>Egyptians weren't black
Egyptians weren't black
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Well, they certainly don't look white.
Nobody ever argued that Egyptians were white. We argued that they weren't black, and that blacks have never built anything significant.
Nobody unironically believed Egyptians were white
The first one has that major gayface. You just know he was Podesta'd.
>Nobody ever argued that Egyptians were white
They were almost the same as modern saudis.
Did negroids ever accomplish anything?
link? I want to read the comments filled with angry niggers.
>2000 years ago
Ancient Egyptians were from nearly 5000 years ago though.
niggers are 1/5 the intelligence of whites
quota admit is only reaosn get into college
black women get into ucla medical school with 2.1 GPA
white women need 4.0
obaam got into hardvard law school and guy is austisic, owrst pres of al time by large amrgin thunderingly stupid
no shit nigger. Noone claimed that
They look like today's egyptians, tanned mediterranean people
That ok cuz we takin over them white Americans history lls keep on taking our history cuz we takin yours ya fuckin crackers
the fuck does this shit even matter, egypt was blacked, and middle eastern'ed during it's entire lifespan, saying it wasn't black or whatever is rather silly
>Niggers history is so fucking pathetic they have to steal sandniggers history.
Hello there newfriend.
hmm good point. When was pyramid built whitey?
t. nigger that wants his gibs
>mfw the arabic race is the result of Mediterranean and turk genetics mixing
turks are literally subhuman
sorry, I meant t*rk. I forgot this was a christian image board.
>Nobody ever argued Egyptians were white
Surprise. They are fucking egyptians...
They don't looks the same as modern egyptians look different they've have 20%+ negorid admixture and also higher iranian and caucasian admixture from Levant. AEs were basically 75% Bedouin+25% Neolithic Anatolian.
Ancient egyptians looked more like bedouins.
the one on the left kinda looks like prince
looks like could be from India
Name one person. If you actually can I'll tell you they are irrelevant because their argument is just as fucking dumb
>we wuz slavers and oppressors n shieet
>>mfw the arabic race is the result of Mediterranean and turk genetics mixing
Nonsense. More like turks are this but that's also inaccurate.
Indians are neolithic iranians mixed with australoids and mongoloids. They're extremely far from ancient egyptians.
How the FUCK do I use custom flags?
> North Africa
> Expects white people
:) ???
ancient historians seemed to think egyptians and north indians looked alike. Greek or roman I can't remember. I think it may have been herodotus.
modern egyptians don't look mediterranean. More like south semitic and part black
3/10 have to hit from behind due to face
North Indians are Persian
If you wanna read more about this
>be egypt, connected to a land mass with niggers
>couple of niggers might have been a leader
>all kings were niggers
this is why no one likes niggers.
these are COPTS you uneducated swine
not ancient egyptians
disconnecting your ego from reality is ngiger n jew method
do it as a white, and get taht 10/10 womena re for you adn CEO top stopn on tv for you
simple idea
>North Indians are Persian
More like pakis are iranians with ~20% ASI and 10% some kind of mongoloid.
North Indians have even more australoid (~30%-50%) and mongoloid.
They had negroid slaves and negro-nubians conquered tchem once and twice but they started mixing with niggers only post-roman invasion and to greater extent post arab invasion.
The middle guy is a roman portrait not an egyptian dumbass
>ancient historians seemed to think egyptians and north indians looked alike.
That's only superficial only due to relatively dark skin and relatively thin long skull from basal eurasian/UHG admixture they both have.
third one looks like a qt Franz Kafka
Copts are identical to ancient egyptians except Copts have 10% higher east african admixture.
>those ears
these are all roman paintings
you gotta slow down, user.
Jesus was black the bible proves it white devil btfo
Seems like majority of Pakistanis are light skinned North Indians, but I haven't seen many so I may be wrong.
It's egyptian
Who would have thought that ancient Egyptians look like modern Egyptians?
Thanks Captain Obvious! What ever would we do without you?
Not quite
By killing yourself
> revelations
> written by an essene sectarian madman 300 years AFTER the death of the nazarene
> doesnt even claim to describe the nazarene
> refers to future events forseen in a lunatic haze of opium smoke
> proofs
youre an idiot.
I'm sure the Egyptians had blacks too. For slaves.
the white man and black man are enemies because the white man is the Serpent seed.
lol ill take it then 8/10
Of course they weren't. Even modern Egyptians are only light-brown/olive. Pitch-black Bantuniggers from below the Sahara have zero right to claim that Egyptian anything is their heritage. They aren't even culturally related like present-day Nordics and ancient Greco-Romans are.
> nigger has book
> doesnt read it
> book for 3rd graders
> still to complex for adult nigger
> tears it up in frustration
> posts ripped up rat gnawed cover art to try and impress others with his scholarship
nice one tyrone.
But... but... we wuz everythang
> book of daniel
> written hundreds of years BEFORE the birth of the nazarene
> doesnt even claim to describe the nazarene
> Proofs
you are a retard, the retard other tards call retarded.
you are too special even for the special olympics.
What about Mansa Musa? The richest goi ever supposedly.
>the hair of his head was white like wool
>the hair of his head was like wool
you mad neanderthal cave man you are the serpent seed Cain had children with neanderthal females and created the white race
>mixed with invading greeks
>ancient egyptians
very historically honest.
lmao oogabooga monkeykek
Go get educated kid
pic related
thanks tut
That's because they're some weird Greek/Turk mix.
North Africans.. like sudanese?
what are youyrthoughts? AE racially something unique?
Modern Egyptians are literally more black than Ancient Egyptians
nignogs btfo
nobody said white
>The mother of amenemhet i (r. 1991-1962 b.c.e.), Nefret was a commoner, supposedly of Nubian descent and from thebes. When Amenemhet I usurped the throne upon the death of montuhotep iv, founding the Twelfth Dynasty, Nefret received the title of King’s Mother. she was mentioned in nefer-rohu’s prophecy.
>The Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature says, "There is every reason to conclude that the separate colonies of priestcraft spread from Meroe into Egypt; and the primeval monuments in Ethiopia strongly confirm the native traditions, reported by Diodorus Siculus, that the worship of Zeus-Ammon originated in Meroe, also the worship of Osiris. This would render highly probable the opinion that commerce, science and art descended into Egypt from the Upper Nile.
Egypt was a colony of ethiopia.
The thing that I can't understand about these threads that you guys keep saying
Egyptians are
>Arab/African mix
>Greek/Arab mix
>Turk/African mix
>(something)/(something) mix
why we [Egyptians] can't be our own Ethnic group and say for example
>Sudanese are Egyptian/sub-Saharan African mix
ur mom was a colony of ethiopia
That description is obviously Jesus as a spirit, not a human, unless you think he had blazing eyes of fire when living as a man.
why something unique though?
I literally look like one of those portraits
>skin color
Pic related is literally me I don't have a beard though
>The A-Group culture was an ancient civilization that flourished between the First and Second Cataracts of the Nile in Nubia. It lasted from c. 3800 BCE to c. 3100 BCE.
oldest pharonic trappings are found in nubia-sudan. they shared a religion and priest class with ethiopians and said they came from the start of the nile.
only slightly lighter
pic related (old photo of my hand)
I am confused by this post because nobody ever claimed Egyptians were black, whatever person stated so off the street is not a historian.
these are helenized people, 5000 years after the founding of egyptian dynasties. these have as much to do as a modern texan has to do with an ameri-indian.
> bix nood level niggerish gabble
> doesnt make an argument or attempt to defend his own specious assertions
> implies i give a wet shit for the ignorant opinions of a nigger
you have failed at every level of rational argument.
better luck next time tyrone.
they look pretty black to me
>not a historian.