R.A.M. when pol happens IRL

R.A.M/Rise above movement literally trains just to beat the living crap out of antifa. All you Jewish shills will immediately say it's a honey pot

Like we haven't heard that one before schlomo, preventing anyone from activism and keep them at home getting fat and eating tendies.



Other urls found in this thread:



look like eurofag insecure cringe bros


sorry ahmed


>honey pot

They aren't doing anything illegal.

it's really gay

You'd be suprised what the jews claim


kind of a weird name but I approve overall. Are you just so-cal?

>tfw ywn join these filthy goys

Yea they stick to socal


Great idea but never ever claim a name because now the kikes can infiltrate and twist it.

Just fratranize in normal "non political" groups based on other like minded interest.

Galveston, Texas?

Call it sailing club ?

They should try to branch out to central coast or nor cal. Lot of red counties out there.

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!

discordapp.com/ - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil!


Pretty cringey desu

>call of duty masks

yeah so cool.... totally not ;arpers and or paid controlled opposition

LARP faggots please go


that mask is a staple of European right-wing movements

kys shills



fucking nice man, keep that shit up

National action started the skull mask

that yvette felarca shot


you have not seen the greeks yet

Unite the right
August 12th

Yvette felarca has been arrested two days ago



Were the homosexual undertones intentional or ... ?
This is like, the gayest shit I've ever seen.

Boston free speech rally august 19th


Is this just in Cali?

You never trained or sparred in a marital art did ya? That is what hetero blokes look like when they train and work out together you fat cunt.



No, contact them through social media and you could join a chapter around you or start your own. They are mainly based in Southern California though.

I choose the intellectual and successful way. violence is retarded.

I think it's just because the vast majority of antifa and leftypol are genetic mistakes. The Chad both confuses them and gives them a feeling of disgust. They simply don't understand.

Alt version

Thanks user. I've been wanting to do some organization around here. It could be useful to the cause in the coming years.


Welp, California ruins everything

>t. too weak and fat to do both

Mfw more and more Right wing activists groups are forming
Mfw more faster then the communists
Mfw they are soon about to be outnumbered


Thats a common mma exercise technique for push up's

You do realise the identarian movement train's SANDA/SANSHOU which is kickboxing and judo mixed together with some bjj


for self-defence. not for juvenile pics in front of nazi flags

So when the militias start the shooting, my dick is hard.

What a great picture. That is that Yvette Felarca bitch.

I completely agree tbqh
Most Pol users just say
>durrrrr honeypot hurrrrr
So they can avoid going on the front lines

>b-but we'll just let the police handle it
The police do nothing to antfa except for make a few arrests.
Antifa needs to learn their lesson, and not from the police.

Beat up Nigger's and commie's

run that by me again

kill yourself kraut


sorry I meant it for this bloke:

you know what happens when the right refuses to stand up for itself?

shit like this:


These antifa in Greece literally burn down and demolish their opponent's offices. Granted, you do have things like Golden Dawn's paramilitary, but the point stands, that if you don't stop these people, they only grow more vicious.

>So Cal
Identity Europa also has its origins in .CA. What's causing an increase for people joining groups like them and RAM? Are they finally taking their destiny into their own hands?

Train mma,smash antifa

Do they actually train crowd control and group melee tactics or do they just work out and go beat up isolated antifa guys?

I would. But you guys are only on the west coast so far.

pepsi guy in the back round

see for yourself


looks like it's still "get fit, hit gits"


National action was cool, RAM seems legit as well the fact they are straight edge is pretty awesome as well.

wow, that's a lot of buzz words you strung together. Must be valid.

The increase in migrants. It's easy to say race doesn't matter when you're in a majority white state, which California is not.

great. another violent political faction with a uniform and shitty logo.

Youre just as bad ad antifa if you support this shit. Go ahead and keep stirring the shitpot, assholes its our own countrymen fighting eachother in the streets like spoiled children.

Fucking losers

I train boxing, calisthenics and powerlifting regularly and have for years, that's not my problem user. It's that none of my friends are bigly into politics, and I'm an introvert with few close friends I'd even discuss this stuff with. I have a lot of very libshit family and acquaintances. But I'm in my 20's and I'd really like something like this where I live. Antifa is in the city, riots happen frequently, political happenings abound but too few RWDS to counter them.

I dunno, I have a few normiebook Jew friends who spend their lives travelling around protesting bullshit and they've been posting shit saying that the DOJ is dropping the hammer on protesters.

literally couldnt sound more sjw/jewish if you tried

shitty troll. no ones this retarded.

>Antifa attacks Trump supporters
>RAM attacks antifa
Exactly the same.

If you really wanted to fight Antifa, you'd just shoot them. It's functionally the same as shooting someone waving an Islamic State flag.

Oh my bad user. I thought you were calling me out.

What city?
Do you train mma also?

Give me a fucking break schlomo.

>Our countrymen

Fuck off faggot. You're either what makes America great, or against it. Commies have never been American and will never will be.

Yvette felarca is arrested I need to know her court date.


I support this 100% and encourage all of you to get fit for this very purpose. Find fellow white bros to train and befriend. We must all do our part to stay fit and trained against the coming nig / mexican savages.

youre the fucking merchant here, goldbergstein. You think the media wouldnt be soaking this shit up and making it into a creme if anderson cooper didnt like the way it helped him slide his cock in your mouth?

whats your plan fuccboi? You think americans squabbling like niggers is going to benefit our society?

Antifa,SURJ,IWW and bamn are all communist that must be destroyed.

Outside of St. Louis.

In the fall, I usually just focus on my lifts. But this year I'm scheduling to start training Thai boxing and bjj at my local MMA gym. All I've honestly trained in up to this point is boxing and wrestling though.

>that Bas system

Have you given that a shot user?

Argument by analogy: Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, American responds.

Not the same.

You'[re an idiot.

>our countrymen

You took a wrong turn at r/t_cuckold

Holy shit what the fuck was Ron Jeremy doing at a rally?

Oh boy, more political motivated violence. Just what we need.


Are you motherfuckers such terrible people you cant show compassion for someone you dont know on the sole principle that you share the same home?


Yes the bas fighting system is perfect for mma because the muay thai is modified for mma and the submission wrestling is modified for mma also.
I train mma.

Yeah I know right? Conservatives defending themselves is literally hitler.

>"You think the media wouldnt be soaking this shit up and making it into a creme if anderson cooper didnt like the way it helped him slide his cock in your mouth"

You're really not helping your case with any of this.

>if you kill your enemies, they win