>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
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>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
What does it mean? Please help.
Man he really does look like Podesta
Oh fuck.
Someone post the fucking list.
But it's too early. There hasn't been a black flag above the dome yet.
Gay. If that's what it meant its a gay ass prophecy
I still don't know who cornell is.
I've been on board with pizza gate and pedowood before there were threads here, but the whole John Podesta is his dad thing is fucking retarded.
It will happen when the weather cools.
That's when they'll make their move.
The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
Three branches will become one.
An island will drift away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Idols will speak and move about.
The black flag will fly above the dome.
The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
A rock will stand on seven hills.
The ravens will starve.
The bear will leave its cave forever.
The rod and the ring will strike.
I miss Lemmy ;_;
Pretty Noose
It means pedorings about to topple
It means pedorings about to topple
still trying to find out when this prophecy was originally posted online
big if true
Not important enough for anyone to really care. Never knew either one of these fags names before they offed themselves. Knew their music but they were not that important to be mentioned in the Bible.
You know Cornell was a half Jew right?
It was by a fucking leaf like you. You should either be immensely proud or ashamed, depending on the events of the coming months
It was just before Brexit. Maybe a few weeks?
Oh yeah how about this. What prophecy is this?
It's a meme prophecy been shitposted around here since like a week ago.
I looked into it but nothing comes up for this, I guarantee it's larping
oh shit this thing is still is on!
what did I miss?
>An island will drift away.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
California flooding
thats all I remember
after trump got elected i think
exactly, and now we're all talking about them, and finding out now all of their connections to the slime ball pedos that we've been hunting for months
neither of them have spoken a word and yet we are all hearing them loud and clear
even if the prophecy is a larp this is an eerie fulfillment
>mfw dis bread
jus saying people with yellow labs dont kill themselves
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Trump's drone strike during the night on Syria that seem like a massive attack but in reality just put some holes in a runway
yeah doesn't seem realistic, but you have to admit they look alike
I thought the dragon could have been a refernce to the South China Sea, or the alignment of the solar system in September 23rd
>It's a meme prophecy been shitposted around here since like a week ago.
he works for the Bogdanoffs. The Merc.
signs and wonders
>being too stupid to know its been getting posted for months
flag checks out
>Never knew either one of these fags names before they offed themselves. Knew their music
Yep, that's most people
is the "three branches will become one" in reference to Poland gov't?
Was friends with relative of Chester when I went to elementary school kids room was decked with LP band shit. I grew up on their music sad their dead
It was before Brexit.
All 3 branches of American Gov't what makes you think Poland is significant enough on the world stage.
read about his history of child abuse, the dates add up too. Knowing Podesta its not surprising at all he has rape babies out there, he didnt start being a sick fuck just last year. The leap is whether the death was ritual sacrifice or if he just killed himself like they claim
Walk into the house of the dead and see what there is to be seen.
Walk to where the the sun sets and find the place that is pure.
Walk to where the rivers meet, and where the rain always falls.
Walk to where the giants roam and clear them of their life.
Walk to where the dogs sleep, and wake them quickly.
Walk to where the sun rises and find yourself ready.
Once all is done. Go to the city of sin, for they will sleep there. Cull the wolf from the sheep. And pray to god to be saved.
Then and only then will the angle come.
he said himself that he was molested at a young age hence drug abuse. connect the dots.
>It will happen when the weather cools.
Habbening in fall/winter
>That's when they'll make their move.
This is the million dollar question
>The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
>They're trying to force God's hand.
God Emperor Trump?
>Watch for these signs:
>Three branches will become one.
Deep state consolidating, or Trump becoming a monarch.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Trump's syria strike that was bread and circus, but didn't actually do shit
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
No clue
>Idols will speak and move about.
Not sure; just talking about all the pundits and media personalities who are losing their shit?
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
ISIS in Israel? Iron Dome? Dome of the Rock?
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Something something China in the south china sea?
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Chester and Chris dead.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Kid Rock for Senate 2018? There's capital hill, but I'm not sure what "seven hills" could mean
>The ravens will starve.
No fucking clue
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
Something something russia
>The rod and the ring will strike.
No clue on this one either
>the bear will leave it's cave forever
>the rod and the ring will strike
O baby. I'm feeling the hype
when Trump was elected, there was a bolt of lightning that hit Trump tower (no injuries or deaths).
(sorry for not archiving, i have no clue how to do all that)
I remember someone said something like that and explained that the dragon in biblical passages symbolizes the devil and California is the devils stronghold, so it kinda makes sense
but then again we could be wrong and theres more to it than we think
Two chads kill themselves wahhhh
Toaster Steve kills himself on Sup Forums and no one cares. That's altruism for ya
maybe they're the catalyst of something to come?
what makes you think Poland is insignificant, when it's constantly in the news, lately?
Oh shit, pewds is next. He's so influential I don't doubt it.
shut you're filthy burger mouth, it has been posted here since republican debates way back when
just fucking lurk please
>The rod and the ring will strike
where's this nuke coming from, south africa?
I knew who both of these guys were and listened to there music for years. you faggots are just uncultured or underage twats
>The Ravens will starve
Engish Monarchy dies/falls
>picking worst dog
>picking a dog based on aesthetics
That places skippy at the peak then. Can you point out other obvious musicians or celebrities that have the seed of other prominent DC movers and shakers?
Like I said I've know about satanic ritual abuse and Hollywood for a long time. I know about laurel canyon and such. I don't want real information to be cointelproed out of existence because people wanted to post memes.
I listened to Linkin Park back when there were popular in the mid 2000's. That doesn't mean I fanboi'd over the band members like a preteen girl.
>the star will gorge itself on clay
I think this fits the South China Sea expansion more, since it fits China's flag
three branches combined into one would effectively be fulfilled in the case of martial law being declared in the US
the 'city of seven hills' was referenced Biblical prophecy as the city from which the Antichrist will rule the world
Jerusalem and Rome are two famous cities which were said to be built on seven hills
>A rock will stand on seven hills
>Kid Rock running for Senator
It's been around since at least 2015
This may be way off base.
Can confirm.
If the Ravens at the tower of London fuck off then our Liz gets bad omen'ed to death.
It's a really old meme.
>I had an open mind then, but no one look into this.
>Black Sabbath Derivative Group Singer dead
>Black Sabbath still alive
I remember during the 90s when Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden et all became popular they went from being "party on brah" to "support Clinton, Gays, Anti-Racism" which is everything Clinton ran against.
>the Star
>Gorge itself on clay
Israel will annex more land?
Really makes my Pringles tingle...
>A rock will stand on seven hill
>Dwayne "The rock" Johnson could run for president
> I know every band members name of every edgy alternative liberal band. Your a fag! Your uncultured!
I bet you look like this and watch hours of anime and hentai
The original was shortly before the brexit vote. I used to have it screen capped but I think I deleted it from my phone
Don't forget that Bennington's father was a detective who went card on child sexual abuse cases.
I dont cosplay you faggot. but i do watch anime. And im Right leaning you faggot there nothing liberal about me.
M8 Yer Dugs A Nazi
>being this new
post actual facts connecting Podesta or sage this fucking shit
There is a very shaky way that you could consider Washington DC as a 'city on seven hills'
>rod and the ring
maybe referring to the DeepState (rod, typically a symbol of authority, such as a gov't would have) and the ring referring to the pedo ring, which is controlled by the DeepState?
The rod is definitely Dennis Rodman.
>Your a faggot
>Watches anime
>Right 'leaning'
To get back on point the vast majority of people do not give a shit unless you were a faggot looser in school who found comfort in their edgy rape baby I'm different goys r9k music.
Newfag detected
It's been around since at least summer 2016. Probably showed up right before or right after Brexit because of the whole "island drifting away" reference
>The ravens will starve.
Uh guys..........
>The Ravens of the Tower of London are a group of at least six captive ravens which live at the Tower of London.[2] Their presence is traditionally believed to protect the Crown and the tower; a superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it".[3][4][5]
Oh shit....
If the habbening is this fall/winter then the "rock" references can't be The Rock or Kid Rock since we wouldn't have time for that to happen.
he said he took more than 10 lsd per day at 12 years old, among a variety of other drugs
how the fucking fuck does a 12 year old get drugs like that? lsd in high quantities would have dissasociative effects similar to what mk ultra program researched
Rome will be hit with a meteor
digits prove
thats all some faggy shit muslims spread that came from some old gypsy womans predictions which have been proven to in many cases to have been written by others after the events occur. the military tried to use her forged predictions to justify a range of ethnic cleansing campaigns
most of her actual predictions were so laughable if they had happened we would be living in a very different world
fun fact a lot of people dont like her bullshit predictions. mr black science man burned some pages only to be told those werent the originals and that long before him the founder of the EU had tore up and ate some of one of the pages
its the same faggy georgia guide stones type crap. idiot gypo faggots with no understanding of anything proclaiming to have knowledge of the future
blah blah self fullfilling prophecy
reminder that kikes actually are enacting biblical events so that they make their own prophecies real, when their prophet comes down and smites everyone and they rule over the goyim or some bs
>mass transit
>human trafficking on grand scale
The biggest smile....is the most unhappy...
Should've stayed true to their sound instead of selling out for shekels.The soft shit LP has put out the past couple years were terrible and probably why he an heroed. Because he couldn't vent.