in prehispanic American continent. Also, there were no spics

Or maybe the way people teach algebra is shit?:v

>raise a black kid like you would a white and theyd be about equal

Adoption studies suggest otherwise

Even affluent blacks perform worse academically than poor whites

It's not an easy pill for people to swallow, but it is largely genetic

has there been a study about the performance of blacks that were adopted by whites? I assume affluent blacks are still under the black mentality.

>on Holiday
>in Thailand

inb4 v&

logarithms are confusing desu

isnt linear algebra usually taught after differential calc?

dude blacks are truely retarded, man xDDDDDDD

I don't see a problem here.

Let the lazy retards decline to take anything useful. Let them pay full tuition to study art history and critical theory.

The students who aren't retarded will then have a much better teacher-student ratio. And the idiots will have zero prospects upon graduating.

Another black woman on a city council said the term "black holes" was racist

There was still a significant difference
I believe it was "Minnesota trans racial adoption study" - something like that.

oh fuck right off, algebra is easy as shit. it is THE EASIEST MATH THERE IS.

do calculus and then complain. even stats is harder.

>How dare you correct someone so that person doesn't blame themselfs anymore, you racist

you do know china has a massive cheating problem right?