I'm Conflicted

>Be me 22 just finished University
>Frequent Sup Forums and began to hate nigs,spics and chinks.
>Get hired for an IT position, good money and seems like I'd enjoy the work
>Go to work first real day
>Realize have nigger as co-worker
>Disappointed but enjoy the job a lot
>It's been about a week into the job
>Been regular day but ate some spic food for lunch
>In break room with nigger since co-worker
>Body reacts badly to spic food, run to bathroom
>Phone on table with Sup Forums open, full brightness so can see Sup Forums logo and "Sup Forums" , really easily
>Comeback from bathroom realize he (nig) knows am pol
>He's an IT worker like me so realizes Sup Forums for racists and alike, im not ashamed
>Tell him just here to work and don't want any trouble
>Few days go by normally
>With my luck get hit with stomach bug, feel symptoms at work (uneasy)
>have to go home so I don't vomit on equipment worth more than my apartment
>Like an retard leave work computer logged in because distracted
>Management doesn't care if you leave unreported as long you finish work

>AGAIN like retard leave unreported without finishing work
>Know when I return that management will rape me for leaving early and not finishing work
>Go to work in the morning expecting the worst, decide to go straight to desk instead of mangament
>Will wait for mangament to come to me for punishment
>Turn on computer and realize someone touched because of mouse DPI and logged out
>Open company work scheduler/assigner and realize someone finished my work
>Only person in company that could've done it was nig
>Try to be nice and say thank you during break
>He says "no problem" with smile and goes back to his own thing
>2 weeks go by normally
>Decide to make life exciting by getting dog
>Like dog a lot, probably only motivation to live
>Love the dog but he's kinda retarded,
>Just like him be retard and leave doggie door unlocked when leaving for work
>Comeback from work and realize he's gone, panic
>Up all night looking for him, go to work in the morning and bring flyers to put up on company bulletin
>nig comes up and offers to search for him with me
>Hate him less for being nig because he saved my ass before but still nig
>Really miss dog so accept offer
>After work we start searching and he tells me tips like bringing his toys and my clothes so dog can smell
>After searching together for hours, he finds dog
>Tears in my eyes while dog licking face
>Thank him for help and give him chance even if nig because he's been nothing but nice
>Start to talk more and realize we have same sense of humor
>We both make race jokes and alike at each other while laughing
>Go over to his apartment once, see set up, he plays on PC too, but we play Rocket League on his console
>Become best friends over time
and he invites me over to his parents house for dinner
>His mother and father are really nice, whole family educated and athletic
>Eat really good food and go home
>Still browse Sup Forums time to time, but feel awful about racism because best friend is black

idk, good for you OP
Just next time be less retarded becuse you won't always be that lucky

Treat others as they treat you.. Keep it simple and have fun in life.

Here's the reality dude, and the quicker everyone realizes this the better off we'll be.

Minorities, especially niggers are usually ok if it's just one around or VERY few in an area.

However, where there are some, more will follow, and not the good kind. The more niggers that move into an area, the place goes to shit and they all feel more empowered. It's the same with all nigs, spics and sand roaches.

So is the compromise really worth it?

Until Jamal and his bois rob your ass or kill you.

OP is fucking LARPing or an utter schlemiel schwartze und essen neger tuckus!

Tell me a story about the holocaust,

I want to beLIEve

>it's an op doesn't understand the bell curve thread

Blacks are not bad OP

don't listen to the autists on Sup Forums they defend women while saying blacks and jews are the problem. They attack racemixing while telling Sup Forums its ok for white male to fuck black female. It's all Sham and really Sup Forums is not a place of truth and just a place to come vent when you have no one else to talk to or who wants to hear you speak.

The bell curve user, some are really good people some are not.

>Calling someone who obviously cares about you a nigger
Being a """conflicted white man""" is the least of your problems. You're a pretty shitty person, m8.

All races in small minorities are capable of conforming to a strong white majority culture. Particularly blacks because they have no real culture to revert to. it's ok to have black m8 but also support the deportation of half his relatives, because it's for the best, yours and his.

nice larp. theres no black people in IT work. if you said you were a trash man sure but IT work lmao they dont even have to hire them to fill afimative action quotas

FFS, user. We don't hate them because they are some different race. We hate ~60% of them for being unbridled low IQ monkeys.

Just stop being a faggot

This didn’t happen

He's what we call "Based Black man xD"

There are two reasons why its impossible for me to be a racist. #1. I treat people as individuals, and show some amount of respect until someone fucks up. #2. There are plenty of white individuals, and even white groups that I don't like, and some people from minority groups I do like. To me this seems pretty non-racist and sensible, but the left would still take issue with it because they don't value common sense. They just believe in whatever the next "scientific" study is that affirms their childish presuppositions.

>le based black guy LARP
Fuck off and sage.

i wonder if there's a yiddish word that means something like "LARP", it's a very jewy thing to accuse someone of. gotta ask zayde next time he's coherent.

I'm a chemical engineer and I regularly get drinks with my pajeet and chink coworkers. We used to play vidya but we've all started going to the gym together instead now.

London might be a metropolitan globalist non English city, but there's a lot of good stuff to do ngl.

Assuming this is true, not wanting to live around niggers and recognizing many of the shortcomings of their race as a whole doesn't mean you can't have friends that are black and respect them on their individual merit.

IT isn't that hard, his family is very educated. His father is a prof at the State U. He was a good student and volunteered. :/ so idk

IT isn't that hard, his family is very educated. His father is a prof at the State U. He was a good student and volunteered. Management doesn't care who you are, they just care about certifications and resumes.

I was just trying to show my perspective at that time, I know it looks bad. :(

I was really stupid since it was my first job, I am a lot less retarded now.

His other friends are nice too, we don't have the same interests but nice.:/

Good. Unlike retards at pol you actually had the chance to talk to someone of a different race and realized most of Sup Forums is LARPing by low life loosers. The only problem in this situation is that you are conflicted over nothing.

I should get all mad, but I'm actually happy that OP found a friend. not many of us have those anymore...

First off, everyone has biological, social, and psychological proclivities that make them the kind of person they are.

Secondly, while the long-term embrace of collectivism nearly always brings out the worst in people, that doesn't necessarily mean that all individuals within that group will act the same way under the same circumstances.

Yeah whatever, my gf is black but she hates niggers, spics, Asians, jews and muslims so it's ok.

Fake and gay

nice anecdote faggot
wtf i love ALL blacks now

that's gay wtf
did u two fuck in the end?

is OP a woman?

I'm not reading this essay OP, just give me a summary.

Yum chocolate milk

>my gf is black but she hates niggers
Cognitive dissonance?

Has EVERYONE forgotten there's a distinction between black men and niggers?

She was raised by both parents in a wealthy neighborhood in an all white school, so she hates niggers.

Maybe they embarrass her.

When I'm around foreigners I cringe at the trashier elements American culture, too.