White Genocide or Natural selection

Is White Genocide not just another word for Natural selection and the survival of the fittest?
Why whine about it?
If whites can't win the Reproduction game, they must perish. Its only fair.
As a white female, I am not worried.
I would much rather mingle with a Strong man of another race and produce strong offsprings of my own than worry about some Beta white manlet not having a chance to reproduce with me.
Prove me wrong if you can.

why should they win against minorities
also how will they be able to compete if they have to work a lot, both women and men, while the minorities barely work

Nature doesn't care about fairness. It doesn't judge you on morality of your actions. Natural selection rewards results, by any means possible.

Saged and reported.

There's no natural order to it at all. The average white person with a decent job has to at least partially pay for a shitskins kid first via taxes before they can have their own.

Most blacks have kids they would be wholly unable to provide for without white taxes through welfare.


The average iq of Africans is 70, the average iq of Chinese in Hong Kong is 108. The first group has birthrate 6 times than the second group. Why do you think the first group is better or more fit or should be encourage to replace the second group?

Yeah and your new shitskin child will have a shit life due to his shit iq and shit dad they will never meet. But muh dick.

Looks like you can't take the hard, cold truth.

Which results? The results of low iq black women who pump 4-7 kids in their life time? How is benificial their offspring for society?

70 is literal mental retardation. When will people see we aren't the same. However I do know some intelligent blacks that don't embrace nigger culture.

There is more than just Blacks and Whites.

there is nothing natural in human society at all.
hence why theres 7bn of us today and people with all kinds of illnesses survive.

This is not a white women, this is a nigger LARPing

Muh diversity. Are there any black people in Russia?

You have to look at the bigger picture. How come whites aren't winning the reproduction game?

When it's a compliment to call a black a gorilla and an insult to call a gorilla a black

Let's abolish the welfare state and see how you do with your little nigglet.

That's what pisses me off. We could easily annihilate every non white on the planet in the span of a few years, the Only keeping us from doing so is our collective kindness, which is then taken advantage of and used to destroy us. It's like a prisoners dilemma and whites keep picking cooperate while our enemies keep picking betray.

except it isn't the truth
how are sub 90 IQ subhumans who cant behave, are violent, and have created nothing, be more fit on your views?
whites, asians, and some latinos (like those of my country) can't have enough babies because of feminism, and not natural selection
Also pic related, the unfit and "manlet" (they are actually the tallest) race

>White Genocide or Natural selection.
OP is too fucking stupid to know what natural selection is.


Humans don't exist outside Nature and the laws of Nature do apply to Human societies as well. There might be extra bits of complexity but Natural selection still applies to the overall picture.

>Natural selection rewards results, by any means possible.
By any means possible, huh? Ok, let's eliminate them all. That way, only the strong (wipepo) will survive and carry on their genes.

Gas the kikes, race war now.

>Is White Genocide not just another word for Natural selection and the survival of the fittest?
>Why whine about it?
it means we die on this rock instead of conquering the universe

If white genocide is being intentionally implemented how can it be "natural?"

It' not collective kindness but the MSM yelling RACIST and don't start on SJWism. If I could deport every non white (and Jew) from Europe and North America I would. Not kill, I don't support genocide. Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans etc. Why is it only white countries that need diversity? Jews of course but that's another story

it isn't you idiot

White Genocide is a dumb meme. The real problem is that White people are becoming more soft and complacent in modern society, including the ones in power. Also, young, White men would rather browse Sup Forums or play vidya than make the effort to self-improve to find an optimal mate.

Higher IQ people are more wary about making decisions on having children, hence it is not a major factor in natural selection.

This is clearly bait. Also, it doesn't make sense to choose your mate based on the general statistics of his/her race. You are choosing an individual to mate with, not an entire race.

That is fine. Are you really powerful enough to do it? Its been tried before. Kikes were smart enough to induce the whites to fight on their behalf and save them.

White people need to band together and remove shitskins, cleansing the planet of the nigger plague. This is the only way to achieve world peace. Asians can live, their culture needs work but it can be saved.

African monkey spawn and sandniggers are a parasitic burden on humanity that needs to be eliminated.

Gas the kikes, race war now.

Natural selection does account for intentions in the higher intellect selection department. If you are smart enough, you would be able to counter your enemie's intentions.

>Humans don't exist outside Nature
yeah they do. society and culture are so far beyond anything natural. how else are the not fittest surviving. how could early humans fight of much fitter predators, the list goes on.

the selection we have now is purely social.

>As a white female

No, you asked if it was just natural selection. It's not natural selection, it's artificial.
Don't worry though, the white race isn't going anywhere. They will show you what artificial selection is.

we have rules for a reason user

I think you completely misread the OP.

This is an 18+ board, kid.

Im a Korean American, and yes I do agree. Some of if not all of Asian culture needs some work and improvement.

It's beneficial to survival and that's all natural selection cares about. It doesn't reward science, art, creativity or IQ, it rewards survival.

>whites can't have enough babies because of feminism
"whites" largely invented feminism.

If you think feminism is holding whites back and inventions can be attributed to race than whites are holding themselves back because they invented and adopted feminism

Posts of exceptional stupidity like yours are the reason I come to Sup Forums. The level of ignorance and narrowmindedness required to unironically make the argument you're making, it's just somethng else.

>As a white female

>women had less rights for a reason
why don't we ever listen to our elders?

sure it is. weve been conned into paying to be outbred. how its not natural selection? if we decide to genocide all non whites thats natural selection too. just because our environment is more metaphysical now doesnt make it unnatural.

jews aren't white


I was partially responding to people citing racial statistics as a reason not to mate with someone.

People on pol pretend to value individualism until it comes to race, then everyone flips the fuck out with their eugenics bullshit.

A truly capitalistic society would choose winners and losers individually and naturally without all this over generalizing racial eugenics

>just because our environment is more metaphysical now doesnt make it unnatural.
Exactly. Some of the manlets here can't grasp this concept. Or they are too afraid of its implications.

No, natural law is more powerful than society. Society trys to break away but nature ends up bending society.

Whites still adopted feminism.

Also, do you have a coherent definition of white or is it just arbitrary? What is your definition of white?

It's not and that's not how nature works, nature only cares if you can reproduce or not.

Ah ok, my mistake then.

Wait, is african IQ really as low as 70?

I thought that IQ was tested during colonial times? I thought that industrialization boosted their iq to 85?

They are more white than Greeks and Italians, who Sup Forums still considers to be White


>No, natural law

ok, so what are those natural laws then?

Bye bye you leftypol nigger. Saged

nah that's African Americans, true Africans are genuinely dumb as shit friendo, it's not a fun truth to know and it doesn't make me hate them but it does tell me they're beyond help and we shouldn't let them in to developed countries.

women are dumb
if you dont fuck white guys then white women wont exist anymore
you will degenerate into a 3rd world african country, theres goes your standard of beauty when every woman gets raped

>natural selection
ya ok bud jewish brainwashing is natural

its as natural as camouflage

What are you? A creationist nut?
And you think it is not Jewish tale?

As long as people reward me and color me with praises in my libby-shit-vile town just because my skin has more melanin and my body has more testosterone, I will continue to fuck any women who are stupid enough to think that a Spaniard with rich parents needs Affirmative action because "aren't you like mexican?" I really honestly wish that it wasn't this easy sometimes because some of you white people are nice and I know for a fact that there are strong men like me out there that are also white, and almost obviously more strong white men than strong spaniards especially in the US, but as long as you men continue to let your women vote and decide that globalization and open borders are a good thing, your women will also get fucked. I'm the best case scenario because I still know when not to abuse my power, but don't think real spics from cocaine-land have the mental capacity to control themselves.

Sincerely, a successful and nationalistic minority

You're one of those fatass landwhakes with multiple useless degrees aren't you? Have fun identifying chrinoid fossils and Making things with beads while your absent sperm donor is in prison and Jamal Jr sits in the front yard drooling and shitting his pants at age 9.

>Is White Genocide not just another word for Natural selection and the survival of the fittest?
>Why whine about it?
Because we are the most superior.
It's our leadership that's leading us astray, and it's entirely preventable.

>Is White Genocide not just another word for Natural selection and the survival of the fittest?
No, whites being the masters of the fucking planet was natural selection. Now it's sabotage. Cheating. Malice. We aren't seeing the will of white men carried out. If we were, things would look much different.

Words like that imply you're actively going out an inspiring change if you really think it's that bad. I hope you are for this entire country's sake, as well as everyone else on this board because as far as I can tell you all just fuckin LARP about the wonders of white sharia while england and sweden become muslim communities.

Think of it from an ecological perspective. Invasive species that are artificially introduced are destructive and unwanted.

It is indeed natural selection.
If a white female is a dumb enough cunt to reproduce with a low IQ monkey, then her offspring doesn't deserve to be white.

Whites will not go extinct. We will be fewer in numbers sure, but we won't go extinct.
You can choose now; Will your legacy be part of the high IQ white elite or will your legacy be part of the masses of brown serfs?

Laws of motion. Cause effect. Big fish eat little fish.

>Now it's sabotage. Cheating. Malice.
All these things are allowed in nature. If you can survive through sabotaging your enemy, more power to you. You win the race for survival.
Who told you that natural selection had fairness rules?

>Now it's sabotage. Cheating. Malice.
If you can't resist sabotage, then you are simply evolutionary inferior, whiteboi. Only the strongest survive. Simple as that. So much white butthurt itt baka.

>It's out leadership that's leading us astray
>we are the most superior
Good job, user

While so far I do agree with you, it is absolutely true as shown by studies that minority non-european/white races that aren't asian have lesser IQ's and not only that but race-mixed children do the worst on average in schools and troughout life. So if you want to have the strongest offspring you could you would choose to mate within your own race. Also these words like mate and offspring take away a lot of the beauty and complexity of a human relationship. Do you really want to spend your life being """""taken care of"""" by a chimp with no morals outside of what's fed to them by rap music. IF you do still want to race mix because of some fetish or whatever at least pick someone who has SOME euro descendancy and/or someone that is actually very successful and responsible.

cheating and malice are valid survival strategies. Parasites 'cheat', but apparently they are still fit to survive because there's a lot of them.

Actually, unless something is a plant it is 'cheating' because it's getting stealing its energy from something else rather than producing its own.

obvious bait thread but fittest isn't the same as the best

dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years but didnt accomplish anything of note, just like how niggers have roamed africa for thousands of years and haven't managed to accomplish a single thing

if you dream of walking on other worlds some day you better fuckin believe its white people who are gonna do it, regardless of how "fit" niggers can be

oh and btw

>im a girl xD

Natural selection implies that all the races are competing under the same circumstances. Jews didn't impose feminism and Marxism on Africa and the Middle East.

Also I would like to add that if the entire point of survival of the fittest is how much you can mate with others of your species, we should be celebrating mass rapists who get 10+ women pregnant.

>I would much rather mingle wih a "Strong man" of another raceand produce strong offsprings
>I want BBC
When you're old, you'll find out. Dumb girls like you prove natural selection, you'll find yourself becoming more desperate as you pass 30.

Um no because the strongest actually do shit, not pretend to do. Do you think mother nature has a welfare program, she doesn't. She has a fucking death program, more than half of these idiots wouldn't be alive with government gibs. In fact its quite funny the resemblance in the situation to Africa. Same shit dif continent,

If white people wanted for the last 400 years we could have just killed all other races and said oh its just "natural selection" natural selection does not favour intelligence this is obvious in that people with higher IQ also have less children.

china and hong kong aren't accepting refugees.

it's only the feminized west. even if the west has an average iq of 100 since women can vote the average iq is more like 80 when you consider all the shitskins, women, liberals.

basically there's no a difference between those africans and the west, but a huge one between the east and them

>Words like that imply you're actively going out an inspiring change if you really think it's that bad
I am. Of course, not being a fat neckbeard, I won't openly spout off. Politics is about carefully making a narrative, not shoving a ton of bricks down your opponent's throat.
I'm much more effective quietly influencing my peers, and making the right decisions in critical places.
The time for open action has not yet come.

Are you implying that bad leadership = the entire race is a failure?


Your own offspring will resent you.
They could have been white.

>state monopoly on force
nice argument you fucking kike

White genocide is a black pill. It's pushed by the Jews and the un to force mass immigration upon white countries because we "don't have enough workers" which everyone knows is complete bullshit. Start paying more and workers will show up.

The thing about white birth rates is because we are in a shit economy and the whites born in a good economy are dying out so it looks like we are going extinct. When in reality whites are just having one kids instead of two or three. As soon as the economy picks up whites will start having kids by the bunches again. We aren't going anywhere I see white children every single day.

Jews have way less numbers then whites and you don't here them complaining about their Jewish genocide.

>Is White Genocide not just another word for Natural selection and the survival of the fittest?
If that is the case, so is the Holocaust, and it would not deserve all the museums, memorials, or industry.

Nor should we care about any genocide, put any into films, or care if some tinpot dictator somewhere does it, nor should we prevent it from happening to anyone else.

>active effort to destroy the white race

I swear even when you faggots try to put thought into a post it still comes out completely retarded.

Instinct of survival

There's millions of people not working right now. The myth that there isn't enough workers is a lie.