/pol literally BTFO forever. if you've ever said "god damn" at any point in your life you're going to hell and there is no way to repent or save yourself. sorry guys. christianity comes with some fine print.
godcucks annihilated forever
/pol literally BTFO forever. if you've ever said "god damn" at any point in your life you're going to hell and there is no way to repent or save yourself. sorry guys. christianity comes with some fine print.
godcucks annihilated forever
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is when you deliberately reject God's forgiveness. In essence, you've "shut the door" on him. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It is not swearing at the Holy Spirit, it is not insulting the Holy Spirit. The way to understand blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is through this maxim: "If you don't ask for forgiveness, you won't be forgiven". It's synthenticly true in the same way triangles have three sides.
There are many possible ways in which one can not ask for forgiveness from God. One of them is through despair - this is when you are so fearful of your sin that you do not ask God to forgive it because you believe it is unforgivable. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Another form is impenitence, which is essentially not asking for forgiveness. Another form is presumption - this is when you go to Confession but do not confess your sins contritely and fool yourself into thinking you've been forgiven.
This guy is right. God won't pardon you if you reject the pardon
ok so just to be clear even by your definition (which i think is subjective on your part) if you've ever jacked off and not felt sorry for it, according to the bible, you're burning eternally
i shouldn't be posting this shit. our nation and western culture does need a return to christian values (which mostly are good values) but i don't understand how people can honestly take the bible as "the word of god" or totally infallible or any of that
yeah fucking hell this bloke is right
>if you've ever jacked off and not felt sorry for it, according to the bible, you're burning eternally
Yeah, that's why we have confession and why priests do last rights my dude. Also you can go to purgatory for non-mortal sins (in b4 protty heathens). Notice the Bible quote you posted refers to this age or the age to come, not to after death.
Sage, because you know literally buttfuck residue about theology.
but if you jack and off and explicitly say "i am not sorry for this egregious sin" then you're fucked, right? according to your logic (which is totally subjective and based on a very subjective interpretation of the term "blasphemy" to begin with).
if i jack off, and essentially say "i know this is a sin and i don't care" then this is now blasphemy according to you and i am doomed eternally for it, even if i go to confession and let the boy diddler bless me........i'm sorry.......i just can't get behind this.
christianity for the plebs, sure. they need it. they need something that espouses decent values to keep them in line (and christianity is lightyears more enlightened than judaism or islam) but it's not for the self-actualized or intelligent citizens
>despair - this is when you are so fearful of your sin that you do not ask God to forgive it because you believe it is unforgivable
Literally me, except I'm not afraid he won't forgive, rather that he *will* forgive. A worthless wretch like me would only stain the perfection that is Heaven.
>if i jack off, and essentially say "i know this is a sin and i don't care" then this is now blasphemy according to you and i am doomed eternally for it, even if i go to confession and let the boy diddler bless me........i'm sorry.......i just can't get behind this.
Why would you go to confession and not mean it? If you knew it was a sin, why would you not care? Why would that not deserve punishment?
>rather that he *will* forgive
well you don't have to worry about this anymore, i just read you the passage that said he's not gonna forgive you and he's gonna send you down to hell to get buttfucked by satan or whatever they do there. glad to have helped ya guy!
>i just read you the passage that said he's not gonna forgive you
Why are you being dishonest? We've established that if you ask for forgiveness, you will get it. Your argument is now "but what if I don't want forgiveness?" Then you won't get it. Is that not just?
it doesn't matter if you mean it or not, the point is that it's blasphemy, according to your definition, whenever you say "i know this is a sin and i don't care". thus anyone who has ever done that cannot be forgiven, ever, according to your definition. which, practically speaking, means that the vast majority of anyone who has ever committed a knowing sin will never be forgiven, just as a matter of deductive logic here, so your definition is even more terrifying than what i had originally envisioned this quote was about (though i would still stress that this is just your personal interpretation of "blasphemy" and not one that is based on anything found in the bible itself certainly)
that's not my argument, it's that according to your definition, once you have knowingly committed a sin and don't feel emotionally bad about it, then you've committed blasphemy and you're eternally doomed
>once you have knowingly committed a sin and don't feel emotionally bad about it, then you've committed blasphemy and you're eternally doomed
What is the problem with this. Why should God embrace willful sinners?
i mean just to clarify. most "culturally christian" people know that masturbating is a sin and most of them do it freely anyway and NEVER feel bad or guilty about it. so by your logic they are all blasphemers who will never be forgiven and will be sent to burn eternally. and the same is true of any sin, like "looking at a woman sexually" if she is married, because that's a sin too according to the bible because looking at a woman sexually who is married is the same as sleeping with her according to the bible, thus "coveting your neighbors wife". i'm just saying, these ideas of "forgiveness" don't stand up to logic when based strictly on what is presented in the bible. seems like mostly nobody will be forgiven. isn't there another passage that explicitly states only like around 100k people will ever make it into heaven? i suppose the stuff i'm talking about are the reasons for that. fucked up how they got you with the fine print tho
If you think that, I would really read up on how God views His children. He loves you so much, He orchestrated the sacrifice of His Lamb, His Son, Jesus Christ. Sin was always covered by innocent blood, and Christ's covered yours. If you don't believe that God can forgive you and see you as He sees His own Son - the pure and flawless spirit you He created you as - then it as if saying what Christ did wasn't enough.
Accepting His forgiveness is one step. Learning much God loves you is done through developing a relationship with Him. Since man could not come to God in his filthiness, God came to man in His holiness.
if you don't see a problem with a 14 year old saying "im gonna beat my meat tonite and i don't give shit what anyone thinks" and then being eternally damned to hell for it then IMO you are part of the problem with christianity and represent the bad things about WASP culture (which i overall feel positively toward). just IMO, no offense man
You keep throwing in these twists like "14 year old" to minimize the willfulness. Purgatory exists. God is forgiving.
My question to you is: if you are a cognizant adult who fully knows and understands that something is a sin and is against God, and you do it willfully and don't repent or ask for forgiveness, why is it unjust for you to be punished?
Just believe in Jesus, and that he died for our sins and you are guaranted to go to heaven. All our sins are paid for. That said, sins will give you bad luck in this world.
Big difference from muttering a few words to actively separating yourself from the Light of God.
God damn, this is some low quality bait
>You keep throwing in these twists like "14 year old" to minimize the willfulness. Purgatory exists. God is forgiving.
no we just established it's blasphemy when he does it (unless he feels bad about it) and so even if he goes and repents and confesses he will NEVER be forgiven. period. it's done. end of story. it's right there in the bible. i showed you the text. it's in black and white. if you deny this is the reality then you are denying that the bible is gods word, which is in itself literal blasphemy (not your version of blasphemy) which means you yourself will never ever be forgiven no matter what you do.
>My question to you is: if you are a cognizant adult who fully knows and understands that something is a sin and is against God, and you do it willfully and don't repent or ask for forgiveness, why is it unjust for you to be punished?
we aren't talking about any of that. we're talking about a line of text that specifically states that if you commit this sin you will NEVER be forgiven no matter what. no matter how much you repent. no matter how much you confess. it's not happening. it's right there in black and white. it's very simple.
you're trying to dance mental circles around it.
thats what i do don't need to do all of this shit to get to heaven i just believe jesus forgives my sins and i am saved
After death you judge yourself, if you have a light heart or a heavy heart full of regret and guilt.
well according to the bible itself if you mutter those words then you're done. fucked. no matter what. no confession. no communion wafer. you're done. and if you deny those words and their power and their reality, that's blasphemy too, which means you yourself are about to doom yourself to hell. and god is gonna fuck you in the ass based on that technicality dude. you think it's not real? you're supposed to believe every word of the bible is true because it's divinely inspired. it's gods word. so to deny any of it is literally inherently blasphemy and any theologian will tell you this of christianity
Well salvation is a satanic concept, Jesus never existed and you can't expect some being to do all the work for you and make everything alright. You have been deceived by modern religion which has nothing to do with true spirituality.
Zionists are the group from the bible, those who call themselves jews but are not, they are from the Synagogue of Satan.
You seem like a fucking fag dude. I'm an atheist and dedicate 0 time of my life to trying to figure out how my everyday life would be affected if I lived within the confines of Christianity. I don't give a shit if a Christian says goddamn or doesn't ask for forgiveness for playing with their willy because I have better shit to do. Try it sometime.
lol the modern bible was written by corrupt men, in the original genesis story the serpent walked on 2 legs and had arms
Yeah. If you believe that works will get you to heaven, that is the same as denying that Jesus died for our sins = not saved.
>it's right there in the bible.
You don't know anything about the Church and its teachings. If you think you're as much of an authority as 2000 years of tradition and Church teaching, then you might as well put on your jean shorts, grab a guitar and a "Jesus Is My Homeboy" t-shirt, and go hang out with this loser in an old Burger King with folding chairs
The passage says you will not gain forgiveness in this age. You can gain forgiveness in purgatory. The unforgiveable sin is ACTIVELY denying God and his forgiveness. Yes, if you actively and knowingly deny your Creator and do not repent for your sins you will face hellfire, and you should. If it's less active or less knowing denial, then possibly purgatory. God is not unjust.
>the serpent walked on 2 legs and had arms
this is very true. this makes perfect sense to me. religion is a smokescreen. it's a method for the state to exert control. even christian churches, esp catholic churches, are just jewish misrepresentations of the actual teachings of jesus christ and what he really represented (which had nothing to do with "organized religion" as that is actually part of what he was speaking out against, along with "the old testament" jooish books).
the fact that jooish books were left in "the christian bible" when jesus died defying those ideas is testament to the fact that the entirety of organized western religion is based on a fucking joo infiltration
this seems rudimentary to me but it seems to escape the most of the masses and even many redpilled
>Christianity for the plebs I get it
>Espouses literal 12 year old level knowledge of theology and understanding of very basic scripture
Holy fuck dude kill yourself
>You don't know anything about the Church and its teachings. If you think you're as much of an authority as 2000 years of tradition and Church teaching, then you might as well put on your jean shorts, grab a guitar and a "Jesus Is My Homeboy" t-shirt, and go hang out with this loser in an old Burger King with folding chairs
no it sounds like you are the one who doesn't know about the church. the church literally teaches that the bible is the word of god and infallible. sounds as if you must educate yourself more, my man
i agree with you fully but that doesn't seem to be what most christians believe unfortunately, that's why i posted this thread to begin with
Check those holy trips, wew lad
>2000 years of tradition and Church teaching
but those traditions and teachings have changed radically over those years and will continue to change, so what value does it really have?
you better go to confession for saying this to me, i think it's a sin somehow. if my individual sperms are sacred, then telling a full out human to kill themselves must be a sin, right? right?
and if it's a sin, and you don't feel bad about it, then that's blasphemy, which means you just damned yourself to hell over me (according to "muh christian logic"). you know, so you're fucked. you're done. you're going there. all because of me. sorry bro. take a pitchfork in the ass for me man.
>Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is when you
It's never defined.
Hahaha, keep trying, ignorant cuck.
>the church literally teaches that the bible is the word of god and infallible.
That doesn't mean you can extract any random line without context of the larger work. That literal gotcha bullshit is extremely Jewish. Perhaps Talmud study is more up your alley.
yeah that poster totally just offered his own baseless interpretation of what "blasphemy" is. if you go by the churches definition of what blasphemy is though then basically everyone is guilty of it at some point in their life and so basically they have all eternally shut themselves out of heaven and been forsaken no matter how much they confess or repent. they will never be forgiven. it's BRUTAL fine print man! BRUTAL! just fuckin' BRUTAL!
Lucifer has deceived the entire world, and what better way but to infiltrate man religious institutions? There are over 40 different versions of the bible.
Stupid Jew worshipping WASP.
How come Prots aren't doing what the Catholics are doing in Poland?
Too busy prepping your Jewish bulls probably.
this isn't "out of context" read the section yourself. the meaning doesn't change here when you read it in context. it's really clear too even in just the parts i mentioned.
this is like when james okeefe posts videos and people say "edited out of context!" but you see the guy literally saying "we're sending people to start fights at trump rally's" or whatever.
it's just an argument for people who have run out of gas and run out of ways to intellectually hold on to their delusional positions
I think it means satanist's who help corrupt mankind and attack all living things.
>Lucifer has deceived the entire world, and what better way but to infiltrate man religious institutions?
You aren't wrong about this (pic related), but that doesn't mean God isn't real and doesn't love you.
Jesus h Christ this faggot fedora wearing katana wielding autist is having a full blown emotional break down. You seem to be projecting a lot of internal turmoil, buddy. Just wait till middle school is over, the hormones die down a bit. Or just, you know, kill yourself.
I am not a very religious person myself I just believe that Jesus saved me from my sins but I see what you are saying you are entitled to have that opinion.
I do believe in God, I don't believe in modern religions. At this point they are just being used to separate people and cause warfare.
yawwwwwwn "muh katana's"
>You seem to be projecting a lot of internal turmoil, buddy.
He really is. He's lashing out at the supposed unfairness of God, but notice how he's not complaining about the unjustness of Allah or Hinduism or whatever blasphemy. The question of Faith is rocking his soul because he knows that God is the Creator. The Holy Spirit is trying to reach him, but he's stamping his foot and saying "no," which is exactly why he's so bothered by this one passage -- because he knows he's guilty of it. It's like a stoner who won't stop whining about weed laws.
I recommend you pray on these feelings, talk to a priest, and confess your sins, OP.
>I don't believe in modern religions
I agree. The Church is 2000 years old.
Yaawn "muh putting muh meme in quotes cause I'm from lebbit muhhhhh"
You don't know what the word "repent" means, do you?
no that's not fair. i mentioned multiple times about christianity being lightyears better than joodaism and islam. i have a great deal of respect for it as a cultural force. but Sup Forums is also home to some of the worst sort of godcucks and bibletards.
the rest of what you are saying about me has nothing to do with me and must just be some caricature of "internet people i disagree with" you invented in your head
yeah fuck me
yawwwwwwwwn "muh suck my dick loser"
imagine penises right now
Save yourself. Only the truth matters.
It's no caricature, you meet every field required to be a neck bearded fedora tipping fat ass. You can't blame people for noticing that you fit the archetype perfectly.
The only passage explaining how many will get to heaven says that the path is narrow, not giving an exact number. Also, looking at all your posts, I see you have a flaw in your understanding of forgiveness. Your problem is assuming that every Christian who has ever given in to temptation doesn't regret it later. Willingly sinning isn't blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Its still a sin, and it still requires forgiveness to be asked of it, but its not going to damn you to Hell. You can give into temptation 1000 times, and one ask for forgiveness covers all of that. Plus you have Jesus' death which gives you coverage for any future sins you might commit later (so long as you acknowledge him as your lord and savior). However, no Christian is going to just be unwilling to ask for forgiveness for one sin. You either live a life asking for forgiveness, or you dont. There is no in between. Even if you only ask for forgiveness once in a lifetime, you still are safe. However, the forgiveness is only granted so long as the person asking genuinely knows that God is their only source of salvation and truly loves Him. Last rights to an unwilling pagan does nothing.
I can choose what I believe because in reality there is no such things as truth but whatever someone believes they will consider it as truth.
OP is just pissed that Polish Catholics are owning Libs and Commies while Wasps prep Jewish bulls and suck Russian dick.
There's room for you in the Church too, OP. It doesn't have to be this way.
You too can know the joy of sticking it to the Judeo-Communist conspiracy.
>Doesn't understand math, nor physics.
Go to school.
Literally all the proof anyone needs to know OP is a 12 y/o from /r/atheism. Don't even bother explaining how glaringly flawed the entire premise for his argument is. It's not even bait but if he can't see how stupid he is as soon as he proof read his post then he is probably a nigger.
>Your problem is assuming that every Christian who has ever given in to temptation doesn't regret it later.
this isn't my belief, this is the result of a conversation with another user who defined blasphemy as such. i told him this was his own subjective interpretation of the term but humored his definition, that's what you're seeing.
the bible does say that only like 100K people are going to be accepted into heaven. there are 7 billion on earth right now, and who knows how many billions since the bible was written.
the point of the passage here makes it pretty clear, if you blaspheme against the holy spirit (which nearly everyone does at some point in their life, at least as per the churches definitions) then it doesn't matter how much you ask for forgiveness. you WONT be forgiven. you're fucked. done. spiritual toast. i don't think the discussion has to go far beyond that because it's an extremely clear and blunt statement
no im a timeless interdimensional being that transcends time and space and whose spirit knows no master, who is only pointing out some of the inherent flaws in your spiritual slave doctrine in an effort to free your souls from oppression
You have to go back to lebbit
i actually transcend the lebbit / Sup Forums binary
Give me a source saying the Bible gives EXACT number of who is going to heaven, and Ill believe you. You made the claim, now cite your source. And you still dont understand. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit isnt a one time deal. Its a choice made over your ENTIRE life. I saw your other posts, so I will give you the example to seem to love to go back to. Let's say a 14 year old does go to bed and tells himself "screw this I'm jacking off anyways" then dies that night. You said he will go to hell "even if he feels bad". How do you not understand how thats wrong? If he FEELS BAD, he REGRETS SINNING. Therefore, he did not blasphemy the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a lifestyle choice, not a one time deal. Period. If at ANY point in your life you EVER feel bad for sinning, you still have not committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and you are still loved by God. Period. Why is that so hard to understand?
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a race war!
Sieg Heil!
Your posting style and logic suggests the complete opposite though
12 year old fedora tipper confirmed.
That sin has expired.
LQ Bait thread.
>"Pagan" larper with white supremacist flag (confirming leaf or Aussie) trying to tell actual Christians about Christianity
Matthew was a literal stupid Paki Nigger, I choose to listen to Jesus Christ.
>Give me a source saying the Bible gives EXACT number of who is going to heaven, and Ill believe you. You made the claim, now cite your source.
you can just google it dude, i'm not your gopher. it says 170,000 to be exact (based on my memory) and it's a fairly famous bible quote. why are you the religious one and you're also the one that doesn't know the fucking basics and principles of the bible?
google "christianity 170,000" or something, i'm not your gopher
>And you still dont understand. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit isnt a one time deal. Its a choice made over your ENTIRE life.
no this is just your own definition that you made up to suit you, this has nothing to do with what blasphemy really is or what the church considers it to be
>"the modern bible is written by corrupt men"
>give no source to an "uncorrupted" bible
I speak another language so I've literally never spoken those words
no i have to say, the "uncorrupted bible" is in your soul and in your spirit. it's what you know implicitly but society has brainwashed you and subjugated you to the point where you don't believe or are unable to even feel it
sorry if I sounded rude, your answer kind of makes sense to me, but the only other question I have is how can it be "in your soul and... spirit" if there is not a drop of good in it?
>secular moron take verses out of context and goes on to make a complete fool of himself
Not surprised.
Let's look at that whole passage for context, fuckball.
A House Divided
>22Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. 23And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
>25And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 26And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? 27And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. 28But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. 29Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
>30He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
The Unpardonable Sin
>31Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
You will never understand scripture until you are born again of the Spirit.
The kikes were saying Jesus cast out devils with the power of the Devil... blaspheming the Holy Spirit by which he worked miracles.
Unless you are the great multitude who are dressed in white or the 144000 firstfruits whose sins will be atone.
i'm not 100% sure what you mean. not a drop of good in your soul? or in the bible? or in what you know implicitly to be true?
i think you mean "if there is not a drop of good in your soul" and i dunno man, i don't really think of things like that personally. i don't really believe in that shit, like "evil" people. just people who are misguided by their own biology and shit. i dunno. maybe i'm wrong. this is what i think tho. i don't really believe in "evil people" like that. even hillary clinton or adolph hitler or joseph stalin or kim jong il, i don't really think they're evil personally, just fucked up. just mistaken about some things.
if you were evil, like real evil, you wouldn't even be able to ask taht question. there are evil entities and forces that are nothing but malignant, that's true, and they sometimes take human form (maybe stalin or clinton are these entities, possibly) but they aren't real "humans". they're malignant entities that are aware on a different spiritual level than us. they're only here to oversee us and play us against one another. mostly to foment the control of whatever higher entity they worship. humans, real humans, can't really be "evil" tho because you're just not at that level. you're mostly just a mass of biomaterial doing what your programming tells you to.
This interpretation is jewish propaganda to keep good Christians from ever asking the JQ. Divorce yourself of the goyim-infused denominational circlejerk, return to the mysteries and be truly born again through Jesus.
oh yeah 144,000, that's it. i was arguing with some guy earlier in the thread and he didn't believe me, i told him it was 170,000 and told him to google it. he prob googled "170,000 christianity" or something and found nothing and was like "pffffff, dude was full of shit". oh well. 144,000, that's it. that's the number of people who get into heaven according to the bible. of all of the billions that have existed. the rest got caught up in the fine print like what i posted above. blasphemy, not being poor enough, looking at a woman sexually who is married and then not confessing it because we don't really consider that "an issue" in our culture.......all of that stuff and more. pretty impossible to get into heaven really if you actually read the bible and read about what it really entails and what all of the bugaboos are
what "interpretation" faggot, it's literally a direct quote, there's no "interpretation" about it, it's fucking clear. it's like saying "water is wet" and then saying "well that's an interesting interpretation but no"
Bullshit. No man can tame the tongue. It is whats in your heart that is to be judged.
"Damn God" is speaking against God.
"God damn" is imploring God to damn the object you are exasperated with.
>oh well. 144,000, that's it. that's the number of people who get into heaven according to the bible
Jehovah's false Witness, detected.
With this post and your damned fool OP, I am 100% certain youre a fucking illiterate idiot.
144,000 Sealed
>4And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
>5Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. 6Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. 7Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. 8Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
Praise from the Great Multitude
>9After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. 11And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, 12Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.
>13And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 16They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Let's read that again, shall we?
>After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes
[ ]144,000
[*]After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes
>a great multitude, which no man could number
what about oh my god?
>"god damn"
"God, please, damn that insane dictator to hell."
Holy fuck OP, this is good, it's like an autistic mental gymnasium in here. I hope this isn't your masterstroke.
>christianity for the plebs, sure.
>is a pleb