Yeah we did the Armenian genocide, so what, you dumb fucks...

Yeah we did the Armenian genocide, so what, you dumb fucks. Every race in this history did bloody things so they can erase their enemies.. Hitler, Mao, fucking fat Americans who murdered Native Indians, Catholic Church, Russians, Serbians, Arabs, niggers. Everyone did it.

Only difference is we were doing genocides before it was cool. We created it. We murdered millions of humans, but for what? For fun of course! We are killers, the natural selectors, we destroyed entire civilizations, we killed low races.

You dumb whites talking everyday about gassing kikes and murdering niggers. Guess what, we are doing a fucking genocide right now in this shithole called M.E.

Grow some balls and do what you say, you fat cowards.

Btw next time please don't send Greeks, they are a race doomed to fail in every subject.

thanks bro

>wondering why everyone wants you burned alive
Your country is shit, your people are shit, your history and traditions are a sad excuse of culture and past. You specialize in unprovoked nigger tier behaviour and you occupy land you literally stole. You set up fake nations that nobody recognizes and you dont even fucking know why, like some retarded kikes. The day your shitskin sandnigger kind will gain any respect is the day you fuck back to mongolia and join your surprisingly more civilised nomadic cousin tribals.

Considering how everyone else is so guilty, I don't really have a problem with Turks or what they did. Pic related, should have finished the job.

EU hates u
US starting to hate u shifting toward the kurds
losing support of most major players in the ME
u still think u have a chance?


>we were doing genocides before it was cool
kebabnigger, genocides existed before you were a thing

>tfw you genocide the Irish for millennia and no one but a bunch of drunken Potato wogs even care and the World continues to love you.

>Turkey kills some 100k people and is all but a global pariah

wew lads

we don't need anyone you little bitch. I can't wait for the next great war so I can kill your shitskinned kind you disgusting animal. you're in our genocide list after k*rds

KEK, kurds will finish u before we get our hands in u, so sad

>sun burnt mongolian
>calling someone shit skinned

>Grow some balls and do what you say, you fat cowards.
The international community prevents us from doing it. We all agreed not to, and any time we do, we will end up like Hitler, or Slobodan. Who is going to lead a genocide against the nogs if they know they will be tried and hung in a kangaroo court?

For every time you respond to this thread from now on Muhammad (PBUH) gets an anal raping by Satan.

you did it cause your shitbags were scaredshitless of armenians in the first place.
Thats well known that turk can only fight against woman eldery and kids.

this is glorius

remember ww1 when the french and britsh used the roaches to get sevastopol ? same story there lol

yeah that's why you were our subjects for hundreds of years. you exist because of our mercy agopyan, let's keep it that way

>Turks now had Russia as one of past vassal states
We lad edrogan new history books made from the same shit as kuran, i guess.

Turkey? Yeah nothing special. Just a mass of land as far as I'm concerned, "Turks" have never been a coherant people like say Germans or Japanese. You're just the bit of land that people have had to pass through for a while, and so people just came in and out, forming incoherant communitites and made up ethnicities.
Turks are of no importance, just the people who live on a patch of sand and like to start fights over petty nonsense. I don't care what happens east of Greece or Moscow. So go on ahead, genocide whoever, but don't talk tough when you're licking the EU's feet begging it to call you one of them, and sending migrant colonizers like a petulant child who doesn't get his way.

Until you genocide someone I actually dislike, I'm not impressed.


you were ruled by seljuks and ottomans for a long while stupid arm*nian rat

>russian tag gets called armenian
inbred sense all the way

fuck you roach
you will all die

t. agopyan

>be arm*nian
>"""nationalist""" """people"""
>live anywhere but arm*nia

your disgusting diaspora kind is the best proof why your so called genocide theory is complete bs. it's impossible to genocide since you're scattered all around the world, I wish we really had done it back when we have the chance. kys monobrow subhuman

>see posts by this ID

I can kinda see now why so many people hate Turks.