*sips tea*

*sips tea*

This is only a problem if you are a degenerate low life with no worthwhile marketable skills to contribute to society. The rest of us are fine.

>owning a house

rural and suburban retard detected

>*sips sperm*

Wrong. It's a problem for anyone not in the 1%. Even people in the 2% who aren't in the 1% have that problem.

>central banking, massive regulations, subsidies everywhere, taxes everywhere, entry barriers everywhere, welfare, minimum wages

Except it's not true for everyone. Certainly not for the person who said it.

communist/socialist policies going unchecked is whats causing all that today

Only the 1% is free. In this demension.

If you don't have the mental capacity to become a millionaire with $250 dollars to invest each month and you don't have the discipline to make sure you get that amount of money to invest even if it means you sleep under a bridge then you sincerely deserve to be poor.

It wasn't free market that caused the housing market to crash, it was the govt forcing companies to give out shit loans to people with shit credit and shit capacity to pay back their loans.

I didn't "lose" my house or my savings.
In fact, capitalism has GIVEN me a house and savings.
I'm ten times better off than most people my age.

All because I have marketable skills that aren't well suited to being outsourced to China.

People didn't get fucked by "capitalism" per se, they got fucked by globalism. A country can very well be capitalist and still protectionist, like the US were up to the 1950s.

Besides, even the poorest faggots of today are richer than the kings of medieval Europe.

>tax the shit out of the poor
>blame capitalism

I'm very down right now, please refrain from using my own meme against me in these trying times. Thank you.

Enjoying throwing money away.

t. pastanigger, probably mafiosi too.

Are you a millionaire?

>guys housing market ruined everything
>government subsidies caused the market crash


Actually it came true under "democratic socialism" and excess govt. spending and intervention with private companies as well as making direct moves to shut down American infrastructure of Obummer-era politics

But please tell me how you have "no voice in the system" Oh wait that's also not what happened. You lost elections and shit because you were all apathetic at best to your candidate's corruption. And instead of focusing on her corruption you instead made an inflated boogeyman out of Trump, never addressed Hillary's problems and therefore Hillary's problems never got addressed. Also the broken american countryside which exists in-between New York and LA (IK, crazy right i didnt know there was more to american between NYC and LA) had their voices heard for the first time in like 20 years.

>What's that? never addressing problems has the strong effect of not fixing them? WELL SHIT ON ME, DAS A NEW ONE

Here's my problem with you BernieBro shitstains, and why you need to jump off buildings.
You blather your face about "muh 1%" and all that shit. But in the end, you worthless fucks aren't against le 1%, you're against the bourgeoisie IN GENERAL, from the working middle class, on up.
You want fucking nummies for your mouth, and you want Everyone to pay for them. You want a progressive tax that starts from dollar zero.
Taxing le 1% is just a smoke screen. You want everyone to pay more taxes, to fund your shitty fuckin' noms to useless niggers, immigrant spics, whore feminists, and loser fucks seeking useless as shit degrees. You despise capitalism in general unless it gives you slime in your troughs.
You want gibs, and that's all you are, and ever will be about. All you sort of bastards were right in there with the bankers that gave out ridiculous loans that led to the housing crisis, because 'muh gibs, gimme dat loan, .gov bank said no, gimme. Y
ou were right in there when they gave out ridiculous loans for utterly fucking stupid degrees, because nummy gibs for socialism boi the pos.
Piss off, all of you. You want shit for free, period.

Keynesian economics is an unnatural, mixed economy, but it's basically the only model that supports a large middle class. The only other models that support a large middle class (which is an unnatural thing in economics) are fascism and National Socialism.. all of which are mixed economies .

Socialism results in everyone but the state being poor, and pure unbridled capitalism leads to plutocracy and all the wealth concentrated among an elite class that's NOT the state (same outcome just different people in control for different reasons)

Let me tell you something coming from a guy that saw communism:
In communism not only you would get to own a home but you would get it half price compared to capitalism .

But I haven't lost my house.
And I'm set to retire in less than a decade.

The fuck?

>hurr durr I don't have anything to say so I'll just be retarded

Faggot flags were a mistake.

But it was capitalism that decided to end protectionism in the name of free market.

It's no one else fault, the commies hated it.

Also fucking this.
They want to drag EVERYONE down to their (poverty) level. If you make even just 5K more than they do, you're "rich" and YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE - even though you already pay 3 times as much taxes.

A statistic came out some time ago, showing the top 25% of Italians pays over 80% of all taxes.

Berlusconi could pay all those taxes by himself.

>presents false choice

What is Distributism, Alex?