Damn Sup Forums... How can we compete with such a memorable and powerful slogan?

Damn Sup Forums... How can we compete with such a memorable and powerful slogan?

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>but muh identity politics
Sorry demmys. Turns out the white male vote is more important than ever, now that Trump is going to root out the massive voter fraud that's been perpetrated.

Niggers don't care about any of those 3 things

> Better
> Better
> Better
woo, exciting *yawn*

Reminds me of Burger King

This. They should make it about more free shit if they want to keep their pet niggers in the DNC plantation

Arbeit Macht Frei

Do they still want to take my guns?

Do they still want to force smelly criminal browns into my neighborhood?

Hmmm... I will pass on this one leftists.

Oh yay, better wages to pay the debts you built up retraining for a job that will be gone in a few years as the rest of the world adapts and outsourcing them becomes cheaper.

Let's see if we can murder it...

> Better Reich
> Better Volk
> Better Fuhrer

Better skills? They can't even meme.

better ingredients
better pizza
papa penis

we? you are your own person, nigger. and pol is not your personal social commentary army, fag.

Papa bless

Order Papa John's?
Are they suing the DNC yet?


Make America Better Again

First thing that came to my mind.
Fucking idiots...


Sieg und Heil

It's better than their old slogal "FUCK WHITEY," they might actually stand a chance of they push actual ISSUES instead of identity politics.

I have my doubts the Democratic party leadership is actually this smart, though.

Trump rebuttal:

Best Jobs,
Best Words,
Best Memes

I don't know, OP, you insufferable faggot, how CAN we fight the cancer of shit forced memes?

>It's almost like Donald Trump's entire 2016 campaign message
>It's almost like they're making a half assed attempt to admit to their shortcomings in the previous election

>trumps new slogan

lmao that's fucking garbage.

It's simple, which makes it more effective. Wages are something libs have been complaining about for years now, dems actually might be getting their shit together if they're focusing on the economy and not identity politics

New worldcorpo pizza gate video

It's so simple, yet they felt the need to use the same word (better) multiple times. It just rolls off the tongue desu.

>better skills
>better jobs
>better wages
>better roads
>better schools
>better finances
>better housing
>better safety

Wow it's almost like Liberals suck shit at everything and fuck up everything they touch when given eight years to lead.

>better skills
That's not even correct English, is it?

How much did they pay their advertising jews to come up with this smegma?

Better memes, better hair, Donald Trump.

Their entire party platform exists to promote a surplus of labor and cheap wages though, how the fuck do you run on "better wages" when you want to import 2 million people per year and sign shit like TPP?

"You think you're hot shit, dontcha?"

Better Gibs
Better Me
Better Dats

Democrats always promise a better economy but NEVER follow through. Oh sure, they'll toss out some incrementalist welfare state shit, but they don't go all out on making our economy the best it could ever be.

To be fair, I also don't care when Republicans make the same promises, because like the Democrats they never follow through either.

Infrastruture will continue to rot, jobs will continue to be outsourced, offshored, and automated, public sector jobs will retain closed shop unions while private sector jobs remain unionless, and the economy will stay imbalanced while debt and poverty rise.

I don't know what the solution is, but I know that neither of the two major parties care or know what they're doing anymore.

>mo betta
>less drumpf

Thanks Obama.

>your skills suck so we need to educate you to make you better
>your job sucks and will be replaced with one that's better
>all of this so tyrone and jose can have wages that are better

I'm sure this will win back all the whites who just want to work and be left alone by the government

Were they inspired by a Papa John's commercial?

Just so you all know, they WERE actually considering this slogan:

"Have you seen the other guys?"

>Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages
>B(S, J, W)
does BW stand for anything?

Its weird but it is correct english if you treats skills as a noun


Holy shit its Ted Cruz


>BS, BJ, and BW

Will the Democratic Party break if they lose ground in 2018? (((Rasmussen))) says 68℅ would be willing to vote for a third party.

Blacked Women

>Skills, Jobs, Wages

You could use the same slogan, but actually mean it and actually promote those things.

Huge skills
Huge jobs
Everything's going to be huge folks. Because we have to. No longer will we accept globalism. It's gonna be huge.

Who is the consultant that got $30k to come up with this shit?

They hired the guy who does home depot commercials.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was the same one who came up with "Stronger Together"

They can push this but the fact still stands that someone has to do the low-wage jobs. Also, everyone going to college is why the job market is so over-saturated with degree-holders, getting us into this mess in the first place.

Theyre clearly shifting gears because they realize retards without a job dont vote. Their coming for middle America after they lost the last election so theyre trying to appeal to blue collar tradesman types.

Meanwhile Trumps relection slogans will be

>better skills

Because you'll get free college to get that useful gender studies degree!

>better jobs

Well, maybe you'll get one of these if you learn robotics repair instead of gender studies...

>better wages

Because we're going to raise the minimum wage to 6 GORILLION dollars, so everyone gets rich! We're warming up the printing presses right now.

>They hired the guy who does home depot commercials.
Sound more like Papa Johns

Here's my slogan for Dems:

"We have more seats up for election than Republicans so we'll say anything to not lose evenmore seats"

>Vote for us and we will definitly give you these things, just like in the 40 years prior.

Oh boy.

I willing to bet money that some woman came up with this shit. If you ever worked in a marketing department you know what i mean.


They're just going to remind everybody of Pizzagate.

>DEMOCRATS new slogan
Trump was right. I can't take all this Winning. I'm checking out.

Yep. Blacks don't care because they have affirmative action and welfare programs. Funny how liberals are in denial about how blacks openly reject many of their causes outside of identity politics.

Butter skills, botter jobs, bitter wages.

This can't be coincidence

Democrats can't stop lying about their position i see


Maybe the dems are trying to change position. They're not a party of principle but one that changes their view on shit just to hold on to power

What position?

When they're not using identity politics as their crutch, they have nothing.

>They're not a party of principle

So true it hurts! They stand for nothing. Sometimes I think it's almost unfair to call them liberal because they're even fair weather in that regard.

They pander to feminists and minorities only out of convenience.

fucking Sup Forums doesnt even realise that Trump isnt up for reelection 2018.

Reps have to come up with a slogan not Trump

Better Ingredients. Better Commercials. Better Pizza. Papa Johns 2020!

>It's better than their old slogal "FUCK WHITEY
You're naive. All of those things will exclusively be given to non-whites and non-citizens, and whitey is gonna pay for it.

Let's make it happen. A pizza in every oven. Greatness delivered in under 30 minutes or it's free.



You don't have to. Democrats hate the working class and anyone with half a brain can see through their bullshit.

>House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also told the newspaper that Democrats are not looking for a "course correction," but rather a "presentation correction."

>Schumer said he expects the party's new economic agenda is a phrase that "everyone will use — a better deal for workers, a better deal for women, a better deal for prescription-drug buyers.”

>“Part of this is its usability, its repetition and its relation to both the New Deal and a better deal than Trump,” Schumer added.

>“He’s supposed to be a dealmaker; he’s not very good at that.”

Liberals actually believe they just have a "messaging" problem, not a policy problem. They also think we are naive and stupid enough to believe that just repeating "A better deal for X" is somehow a coherent and persuasive message, or that we somehow think everyone can get a "better deal" when we know all these groups are directly at odds with one another (i.e. it is not going to be a "better deal" for truck drivers, laborers, small businesses, non-union, etc)

Platforn is still Fuck Heterosexual White People.

Will never change because Elite self-enrichment and White displacement is their goal.

what anime is this

After DNC 2016 I`d thought their next slogan is going to be along the lines of "we`re all spics inside" or something.


*dog whistles

>"better jobs" is the slogan meant to rally a party composed primarily of welfare recipients
>"better skills" is the slogan meant to rally a party composed primarily of high school dropouts

Legend of Galactic Heroes, redpilled as fuck

>better skills, better jobs, better wages
>skills, jobs, wages
>s, j, w

What did they mean by this?

How are they planning on funding campaigns in 2018? They finished June $3,000,000 in debt..





The Dims better not use that slogan....

One will only have to ask where these "better" things were under Obumma and his sickly economic growth.

Sounds like hey Jude

>How are they planning on funding campaigns in 2018?
Soliciting for more SJW student loan/rent money obviously

So essentially, one could say, make America great again?

That's the thing, they aren't getting any.. they're going bankrupt

its a big change from, I'm with her, and Its her turn, and diversity is our strength. Now they are meming economics again to try and get back the white voters.
So, basically
Big if true

Woot! Hilldawg 2020. Drumptfilstilkins btfo! TWO SCOOPS. Woot!

We ought to subvert this slogan and demand there be more identity politics.