Things atheism is responsible for:
>Fag acceptance
>Decline of values in the west
>Destruction of the traditional family
They're even worse than LARPagans.
Atheism: The True Blue Pill
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Fat ass fucking Neckbeard.
>implying it's not the jews
>implying there's a difference
I hate atheists. They're technocratic scum who think their "intelligence" gives them authority over who lives and dies. Fucking scum of the earth, hedonistic trash.
>Who lives and who dies
>2000 years of European history
Literally nothing wrong with being ga--atheist.
Believing in an organized religion is just as retarded. Agnostic deism + traditionalism is the only rational belief system.
Man I love being pagan. Yet to have someone call me out on it, primarily because most Christians where I live don't care, and all the atheist are so horrendously out of shape they are too afraid to.
>fuck organized religion
>I'm a traditionalist
Liberals and atheists advocate pro death policies.
I dunno mate, 2000 years vs 20 thousand years+. Dose not even matter really. Only a retard would care what other people believe in. When he himself could be bettering his own life.
>They're even worse than LARPagans.
But they are LARPagans.
Don't get me wrong, Christianity has great values. But it's so blatantly ridiculous that you're fucking stupid if you seriously believe in it.
>traditionalism is red pilled
>but practisioners of 2000 year old traditions are blue pilled
How do you even function with this deep of cognitive dissonance
>2000 years vs 20 thousand years+
>who cares what people think in a democratic society?
So the only reason you are against those things is your faith? Not the facts like crime rats and such?
Atheism is a blight on civilization and science worship is cancer.
>all those European ancestors who built literally the best civilization ever are all fucking stupid
There's literally no reason to believe in Christianity over Islam or Judaism or Hinduism. Same amount of evidence.
>t. LARPagan
It's ok, user, I know it's hard being 15. You'll grow out of your atheist phase when you learn to reason properly.
>the universe had to start somewhere so obviously it was a human with magic powers
So which one impacts to your """(insert word)phobias""" more your faith or facts like your pic
Isn't it likely that the modern atheist movement was brought about to discredit and reduce lack of belief/worship in the long term and to foster a greater dependency on religions?
There is literally no reason to believe in Stoic ethics over epicurean ethics.
Same amount of evidence.
>hurr christcucks are idiots
I'm not even going to dignify your stupidity with an answer. Here's a (you).
Yes. Atheism is the equivalent of psychological neutering. There's a reason that they're viewed with such disdain. People who lack beliefs are subhuman by default, or rather, they don't deserve to be labeled human at all.
I regret my atheist phase and am happy that I grew out of it. It's a degenerate ideology that only leads to societal degradation and hedonism.
most the economic aspects
Atheist here, I don't advocate for anything you have listed.There are right wing atheist out there believe it or not, and I happen to be one of them.
Sure you are.
Do you have any arguments against the actual idea of atheism or just what happens when libs adopt it?
You're right, I am.Thanks for clearing this up.
Same. Christians are one of those things that gives the right wing a bad wrap. Conservative is equated to believing the Earth is 7000 years old and that abortion is a sin.
No such thing, friendo.
No but what i got from the post that that atheism is a cause for the listed thing so i asked that if you were an atheist would you have any reasons to not approve of them
And the answer that i expected (and probably is) yes. And that would have proven that atheism/lack of Christianity is not the only reason to approve of all the sjw stuff even tho that does effect.
So the main point was that atheism isn't the direct cause of things listed but rather that when the only reason to disprove of those are facts (inb4 Things in bible are facts) and you don't accept them or you get brainwashed, then yes atheism is indirectly responsible, but if you know the facts then you can be ageist those without religion.
Abortion may not be a sin, but the Fetus is not the mother biologically, it does NOT have the same genetic make up, it is a separate entity. It just happens to grow within a woman, and they did not have the choice to start growing there. Someone else made that decision, not the thing that has the greatest impact by that decision.
You can say it is not Evil, but it definitely is not Good.
There is friendo.
Threadly reminder that agnosticism is the only true intellectual position.
>Deus Vult! Kill the infidels!
>What about all the Christian shitskins?
>They can stay, they're brothers of Christ!
Christianity: fastest track to civic nationalism for the last 2000 years
I would agree. I fully support abortion within the first trimester (too many fucking people on this planet), and after that I honestly don't care (too many fucking people on this planet)
>Hitler was an atheist
That's not what I meant bro.
I'm an atheist and abortion is wrong
Now fuck of back to lefty/pol/
>Mussolini would become anti-clerical like his father.
>As a young man, he "proclaimed himself to be an atheist and several times tried to shock an audience by calling on God to strike him dead."
>He believed that science had proven there was no god, and that the historical Jesus was ignorant and mad.
>He considered religion a disease of the psyche, and accused Christianity of promoting resignation and cowardice.
>Atheists and LARPagans are worse than non-whites
I see nothing wrong with this.
>Probably advocate for the death of all sorts of people, including their children
>Abortion is wrong
>Definitely advocate for the death of all sorts of people and definitely their children
>Abortion is fine
You're a pussy, but even worse you're a hypocrite
He was a great man, wish he was still here today.
I don't advocate for the killing of innocents you filthy sub-human
Advocating for the death of unborn children is perhaps, the most morally repugnant thing you can do.
In what language was the new testament originally written faggot?
Anyone who seriously buys into Atheism and Secularism needs to keep in mind that there are an overwhelming number of Jews pushing for those things, and the destruction of Christianity. You may say you are "opposing the kikes" with your "enlightened Atheism", but you are playing right into their hands.
Sub-humans are not innocent. They are guilty of inferiority.
All people with IQ's below 100
All people who do not contribute to society and take from it
All people who do not uphold the peace and laws of a country
All of these people are what are known as degenerates, and they should be eliminated.
Believe me, I advocate for way "worse".
And yet here you still are.
Don't worry, the jew will get theirs.
No shit sherlock.
One also had the benefit of being previously conquered by Rome. Western Civilization started with Greece, moved to Rome, and then went to Europe. Christianity may characterize our civilizations and its themes, symbols, morals, and history, but it only arrived in Europe because of the orgininally pagan Romans.
>I fuck kids
What did he mean by this?
Exactly, and yet people are freaking out like they've never heard anything like this before. It's fucking hilarious.
So what do I do as an atheist who recognizes that the average man cannot live as an atheist? I know that the average low IQ fool cannot understand the complexity of our universe, which leaves them open to indoctrination by one religion or the other. I advocate Christianity for my friends and colleges, as it will help keep them on the path of morality.
In the long run, we need to abolish religion as it's nothing more than indoctrination, lies and potentially detrimental traditions. However, in the short term, the religions are not done warring yet and I'd hate to understaff the only westernized one that stands a chance against Judaism and Islam.
Freaking out about what?
Are you fucking retarded all those things the jews are responsible for
But your backwards christcuck ass can stay maximum bluebilled and keep thinking that people who don't believe in old fairy tale books meant to lead retards by the nose for all your problems
No, I'm against pedophilia because it produces weak people through the psychological and sexual damages it does to the child.
But the elimination of all of those listed regardless of skin color, some people get a little sad about because they qualify.
Common sense apparently.
When Georges Lemaitre introduced the idea of the big bang, he was thought to have let his theology get the better of him. He was a Catholic priest. Its a modern meme that atheism created the big bang theory.
An Atheist must realize that less-intelligent specimens require Religion to keep them in line. Christianity is one of the best mind controls, and it keeps the filthy masses, like those with IQs below 130, clean and moral. They need a 'Divine Hand' to fear, so that they act civilized.
Meanwhile you can mouth irrelevant verses to satisfy their silly, savage beliefs.
So, yes, Religion is required for Western Civilization, as the Masses are not ready for the redpill on existence. Christianity is the most favorable meme collection for naked apes.
Truly, humanity is still in quite the sad state of affairs
Willfully bringing a mongoloid into the world to be a burden and contribute nothing is morally repugnant. It's your moral responsibility to abort mongoloid fetuses, not doing it is inhumane.
Do not mix atheism as it stands with christianity let loose.
Huge difference.
Ohhhh, I get what you're saying now.Sorry bro.
I agree. "The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good." Proverbs 14:1
>exterminating jews is not good
All good, keep it up.
>I'm so intelligent
You meant things (((Kikes))) are responsible for.
Nevermind that genius scientists like Newton and Einstein spent their lives searching for God, or that the founding fathers and all of your forefathers that created your wonderful civilization believed in a God, I am sure you're way more intelligent than them. You got it all figured out user, you, some ape sitting behind a box on some insignificant planet understand the universe and indeed reality itself.
Theology seeks to answer why, whereas science tends to ask how. Science probably won't be able to ever explain existence and the meaning behind reality in a truly satisfactory way.
In that case Conception was the point of wrong doing. After the child starts dividing then you have to accept responsibility for your bastard child. The fetus did nothing wrong. The fetus will contribute more to society then the worthless piece of shit that brought it here in the first place.
You would never even have abortion as an option, if you aren't an immoral degenerate in the first place.
you forgot worshipping science a la magic
FF most certainly were not all Religious, or even Deist. Newton was a mad genius. Einstein most definitely qualifies as a considered atheist, and if you deny that he is at least agnostic, you have zero credibility.
It really has to do more with Existential Courage, than intelligence, but Existential Courage most often occurs in the highly intelligent.
I am not the smartest person I've met, or even worked with. I am just very highly intelligent and realize the truth of the situation.
Religion is required for most human minds to function normally.
>their "intelligence" gives them authority
found the lowbrow inbred redneck
Nice argument from authority, lol.
There's no meaning to reality nor does there need to be one that is more than your own subjective one. It's not about knowing everything. It's about trying to find out more than simply accepting some magic sky wizard as the only explanation.
>pro death policies invading the Middle East?
>Citation needed
>In the long run, we need to abolish religion as it's nothing more than indoctrination, lies and potentially detrimental traditions
No, stop that. Whilst I *do* agree that Judaism and Islam need to be destroyed, Christianity is one of the vital elements for the West's continued survival. The degeneracy and corruption plaguing our society didn't become so prevalent until Christianity and its values started to be subverted and destroyed. We didn't even see Islam start to encroach upon the West until Christianity started to grow weak and break down from the poison afflicting it. In the long run, Christianity is one of the key things that has kept Western Civilization from being destroyed.
Like torturing innocent people
>inb4 muh abortion
>science worship is cancer
found the antivaxxer
I hold these truths to be self-evident:
When a Christian chooses Moral Code from the Bible, they choose the codes most compliant with Secular Humanism. If one were to follow even the Christian Bible, which has very little if any moral guidance other than 'Love Thy brother', we will hunt you to a cave in Afghanistan and kill you, or imprison you here in America.
You follow Secular Humanist laws, not religious law, as any casual scan of the Bible will indicate to an honest, courageous mind.
Forcing a mongoloid child into this world to suffer is an evil selfish act but twisting the word of God to justify your weakness is even worse.
Larpagans are just ascended Fedoras. They have one more ascension to go.
>Implying you have to follow a strict narrative of a certain variety to question the origin of existence or the meaning behind reality.
Simply stating that the universe has no purpose or meaning is based on as much faith as saying that it does have intrinsic meaning. While its theoretical that anything could happen in supposedly alternate universes, those remain purely theoretical, whereas we do have proof for the existence of our own reality. Science is the wrong tool to analyze this with, and getting the result that the ultimate truth is perhaps unknowable, does not mean that there is no meaning at all. Arguing theological questions is pointless if you aren't arguing from theological grounds.
>the child starts dividing third-grade Arithmetic?
Sorry, I don't agree. I stand for many of the things as an atheist as I did as a Christian; family, loyalty, trust, honesty.
You don't need a book for that. You specifically might, the average retard might, but humanity as a whole does not. Eventually we will get to a place where enough information about the cosmos is commonplace enough as to dismiss our sandy fairy tales for good.
We will move past them, when we are a species that lives on multiple worlds there's no way we can maintain the illusion of a god, especially a defined one like the Christian god.
Philosophy is masturbation, though Scientific conduct 100% of the time is impractical, probably impossible. One must have guidance for their Ape Brain, to ensure swift and decisive, correct action.
Science most definitely is the way to understand the meaning of the Universe.
The fact that an Evolved Ape assigned a meaning to Existence is by far the most Miraculous event even considered by Man, including the formation of the Universe by some magical Supreme Wizard.
You have humanity, and it derived from a pool of scum on a bombarded, half-molten ball floating in space. You are a miracle, user.