Is this guy for real?
Kid Rock vs. Debbie Stabenow
This is gonna be good.
He is already channeling the right energy
bump time to fuck a hole into politics as usual
he's gonna shitpost to victory holy fuck
still waiting for my kid rock hat to ship
It doesn't get any better than this timeline. Kek is real and we haven't stopped winning since November.
>Detroit beer
He's going to win I hope you all realize it. He is the epitome of Detroit
If I was a Yankee I'd vote for him
Maymaying Kid Rock into office will be most enjoyable. Time to break out the gimp and put some things together. I suppose I could look up his actual politics but who the fuck cares, he's running against a leftist so can't be any worse than she is. Right?
Debbie Stabenow will win. You need a Working Class Republican to beat her. She is to well liked here, and it seems the republicans won't do what it takes to win.
>We now live in a world where celebrities with no political experience are preferred to be in positions of governmental power compared to actual politicians
His only words of wisdom are radio edit.
i like this guy
Pretty sure Kid Rock is mostly liked by working class folk.
>You need a Working Class Republican to beat her.
an that is exactly the card kid rock will play
kid rock for president 2024
Michigan people realistically what are his chances of winning?
How popular is the current senator?
What's he gonna do with those two shiny buttplugs when he's done eating?
Well done.
> Maymaying Kid Rock into office will be most enjoyable.
is kid rock /our guy/
Very good. He will win all the Republican vote and niggers in Detroit will vote for him because he's from the D.
>the year of the shitposters
It's unreal. Literally shitposting your way into office.
>niggers in Detroit will vote for him because he's from the D
They don't think he's a racist? (Not that I do)
Michigander here, if Kid Rock runs, I'll vote for him.
>eating a Burger at night
This alone is what separates the subhuman from the human, normal people don't eat that greasy slob of shit for dinner and shit themselves on the bed afterwards
Just imagine his fundraising capabilities. He can put on a concert instead of traditional fundraising.
Kid Rock is literally Straigh Out Tha Trailer.
Sodomite kike loving whore is finished.
If he does play that card, his chances will go up a lot. I sure hope he does.
She voted against protecting communities through gun rights in 2016, and voted to obstruct against nominating everyone in Trump's cabinet...
She's gonna be in troubllllllllllle.
Kid Rock dishin' keks straight out the trailer park
Just build the wall already Pablo.
He'll win with at least 80% of the votes
Didn't even know they still made Stroh's
It's not really surprising if you think about it. Once these people are exposed to the low IQ masses as the lying snakes they are, it's logical for votes to swing to the next most popular/famous people: entertainment celebrities.
People Magazine confirmed for more influential than NYT.
>normal people don't eat that greasy slob of shit
Sure thing Pancho, which excuses your entire subhuman race from the hog slop you beanbags eat.
I could care less what this white nigger does
"political experience"
Stabenow doesn't seem all bad
>U.S. Sens. Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow are asking for a meeting with President Donald Trump to talk about jobs and ways to end outsourcing.
Normal people don't shit themselves, subhuman.
Goddamn that dinner is patriotic as fuck. I bet this guy supports our troops almost as much he supports Israel. Probably hates Obummer too. As long as won't raise taxes on rich people, he's got my vote.
*starts singing the national anthem*
Beans are a very cheap good source of protein.
>implying you can afford anything other than """"taco meat""""" AKA chihuahua
Fuck off 3rd world peasant.
**shots fired**
>Shitting yourself from eating a burger
Is this the true power of Liberalism?
Yeah we need more money for ESL classes
Not a complete protein.
he grew up in the detroit hip hop scene. his first album is unironically called "grit sandwiches for breakfast." anyone that thinks he's racist is just ignorant
Politicians that everyone knows that don't do shit versus people who got rich and famous through their own skills and have a proven track record of helping people even without political power.
Hell, aren't Politicians a relatively new job title considering how governments were first staffed by the people for the people?
>Is losing to TV celebrity in a poll
>Moves politics a notch closer to TV celebrity
Well, he just locked in the neet vote with that poverty looking burger.
Enjoy picking the cockroach legs from your frijoles, Panchito. Also, why is frijoles in my dictionary...
Amen. I don't give one hot damn what color you are, you could be red, purple, or blue for all I care, just speak friggin english gotnammit.
>mfw its real
>Is this guy for real?
He was married to Pam Anderson, who met with Assange. I GUARANTEE this is an angle that the dems will run with.
The world needs more wrestlers in positions of power
>Mexico talking about shitting after eating greasy food
Taco gremlin are you fo real? Even your water is notorious for making people shit their pants.
Mexicans aren't used to eating meat, bread, and fresh veggies that aren't covered in lard, so eating a burger messes with their system.
Holy fuck read the comments. Liberals are idiots, he will win.
(((political experience)))
I thought beaners shit in whatever field they were picking?
>He says as he's the fattest country in the world and known for producing some of the most disgusting street food ever like pic related
They do and they started making it in Detroit again last year. Made it more craft beer-y to be hip with the kids
>he's gonna shitpost to victory holy fuck
you mean the same way POTUS did?
He's going to win everyone from Detroit will vote from him which seals the deal because the state's mostly red otherwise and will vote for him
Kid rock is the type of dude I'd love to have a beer with. I think his music is garbage for the most part, but he seems like a good dude. Probobly way smarter than people would think too.
I have to give him credit for a reasonably sized burger
At this point, "political experience" just means "corrupt". The reason people talk about celebrities is because they already have a soapbox to speak from. Bob down the street might be the best candidate possible to lead the nation, but he's got no outlet to share his ideas, and has to worry more about feeding his family.
Why would the Blacks in Detroit vote for him?
*follows @KidRock*
Yer darn tootin
>Shitposting becomes a popular political technique
The future is looking bright
You don't understand the Detroit pride thing if you're not from the area. It's a common struggle. For real.
Because he's a wigger and rapper?
looks and sounds like a fucking seagull
You think they want some old white bitch?
lel looks like shit, /commonman/
They're also going to unseat that crackpot Fauxcahontas
The blue checks are starting to come out of the wood work.
+ R I C E
thats the worst burger ive ever seen
>Top replies
>Muh heal care
Was Americans literally dying on the street before Obama?
Clearly you haven't tried them or perhaps you haven't prepared them correctly, that snack snd others like fruit with chili are god tier when you're in the scorching heat,it's just a matter of not overdoing it just like anything in life, I eat them maybe twice a month tops. May interest you in trying some of those delicacies?
Fuck yes, Debbie Stabenow is a piece of shit that has been representing Michigan forever. Also; Senator Rock; President Rock
nah it's refined as fuck desu
after 15+ years I finally found out that it is "radio edit" instead of "radio in it" which never made sense to me.
Your most well known holiday here is based on winning a battle that was only possible due to your filthy water making the French literally shit themselves to death.
The few legionaires that didn't get dysentery had a KD ratio of +20:1.
The whole concept of a (((career politician))) is disgusting. There was a documentary/(((reality))) program on Sky1 once about Eton and it was really eye opening.
>Eton is a public school
>It's pretty secretive desu hence the documentary
>The guy making it catches the eyes of some kid who's about 12 or 13 and starts asking him questions
>"So will you ever be Prime Minister?"
>"Me? Oh, no they wouldn't prep me on being Prime Minister they wouldn't allow that to happen."
>"So who is likely to be leader?"
>Points at some Paki, "[kid's name] is being prepped at the moment, but there's a fallback in case he isn't up to it"
>His face suddenly changes like he's just heard "shut it down" running through his mind
>Refuses to answer anymore questions and walks away
That was about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember any of their names to see where they are now.
Just in case you're wondering just how many potential Prime Ministers have been (((prepped))) at Eton
I'm not saying there's a conspiracy or anything, but it's one hell of a pure coincidence.
Stabenow has been a fairly respected person for a while, and at this rate she's pretty much an institution. She's been in politics in Michigan longer than I've been alive.
If anything were going to hurt her, it's the Dems as a whole rather than anything she's done. But people are fed up with the Dems enough that it isn't unrealistic for someone like Kid Rock to win.
Are you even allowed to post such cheeky things on your internet anymore bong?
>This alone is what separates the subhuman from the human
are u talking about the trumpĀ“s wall
>greasy slob of shit
ding! thats how i know you are poor, you probably only eat mcdonalds burgers and shit,
a good homemade hamburguer made with real quality meat is god tier
just stick to burritos pablo ;o)