VOTL Swordfish
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frank-tier larping
>twitter larpers
the voat guy should just dump everything before (((they))) suicide him 2bh
vol is tom delonge
What do you all make of this? I think its a LARP but am watching it
Do I have enough time to stock up on food? Ffs it's happening too fast
i think the voat guy is legit
>maybe this time it's not fake
>maybe this time
it's larp garbage just like every countdown, every rumored filed drop, every fear porn prediction. im quite tired of this bullshit, which is probably the point. (((they))) want you disengaged and demoralized, Combat this by turning your apathy into blind hatred.
>I think its a LARP
It's always LARP because if they had anything they'd just release it.
Kibutz - jewish communal farm.
fuck Sup Forums is dumb sometimes.
so wikileaks drops are larps? they have countdowns pretty often.
The last wikileak drop of any importance was John Podesta's emails. The "vault 7" stuff was interesting but dated, and the countdown to said drop was reddit tier faggotry
Who is Swordfish?
Has anyone ever investigated that or checked his/her other past claims?
You're right in the Jewish connection, but Kibbitz is an entirely different word than kibbutz
The vault 7 leaks were a red herring. Outdated from what is currently being used now.
wew lad
It's Yiddisch word you fucking retarded cunt. Kibbutz is not the same as Kibbitz but both are Jewish/Yiddisch. Kibbitz means to offer advice as an outsider.
I dont know but i was thinking swordfish made an appearance during election.. perhaps im mistaken but i thought it was the same one
The only thing I saw was that Swordfish is from voat and has been right before, but I haven't had time to look into anything.
Lets hope so user. I think its going to be ignored until some serious shit hits the fan and someone high profile is outed
his past posts make him very credible. this really could be the happening..
Has anybody else besides VotL posted this Swordfish list?
Check out the latest tweets...
no breakthrough
nothing found
everybody still free
everyone still alive and kicking
Alex Jones is now getting sued into submission and humbly apologizing
Truth doesn't fear investigation
made up bullshit on the other hand....
As is the mods letting those Answers threads up and reaching 400 posts
nice pasta faggit. get good
Nice copy pasta, you literally just look for these threads then post that, do you know how obvious you are that it means that much to you that you do this. At this point it would be more convincing if people just didn't shill.
Isn't that Icon the symbol of some My little pony faction?
Daily Dose:
I wish. Nothing short of violent revolution will ever bring these "people" down and even then they'll manage to cling to life somehow in the dark places like the scum they are. And that's not going to happen unless quality of life gets a lot worse but since people are just so content these days...
Best case scenario you're getting some fall guys to take the heat off because there has been a lot of interest lately.
I wish man.
be more positive. theres much more people like us behind the scenes than you think. changing the world doesnt take a week, a month or a year its step by step
another (((coincidence))), I'm sure
already confirmed larp
the tweet before that looks like a DM by a band member and VOTL had to accept the request to receive it. check who VOTL latest folllow is, i don't have twitter
cult programmer. warn everyone.
this is the prelude to the elites giving us fulfillment of end-times prophecies before introducing a new religion to "unite" the world.
"Unite" means kill everyone who doesn't accept the programming.
I stopped following this guy about a month ago because what he was saying seemed like bullshit. Has he revealed anything of importance in the time since?
the follow list doesnt go in order so ill have to dig through and see if any blue checkmarks come up. the user was probly using a user account tho
he/she says they had to resort to using their band's account, look for bands
If he is legit, he has cracked encrypted video files displaying the most depraved acts one can conceive of. Aside from that, he has his comment history and publicly available tidbits.
If you go on a 20 streak, do you tell people you are going to use the nuke at a certain point or do you just drop it at the most opportune time? I do B.
New /HTG/ thread for any interested anons:
We are especially looking for anyone who's good with photo shop and the like to help us map out suspected trafficking hubs, routes, known industrial shipping routes, and etc;
Again, anyone who knows how to and is willing to make maps to help us out would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!
when will the 48 hours be up
he/she also emails and tweets at huge figures and alphabet organizations, which have not shut it down as of yet.
Not a chance. De Longe is being run by the Rick Doty Circus at Air Force Intelligence.
looking now
Sage. /leftypol/ is making fools of us again.
this i will wait all night for this
refresh this link the next 24 hours:
>Ok City being involved in child organ harvesting
Goddamnit I knew it!
-t. Tulsan.
VOTL has also deleted several tweets from today. One appeared to be replying to jaden smith and another i dont know. They deleted before i could see
digging, i have found some who think David Seaman is Swordfish. apparently he once used John Travolta's pic from the movie Swordfish as his avatar.
it was frank most likely. he spent all of last night samefagging in those human trafficking threads
i dont think its seaman but he may have had contact with the actual swordfish group or individual and knew this was coming..
FWIW I am a regular visitor to VOAT/Pizzagate and have been since the fall of 2016. Swordfish69 is a respected contributor whose posts get a lot of commentary. This is the first and only time that I am aware of him taking such a bold stance. I believe he is legit and has uncovered something big not merely thru online research but perhaps with his boots on the ground. To those who claim LARP and question the 48-hour deadline, have patience, stay tuned, and pray for the guy. As for the Swordfish69's true identity, I think it would behoove us not to speculate. That said, I do not believe he is David Seaman, with whose work I am also familiar, because their styles are completely different. David is a more of a political columnist/commentarist whereas Swordfish69 is less inclined to opine.
great post thanks for the honest feedback. any chance swordfish could be an insider and has seaman as a irl contact?
Just strange coincidences that Seaman used to talk about Swordfish the movie, use the avatar, and have his Twitter and youtube stuff deleted.
I honestly would have no idea. I can tell you that I don't think Swordfish69 is a sensationalist type, at least what I can gather from his writings. David, however, has pulled a disappearing act or two based on pressure he was receiving, (or so I gather), and I actually don't see him having this level of nerve. But ya never know. Anything is possible.
kurt eichenwald?
Ben Swann?
Thank you. I was not aware of all those things. Yes, that is odd. I can see now why you'd make that connection. I actually met David in person at the Pedogate rally in DC. but have not faithfully followed him on YT since then. I just don't get the vibe he and Swordfish69 are one and the same. But I could be wrong. It has happened before.
Nah. They got to Swann hard. He's big nigga on CBS Atlanta News now. Got him a nice promotion after that shit went down.
Interresting thread
We finally find out soon if victoryofthelight is legit, or.a.larper.
I am not familiar with Eichenwald's writings and I have only seen Ben Swann on YouTube so I would hate to speculate.
hes also stated the war is over and that ayys are about to reveal themselves too so hes putting it all on the line for this week.
David is not smart enough honestly, he is an attention whore who copy/pastas shit and pretends like he is scooping
Actually, VotL is not claiming anything this week but only retweeting someone named Swordfish69 who is.
Well, I was trying to be kind. But...yea. ; )
Link to original post voat.co
he also claims to be in contact with him too
Ahh ok
what does he know pol?
Yes, but it seems VotL and Swordfish are 2 different entities. VotL says Swordfish are part of "the resistance", but it doesn't seem like they are a part of the LARP (real or not).
This is from the twitter account. All the shills in here screaming nothing Burger are being retards and not even presenting arguments. If killary is involved there is definitely something there.
Is he Swordfish69?
Fucking shill. KYS
Are you shilling here because your queen killary is involved in this??? KYS
>I check out Voat
>tons of pizzagate comments
>pizzagate is debunked and a stupid meme
>Close tab
I'm not taking this seriously at all.
It's pasta but he's right. Literally nothing has happened, and literally nothing will ever happen when it comes to this disgusting pedo shit
his mo is ayys so probably something seperate
>David Seaman
The goalkeeper?
how is it debunked you fucking faggot shill. It's a huge fucking cover up with tons of evidence. Pedogate is the real thing. If you don't believe there is a huge satanic child sex ring then you should actually feel bad for your self and really think about your quality of life. How much are you getting paid to do this? Money won't matter in the future you fucking faggot. Keep endorsing pedophiles all you want, you'll end up falling with them. Kill yourself please.
Wow it's another big nothing burger. YAAAAAAWWWWWNNN I'm going to bed.
We need a final solution to the LARPER question.
Should have swung for what he did to Paul bennewitz
Shill is shilling
>zero proof
Just like the Russian nothing burgers.
tom was a hardcore christian before blink and during ava
there's a reason he was attacked by travis and mark. they constantly spread shit about him being a shitty member, showing up late, and the reason for the downfall of blink twice
reminder he was in hillary's emails
This is why ww3 is two days away
>'revolver' and 'gun' clubs in LA nightclubs
What does this mean?
this never seen so much shilling since the election and first round of pizzagate
>offers absolutely no evidence for claims
>saviors are coming
>expects anyone serious to believe him without evidence