I think he just really really hates the president. It's a personal hatred, which is strange because Trump hasn't, as far as I can tell, done anything to hurt Steven. He's done some things I disagree with, but so does every politician. Colbert has been joking about Trump for so long that he started to believe his own hyperbole, and now he thinks he must "fight the power through comedy". His main priority isn't to get laughs, but to mock the president publicly every night for the entirety of his term. I just want to watch a comedy show at night.
I think he just really really hates the president. It's a personal hatred, which is strange because Trump hasn't...
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Um, Drumpf has ruined his country sweety. Only a fool wouldn't be upset.
His main priority is getting good ratings. Constantly shitting on Trump draws all the brain-dead liberal viewers who never get tired of the same shit. Same goes for all these other shows. If they stopped shitting on Trump they'd lose viewers.
Here's a redpill for you: These (((comedians))) hate Trump, sure, but the reality is they get their ratings from the leftists that only care about reaffirming their political beliefs through humor. They just cater to their audience.
I wonder how much of the writing process Colbert even plays a role in.
Colbert is a hardcore Christian. As in he actually believes all the love thy neighbour and care for the poor bullshit Jesus blathers about.
So naturally he dislikes Trump who is the polar opposite with his attitudes towards immigrants and lifelong habit of giving 0 shits about the poor.
how could he have ruined the country drumpf hasn't even done anything but play golf and go on twitter tantrums
>I just want to watch a comedy show at night
Jimmy Fallon. The only late-night host that isn't doing politics.
>Colbert is a hardcore Christian.
Then why does he shill for gay marriage and transgenderism, when homosexuality is clearly and explicitly condemned by the very religious body he teaches Sunday school in.
That's another thing, what's wrong with the Catholic church that they allow an obvious heretic to teach in their churches?
He's not great either, but he's grown on me. He just wants to put on a show and make people laugh.
>So naturally he dislikes Trump who is the polar opposite with his attitudes towards immigrants
Trump loves immigrants though... he hates ILLEGAL immigrants. I missed the part of the Bible which states you should allow transgressions against you or your people?
>Trump loves immigrants though
is that why he engaged in a public fued with a goldstar family because they had funny accents and dressed weird? love?
I missed the part of the bible that tells you to hate people who cross an imaginary line and commit no other crimes.
The second scoop was for him but then smorf took it.
I think that's part of it, but I think he's desperate for Trump's attention. I think he wants to be Trump's Number 1 public enemy, and I think Trump is pretty shrewd for ignoring him. A lot of these people (late night talk show hosts, (((blue-checks))) on twitter, Rosie, Alec Baldwin, etc) are all jostling to be Trump's arch-nemesis. Colbert wants to be the Joker to Trump's Batman, but he's high-tier enough.
colbert used to be a funny guy when he was pretending to be a conservative. now he just gets amy schumer laughs
The Emmys are going to be one long Trump joke. Holywood is just a circle jerk echo chamber at this point, I can't think of anyone who takes the opinions of actors and comedians seriously at this point.
>Trump is pretty shrewd for ignoring him
But he doesn't, he made some comments in May
We have this in Britain too.
I'd say 99% of British comedians are hard core lefties. All there jokes are aimed at how stupid people are for voting for Brexit, Trump, how racist people can be for not allowing in innocent shitskin etc etc.
Ive given up on British comedy now due to this, i try watch a British comedy.
An example youtube.com
You would think it would have gotten old by now.
Hes a pedophile and they are making him bash trump.
And Colbert basically creamed his pants on air.
you would think, but Trump keeps doing saying and stupid shit and the Russia thing keeps unravelling.
Remember when everyone in Trumps camp vehemently denied any contacts or meetings with Russians? Good times.
Colbert is just a front man. You can't really tell whether he likes the president or not because he did tell you his *honest* opinions he'd be fired. He's just cashing in like his producers and feed the crybabies who voted for Hillary and Bernie.
I'm pretty sure he's Irish Catholic.
lol get real mate. If Trump actually loved immigrants, Sup Forums wouldn't be cucking for him this hard.
The reason why his base is so loyal to him is because they know where he is a white supremacist at his heart.
Comedy is funny because it lampoons the norm.
>Colbert was funny when he made a satirical persona of conservative personalities like Limbaugh and O'Reilly.
But now he's trying to push the liberal agenda in earnest and thus comes off as just another screeching shill.
...What if this is all just an act?
>Only a fool wouldn't be upset.
wasn't that in response to the whole cock-holster thing? I thought his response was pretty tame, actually.
And his ratings has never been higher.
We need to stop this. He can't get away with disrespecting our President like this!
After all, we never disrespected Obama once in the last 8 years.
he used to play the role of a retarded conservative and now he plays a retarded liberal. the left doesn't see that he's really mocking them.
Trump completely broke him. Colbert is obsessed. Trump basically controls his soul. His life. His behavior. His every thought, action, and reflex... Trump dominates his essence.
Beware, all of you, for in the example of Colbert is embodied a horrifying truth from the darkest pits of the abyss of Hell: Once a man lose his own Self; nay, never shall he return.
He's a shabbos goy kiddy toucher that sold his soul to do (((their))) bidding
>these mental midgets are the ones pushing narratives in this country
>wife is an immmigrant
By that logic, Obama must have broken Trump 7 years ago.
um, no sweetie, like everyone in MSM is like, controlled the same way politicians are, with like, cheese pizza
biggest lie the devil ever told
What's in his closet?
>Trump completely broke him. Colbert is obsessed. Trump basically controls his soul. His life. His behavior. His every thought, action, and reflex... Trump dominates his essence.
Somebody post that picture where one of the Late Show staffers had a baby, and the first thing Colbert thought of was, "IT LOOKS LIKE JEFF SESSIONS"
He has severe Trump Derangement Disorder. A chronic case.
Congratulations on spotting one of million hypocrisies when it comes to daddy donny. He's playing his base like a fiddle
colbert is a pedophile. most of hollywood and politicians are as well. trump isn't.
>trump isn't
go shill your homoerotic fanfiction somewhere else gayboi
>he remembers this minute detail from several months ago
Yeah Colbert is surely the obsessed one here :)
You'd think so, but it idiots keep eating the shit up, then he has incentive to keep going.
>this triggers the trumpcuck
The Empire's Fools
>trump isn't
>"If she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her."
>"I guess the thing I have most common with Ivanka is sex"
lol the lengths you cucks will go to convince yourselves
you would think, but the problem is they don't think
Still find it hilarious Turmp actually had a long-term feud with Rosie, bloody ridiculous
>American humor
>American president
pee pee tape HAHAHAHAHA xD
Fake confederate flag defends fake "goldstar" family.
Pakistani Muslim "immigration" lawyer dad in debt $1.8 mil, trashes Trump...debt miraculously disappeared.
I have no doubt being humiliated by Obama at the Correspondent's Dinner is why we have President Trump today.
>implying this cuck that agreed with anita was ever funny
She's a white immigrant you larping mong
trigger me timbers, bitch
And that disproves my point how?
>trumpcuck is triggered
uh oh
>comparing a white, Czechoslovakia immigrant to a dirty beaner.
Show us your real flag.
LOOOL no. colbert is a satanist and good friends with pizzaparty podesta
ur so retarded i feel like bashing ur head in just for the greater good
Colbert parties with Podesta. Nothing more to say. There is ONE reason for the hysteria-pedos/Satanic Ritual blackmail.
When they cause a civil war I will join in the head bashing of them.
Slovenia is part of ex-Yugoslavia
Yeah. He is obsessed with Trump.
Look, I know sucking donny's cock every night has dented your brain, but if you would just follow our chain of conversation back to the beginning you'll see that you're just proving my point with each of your reply.
And you will lose....for the third time in history :)
What has Trump done precisely to "ruin the country" since his election? I'm sure you inbred degenerates in Australia have a keener sense of what's going on with our politics than US citizens, right?
Either the guy plays golf all the time and does nothing, or he's actively destroying the country from the White House. You can't have it both ways liberal idiots.
>plays golf all the time and does nothing
most of the time. the rest of the time he's destroying your nation.
I've completely stopped watching TV and Movies because of their obsession to constantly bash on the President. I voted for him because I thought Hillary was pure evil. They constantly talk about how he is making a mockery of the office of president of the United Stats and how he is anti American. They are the ones that are anti American they want to throw the borders open, allow the most evil religion of all to flourish in this country, discount our democratic process, mock the people that live in the sound and the Midwest, say that our president is a puppet of Putin and Russia with no evidence that says so. I find it nauseating and disgusting I will never vote for another democrat ever again, they are a corrupt power hungry evil political party that hides behind the veil of progress and equality. They are and will for ever be the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of government control, the party of the oligarchy. The greatest lie ever told to the American people is that the old racist southern democrats flipped script and became Republicans, this is a flat lie, perpetrated by Hollywood and the MSM.
r a t i n g s
>o-one of you!
dude, what do you not get.... this guy is deep state garbage, that's the only reason he was granted access to that legendary time slot of propaganda hour. The guy sister is deep in democratic politics and was funded by podesta lobbyist team ... i wonder why he hates trump so much. Probably facilities his friends child fucking habits too .
Hey moron, playing golf and destroying the country aren't mutually exclusive you cucked whore.
For example, if you inbred hicks fucked your sister instead of attending school, you would destroy your grades right?
Same logic here pal.
>trumpcucks actually believe this
lol the whole world hates trump mate. I knwo you've been cucked hard by his orange cunt, but hopefully this doesn't come as a surprise to you.
Colbert is a faggot with deformed ears and a kike's arm up his ass
>I think he just really really hates the president. It's a personal hatred
This is true. But he's also gay for Trump.
In order to propagate among the masses, Marxism needs a face to constantly bash. 1984 had Goldstein, the USSR had Hitler, modern lefties have Trump.
>It's a personal hatred
No. It is a professional hatred because his buddies in the democrat party want him to.
>trumpcuck says this unironically while conveniently forgetting the birther movement
>hides flag
lmao at your opinion shitskin
Not that hard to make Trump jokes as he is hated by most the country.
He feeds a desire many of us have here.
That book was written by a socialist. So if all liberals are evil then stop using their works.
There's some good ones out there
>proudly displays his leaf flag
lmao cuck
It's because of his butt buddy in pic related.
And if you notice all of his underlings all tow the same line, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, and other literal whos who used to be on his show.
>Good friends with Podesta
>"Teaches" young catholic children on weekends
>Starred in a TV show called "strangers with candy"
>Freaked out when pedogate came out
Hmm, I wonder why he hates Trump..