I have built quite the collection of Sup Forums approved books. I worry about what others will think of me if they ever see my bookcase. I've also spent a lot of money on these books and don't want to get rid of them or hide them. Hypothetically, what do I say when asked why I have books like For My Legionaries and the Himmler Diaries in my bookcase?
I have built quite the collection of Sup Forums approved books...
Just say you're a history buf
will they buy it? I have a whole shelf dedicated to third reich/fascist italy. That will certainly raise a red flag
Sure, just get some bluepilled ww2 history books and put them with your collection.
all of my Mussolini books shit on him, so I guess there's that. My David Irving collection will be more difficult to explain, however
this is now a library show and tell thread
you're missing the point. I want to keep my bookshelf as is without having to explain all of the books on it which might be questionable. I mean they're just books, I shouldn't have to hide them
Don't hide it. Let people see your collection and answer any questions they may have.
if you are ashamed to show others you know something about the books are wrong.
>mfw i got this for christmas last year at a family gift exchange
>mfw i didnt even ask for it
I just don't want anyone to think that just because I've done extensive reading on Nazism doesn't mean that I am one
wow. I thought that the only people who read Evola were on this board
That is a cat, good sir. Not a library. But I do approve.
can we see your bookshelf
Explain to them you are interested in History. Why would you be ashamed of David Irving books? The guy is a fucking legend! If they try to shit on your books you need new friends.
Sup Forums doesn't read though.
good point. No one really even knows about him anyway
but I do
read marcus aurelius meditations was actually really melancholy and even though he talked about how he worked through is problems its kinda sad and you can tell the war changed him.
Any good recommendations?
depends. What are you interested in?
Anything history related and fiction. Just ordered Heart of Darkness, heard nothing but good things. I really let my reading slip.
Do think Evola was an actual wizard though?
Camp of the Saints
>girl comes over
>sees "mein kampf" on bed
>asks what that's about
>tell her im a neon nazi and she can leave or I can fuck her
>she decides to stay
It's all about being an alfalfa male which I am.
if you want fiction you should read classics and only classics. I would personally recommend The Great Gatsby. It gives you a great look into 1920's prohibitionist America, so it's also historical. If you want history start with Churchill's War
I have never read Evola. Gotta read more Nietzsche first
Have you read your Plato?
I have one suggestion if you haven't read HoD before. Read it at a brisk pace and try to absorb as much as possible. If you go slow you end up reading the same line over and over going, "Uhhh.." and then read the book a couple more times. It's dense but it's pretty great.
I keep both of my copies of that book tucked away. The thing is hardly anyone's read it and I think if they actually did they would swept away by its profundity
Cheers thanks I'll take a look at those. What about some more redpilled books?
only Republic and Death of Socrates
say you're a book dealer on the side
Guys, I wanna start reading but I don't know where to start
Do you have something to help me ?
They say 10 years of Plato before Nietzsche. He's a bit too progressive for my tastes though.
I agree, It's quite profound, but I also have a kriegsflagge hanging up in my bedroom and I've been with enough women I don't really care if they see it. Some see it and leave and the majority stay until I've fucked them, and later call or text me about why I have a "nazi flag" hanging up. Women are objects to be used and you go through enough of them and you might find an object worth holding onto.
Greek philosophy. Aristotle was the first shitlord, he said women were slaves and multicultural societies are doomed to fail. The best part is nobody can accuse the Greeks of being literally Hitler because Greek Philosophy is the school of thought that inspired western civilization
Yeah i heard it was pretty big mind fuck of a book, my favourite kind. Excited to get it and read it.
I hope you had a gr8 birthday user.
>Sup Forums approved books
>how do i excuse them to normies
Stop looking for validation everywhere you go.
Thanks. Obviously most of them are well known. Who did this tho ? The order and the choice of books ?
Oh yeah, and do you have other pics like that ?
I'm still undecided on Nietzsche. I just read what I find interesting, then I make my conclusion
is it actually a Nazi flag or is it a WWI Reichskrieg?
Always archive
>Who did this tho ?
A wiser user than either of us are.
>The order and the choice of books ?
With my tenuous grasp of European history, I can agree with the book progression.
I mean like myself, I'm a truck driver. I really don't need to dive into Carolingian history much more than a scratch on the surface you know? But this list covers all of the major developments in European history and the changes in our world view and culture to effect history.
Why yes, yes I do.
It's the 3rd reich krieggsflagge. When I was 16 or so I used to take it down when a girl came around but now I just leave it up and honestly if a girl comes over to your house she's horny enough she couldn't care less what is hanging up in your place.
I found this book pretty boring and couldn't get through it. It is tedious and the descriptions are difficult to picture in my mind (possibly because of the translation). Yes, it is prescient, and yes, the (((elites))) used it as a guide, but that doesn't make it a good book.
Perfect for me so. Plenty of great reading material here. Thanks.
really? They won't go "omg nazi" and walk out angry and confused?
Well I live in rural Iowa so if a girl drives herself here it's at least an hour's drive so she'll want to get laid before she leaves. Then later she'll call or text about, "what was with that nazi flag hanging in your room? lol"
Why give a flying fornication what they think?
What do you think of the Turner Diaries and Hunter? If you read them.
I really enjoyed his prose. I dunno.
Hunter is a much better book, but for some reason the Turner Diaries are more popular.
I like them both, but Hunter is obviously the more well written one, but also when you take into account a physicist isn't an author, it's a great book. Just imagine if William Pierce had a PHD in literature instead of physics ya know? Regardless, they're staples in our race's history imo.
it's a good way to weed out people. Why would you want someone in your house who isn't a fascist?
One last question. What is the best translated version of Mein Kampf to get? I heard nothing but great things from The new ford translation.
There's as much arguments about Mein Kampf translations as there is about the bible.
I have the James Murphy translation, which was supposedly the only NSDAP sanctioned English translation. But it's just like Christians and the bible, you'll see people saying the Murphy translation is blasphemy and you need to only reed it in English. But in my opinion(if that's worth anything) the Murphy translation is the closest we can get to actual 3rd reich belief.
why the fuck would you be ashamed and hide it in the first place? Own that shit, user. We'll never take our nations back if we're all so afraid of words like racist and what people who can't even accept the truth think of us.
Be proud of your beliefs or you may as well be a faggot hiding in the closet or a nigger in the shadows
This guy is an alpha male.
Yeah I can understand that, there's so much censorship and needless edits with a lot of the translations. I'll do some more of my own research into it. Cheers for the recommendations, I have enough to read for the next 20 years.
I'm in Toronto right now for work and I stopped by the Royal Ontario Museum. Their whole holocaust history section was newspaper articles shitting on David Irving. It was the most retarded thing I've seen in a museum.
Get a flag and drape it in front of the book case, it's a dust cover
>what do I say when asked why I have books like For My Legionaries and the Himmler Diaries in my bookcase?
Use it as a lead in for red pilling. don't be a bitch. Stand for what you believe in.
What do you do for work I am in toronto too
most people are idiots and wont know what they are about.
>I'm in Toronto right now for work
sure sure
Just say you're a WWII history buff it's what the rest of them say