
Explain one good reason why we shouldn't do mandatory brain scans of all people and find the psychopaths, narcissists, histrionics and borderlines among us and send them to a gas chamber. Imagine how much senseless crime and violence would no longer occur without these people. It would purify society.

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Irony is only a psychopath would think of something like that

really makes me think

If you need a brain scan to spot a nigger, then you're part of the problem

Good people can do bad things. Look at every oppressive regime in history; all those murders were carried out by seemingly non-psychopathic people. It is called dehumanization. But I think it is fair enough to dehumanize a group of people which literally are the source of almost every murder. Even the non-murderous psychopaths are terrible human beings. It's in their blood.

because you can't even brainscan those conditions, user.

Are histrionics and borderlines that bad?

Known one histrionic and he was a piece of shit so maybe you are on to something.

This is actually a good idea and could also be used in conjugation with drugs and implants for properly adjusted neurological efficiency.

I've actually thought about this for a long time. Make some excuse that everyone needs an FMRI, gas the people with incredibly low frontal lobe activity that means they have the morality of a mountain lion. Simple and probably very effective.

>It's in their blood

No actually it's in the brain. It isn't a necessarily genetic condition, as the behaviors can be learned and conditioned, especially with small children.

You can though; they have abnormal brains. Areas involving empathy, emotion are deflated and ego greatly inflated.

This, when people think they are morally justified, like when they think they can build communism or achieve social progress, the greatest atrocities can be justified for the "greater good". Talking to the shithead communists just really lets you have an eye into the delusions of what they are capable of.

Histrionic & borderline people are not as dangerous like psychopathic / sociopathic or narcissistic people, but they have extremely destructive personalities and make literally everyone around them feel like shit. I've known many borderlines and histrionics and they're always manipulating people's emotions to get what they want.

It is a mixture of environmental and genetic conditions. Someone with a psychopathic gene will have that gene activated under a certain condition. The same condition would not induce psychopathy in a genetically normal human being.

You'd be killing almost all of our smartest people if you do that. There's a strong correlation between high iq and schizophrenia, narcissism, and psychopathy. Just look at every serial killer.

None of that shit is bad when it's under control. When someone breaks we see the results. We laud the unidentified functional and productive majority.

It's like saying let's gas all white people because they are prone to skin cancer.

Because the scans can only give you a probability distribution of their outcomes and you can't "maybe" gas someone.

Also, who do you put in charge of this massive government effort? How to you keep it honest? Why would it not fall into corruption and evil as quickly as any other effort? In three years the infrastructure would be owned by jews and whites would be lined up to die.

ASPD has been correlated with low intelligence, not high intelligence.

Psychopathy is easy to scan, bro.

If the people running it were at all influenced by Jewish psychologists they would just nab all the healthy sane people who don't like degeneracy. If the people running it were actually looking for psychopathic narcissists they would round up all the Jews.

I never said Antisocial, but you'd be wrong thinking smart people are extroverts.

I'm pretty sure that guy's full of shit. A narcissist and pathological liar maybe, but psychopath, nope.

Antisocial stands for violent, thrill seeking behavior at the expense of others, not introversion. ASPD is just another term for sociopaths/psychopaths.

>tfw pretty soon the technology will exist to give you virtual prison sentences where your sense of time is altered so you experience millions of years of sleepless solitary confinement

>I never said Antisocial
You said psychopathy, and Antisocial Personality Disorder is the actual psychiatric condition that corresponds to psychopathy. Psychopathy isn't a real psychiatric term.

>tfw I would kill both of them on the spot for their perversion of the human consciousness

or at the very least a good lecture about not accidentally creating super villains