Hi pol

im a gay male who hates "gay culture". i want to have kids but i dont want them to have 2 dads or the kids to not be mine. so no adopting and not 2 dads. im not attracted to women but i want a family. i like being attracted to men but i want a family just as much. is there a way to have both? or is there a way to make me like woman more than men.

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just find a woman with a manly vagina

vaginas disgust me. whats different about a manly one.

DONT be a bigot


You should not have kids

If you fake it and marry a woman you are depriving her of real love. And then if you fuck dudes behind her back thats just wrong

And since you are gay you have no business raising children

Go be a monk or stop being a faggot

i was born like this. literally all i have wanted since i was 10 was kids and a family. but then it turns out im fucking gay. and your right its selfish to not love someone who your marrying. mayby if i like her personality i can get over the looks. im sure fucking a vagina is still a nice feeling.

stop asking heteros (especially virgin larpers) for approval idiot
dont go asking reddit either. ask people you trust and who will be honest with you. these are grave decisions, make sure you give them the rigorous thinking and gravity they deserve.

maybe consult Catholics (not here though). they tend to have their heads on straight as well as incisive, humane morality.

im not looking for approval im discussing options. i dont have any plans to do anything at the moment.

i dont think being gay can be fixed, its been tried before and it all failed.

get a passable conservative trap who is content with keeping their dick. Honestly there are some out there. Get married, adopt. NEVER mention that mum used to be a guy, NEVER bring any of that shit into it. Honestly it can work i've seen it work.

but i want my own children. and the thing is im into proper strong guys, i dont like thin twigs who have no backbone. im a fan of real men not girly boys.

i know its >>>(((reddit))) but if you want real advice that will leave you with a clear conscience go to /r/Catholicism and ask them. they have the benefit of being young and educated as well as orthodox and reverent.

>Honestly it can work i've seen it work.

Then become a monk. Sorry lad without a male/female presence a family is doomed to produce inferior offspring.

why a monk? i dont believe in god although im not rightious about it. not the "HUUUR DUUR GOD IS SHIT" aethist, i just would like him to send me a vision.

Can you explain what your ideal situation would be like?

>I'm gay
>I don't believe in God
>What should I do about all my problems?
>I don't want to be degenerate or push degeneracy?

You are a seed that fell on concrete, looking off into the fertile field.
Maybe if you find God and ask for help, he will pick you up and help you get to where you need to be

i guess it would be i have my own kids and they live a normal life without having to face exile for having 2 dads. i would like to go out with men but for the kids i wouldent.

your green text is accurate. i dont like degeneracy as i think its a curruption in socity. how do i find/ask god? is it literal or do i look for signs?

If you don't want your kids to have 2 dads, then that is a glaring sign this vision you want is degenerate. Mate, look in the mirror and start over. Stop watching penis's shove into buttholes. You're brainwashed.

what do you mean. i feel that out ethics are very different.

All anyone can do is give you advice or try to tell you the way that worked for them.
Maybe inspiring, but ultimately unhelpful and possibly frustrating.

First ask yourself, why do you want to find God and what would you ask from him if you did?

well i wouldent have any questions really, just his existance would awnser most of them. my complaints are trivial so if i saw him the most i would say is thanks for creating me.

Seems like a real conundrum. Maybe there is a lonely undesirable woman out there who would coparen't with you the understanding that you aren't going to be a couple. Like how Michael Jackson had kids with that random broad. Or maybe there is a dyke who feels the same way. Might be good to put out some personal ads and see if you can drum up some interest. I wish you the best of luck friend

So you don't think you are worth anything?
You think you just exist for your own desires?
Sounds like you already gave up before you even started.

Look at the world. Look at the good end evil people and think about it. Think about selfish desires and think about selfless acts of kindness.
You think it's easy to be good? Do you think it's easy to resist temptation? It's not. It's not easy to make someone proud. It's easy to disappoint someone and to do something typical in spite of all the warnings and teachings.

You are not ever going to find meaning if you cannot even accept that a pathway of meaning exists.

Have you considered In Vitro fertilization?

Suck it up fairy.

being born gay is a meme, you chose that life of sin. Stop being a fag, marry a chic, bang her to get kids and then can stop banging her.

Good for you, you're one of the good ones.

Solution seems simple enough - find a dyke (a feminine one) who also wants a normal family and have marriage of convenience.

2 of you have kids together to form stable normal nuclear family while you understand you'll both be fugging guys/gals outside of marriage.

So stay single and adopt. I guarantee you'll do a better job than most of the single mothers everyone is always praising. Just don't let him grow up to be a fag or tranny.

t. Fag who hates mainstream gay culture and is raising my sister's son because she's a degenerate fucking junkie who the courts won't even let her be in the same room as him without supervision.


don't fight it you mick just marry another fag and have a homogenous relationship and never have kids.

Begin by going to an endocrinologist. Change your diet (go on keto) and stop eating anything processed or drinking water from plastic bottles. They want you to be gay user

Go look for a stop sign, so you can stop being a faggot

Hey OP,
There is hope. Find a nice girl preferably very hot and white. She must have a job/work hard. It's gonna be hard and you may have to wait. You need to find a libertarian/conservative gal who is poly, but not a slut. Also helps if you are loaded


Make sure you treat her like a princess as once you give her a dicking she will crave yours since it is not readily available. Start saying you are bi, but prefer dudes, but you want a family that is normal. Trust me faggot, it'll work

just dont. if you dont want to deal with vaginas, you cant handle kids. all kids, especially boys, are essentially women with even less cognitive ability until they hit their late teens at which point they become their own person. if girls are too "icky" for you then you have no business fucking them in the first place.

there is also the problem of the gay gene, in that you are potentially subjecting your kids to the same fate as yourself, or an even worse one if they happen to inherit your gayness (i know it sounds dumb) and fuck other dudes, many of which are known to carry HIV and actually try to spread it.

its fine if you want to pursue conservative values and reject faggot culture, but in a family situation, you are a liability whether you want to believe it or not.

Just fap to straight porn until you like women. Start with like, anal doggystyle so you don't see pussy, then work yourself up from that.

>is it literal or do I look for signs?
Wew, lad. Just read the bible and listen to Jordan Peterson. Maybe, you don't want to take it literall because it may seem a little outlandish, but you can take it metophorically and philosophically. Don't be some fucking Protestant evangelical that "speaks to God". Adopt the culture and you will become the culture. The hardest part is the start. Also, are you sure you're, gay lad? Or do you just admire some muscle here and there?

easy: look for a lesbian with same attitude, jack off in a cup, give it to her, marry her, anyone can have another partner

Refer to pic related, that might give some insight to your subconscious.

were you molested as a kid? sometimes that kind of thing can sort of "cross wires" and is the cause of the homosexual tendencies.

Accept your station in life. If you have siblings who wind up having kids, be an awesome Uncle.

You're welcome.


Find a women who wants to strap one on and fuck dudes in the ass.

ITT Varadkar discovers Sup Forums

You are everything that is wrong with modern ireland.

Print and Tape this too your front door....

"Pussy > Hairy turds on your cock. "

I'm good enough!!
I'm smart enough!
and garsh darn it pussy likes me.

I haven't read the thread yet, but as a femanon, and a pretty successful mother, I'll tell you: you can do this.
Plenty of single mothers curtail their sex lives for the years of child raising (it seems long, but when it's over, it's over).
There are so many children out there who need a loving parent.
Surround yourself with family and community, and you will have the support that you need.
More power to you.

This is a good idea.

> be a cuco willingly

Also, you know the rules

Fuck your rules.
This isn't Sup Forums.
Plus, I'm getting ready to go to work.

Is there lore behind comics like this? Why does Pepe keep doing this to Wojak and why does Wojak keep falling for it?

You'd make a great Republican.

Putting a penis inside it feels great

find a wife that likes pegging and anal

>Become a cuck by choice
No wonder women are not very welcome here.

I think you're actually bisexual but you hate women so much you refuse to go out with them.

MGTOW to the next level.

And if you have money I bet there are women who would love to have kids with you and raise a family while you go off and fuck other dudes and she goes off to also fuck other dudes.

poo poo pee pee is the meme of choice for patricians

Try elecro shock therapy


No they don't

you could find one of those weirdos that are female bu take hormones that make them look male while having female genitalia and impregnate it.

Only thing is I don't know how well it will turn out for the kid if he/she/xur/it is still taking said hormones during pregnancy.