What are your thoughts and opinions on Canadians?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Canadians?
it's like america but with the autism cranked to 400%
Obviously im biased but i think Canada is a great country that lost its path.
Also we need a union jack remodel of our flag.
> Lost its path
How so? I'm curious to get a Canadian opinion on it
Savage shit posters
we're killing ourselves with immigration.
We used to be a moderate country with a surprisingly large military presence. We were a global power and led the liberation of the netherlands in ww2. Canadians were unified and at their peak during the world wars. We became soft and now we are extremely irrelevant, which wouldn't be so bad if we weren't also killing ourselves with a bluepill overdose
I was born there but grew up in the Deep South. Went up there for work a little while back.
>state media is worse
>majority is cucked
>everyone constantly apologizes
>way too many men with upward inflections when they talk
>Tim hortons burns their hashbrwns
>food is bad in general
>it was balls cold in late april
>everyone drives super fucking slow
Don't invite the leaf into your life, user.
I can see how that would fuck things up after a while. Ameri duh still has a ways to go in my opinion, plus, leadership in this country are all fucking braindead and corrupt. What do you think your average Canadian needs to be red piled on?
From left to right. No, yes, no, no, yes, fuck no
I fucking hate everything about them. They act like Americans, but get all butthurt when someone confuses them for American. They can't hold their liquor and they have all this saved up anger that they unleash in stupid ways when they're drunk. They act superior, but are not. Their population is less than California, and half of that is foreigners, but they act like they matter in this world. They say stupid fucking shit all the time, and when you call them out on it, they just switch to a
>I'm a Canadian hurr durr
Last thing I had that was shitty that involved Canadians, I was at a Tigers vs Blue Jays game. Someone from the Tigers had just had a baby, and the Blue Jays fans were yelling at him
>I hope your baby is dead!
When he was playing outfield. I called them out on this, I was at the game with a few of my friends, we're all construction contractors. When I told them to shut the fuck up, they turned around and talked some shit to me, and when my friend's and I stood up, they all ran for the exit like a bunch of fucking girls. I hate Canada, and Canadians. The only thing they've ever done is make Canadarm.
The pic says it all.
Our country is beyond cucked. The "Canada needs immigrants" meme is pushed hard from grade school to high school.
Canada is embodying the truth that "weak men make hard times." We're coasting on the hard work of whites who came before.
Immigration mainly.
why teh FUCK does someone not kick the zombie in teh face?
Can't stand them.
If it wasn't for The USA being between Canada and Mexico Canada would be majority hispanic with spanish as their official language.
Up there with the swedes and Krauts in cultural destruction.
Burgers are actually trying to halt immigration but .gov wont listen.
I've seen a huge amount of pro equality stuff coming out of Canada,, act particular reason for that? Is that a new thing or has it always kind of been there?
By that I mean all the gay marching stuff mainly
I fucking hate Canada.
Mostly retards
Pretty much like every other western people, but their cuck levels might be a little higher than the norm.
I wonder how is like to date in Canada, all the women must be feminist and the chances of cheat on you, break up for a irrelevant reason and betray their race are of 100%
When did all the bad shit start?
how many of those are traps? or is that just the english genetics hard at work?
My gf is Canadian and she's honestly one of the sweetest, kindest and most considerate girls I've ever dated. I live in South Florida and the girls down here are straight up awful garbage. That being said, my gf is pretty liberal. However, she ask me yesterday "why are the black people here so ignorant and ghetto? They aren't like that in Canada....." Seeing the opportunity to redpill the fuck out of her on blacks, I tactfully explained why blacks in the USA are addicted to gibemedats and basically keep themselves down, which she resisted at first then seemed to understand when I used her own observation regarding blacks in Canada to support my position.
That's one thing I've never experienced... the niggers here are fucking awful mostly, what are they not niggers like they are in the states up there?
We don't have a right to free speech like in the United States. All the voices against that sort of stuff have been silenced, and what we have is this perpetual back-patting by various degenerates and minorities for being "so brave" whereas any criticism of them can land you in jail.
Our government actively encourages the worst degeneracy and can't even publicly disagree. The most flagrant signs of the decay just become visible faster here I guess, with no speech to restrain it at all.
If pedophilia is legalized, it will be in Canada before the US.
Yeah wtf, they look more like Welsh genetically. Anti cheerleader effect turns the lone 6 into a 7.5
>Some of the Conservatives' insertions attracted controversy, including increased detail about the War of 1812 and a warning that certain "barbaric cultural practices," such as honour killings and female genital mutilation, are crimes in Canada.
Getting rid of both those elements was what former Liberal Immigration Minister John McCallum had in mind when he said early in 2016 that the book was up for a rewrite. But although work has been underway for over a year, there's no date set for publication of a final version.
In the draft version, the reference to barbaric cultural practices is gone, as is the inclusion of getting a job as one of the responsibilities of citizenship.
It's becoming increasingly horrible and a migrant filled shithole. The above is the apart of the Liberals "Newcomers" guide to Canada. All Canadians should look to prepare themselves to emigrate.
>>everyone drives super fucking slow
People haul ass around Vancouver. Makes for exciting commutes, dodging all the speeding Asians
Out of curiosity, what purpose does the "Canada needs immigrants" meme serve? What is your country getting out of that?
its our real flag
white genocide pushed by ZOG
No idea aside from population growth and to keep the Liberals in power and Canadians increasingly unable to decide the fate of their own country. As I posted above the Liberals have removed the part in their Newcomers guide that getting a job is apart of citizenship. It's a country killing itself.
Having gone up there multiple times now (mostly Quebec) the only thing I can say is that it's true and that blacks up there are just better "integrated." I know that's a vague way of putting it, but.......like they don't stand out. They aren't loud. They don't cause a scene and they dress normally. They speak normally and actually seem to possess common courtesy. Maybe it's because Canada never had the slave culture we had down here (or the way we had it). I don't know. But all I can say is Canadian blacks are nothing like niggers in the USA, especially the southern USA where I live.
Around leaves don't be at ease
Best shitposters, sometimes so good that prob. even they think they believe that shit.
Even more cucked than Sweden.
Sweden has the NatSoc Nordic Front, with hundreds of members. What the fuck does Canada have?
What's interesting is that whenever I go up there (Quebec) it seems that Quebec at least wants to keep their identity and culture, yet at the same time seem all too eager to suck the dick of any immigrant that speaks French (Algeria, Haiti, etc.). Do you think if they ever seceded from Canada that they'd eventually stop letting in immigrants for the sake of combatting the Anglo-ism they are "surrounded" by, or do you think they're pretty cucked on immigrants as well?
Our country is fine. Worry about your own.
Fuck em . They are either faggots or sat around on here crying and not addressing the faggotry their country
The Canadians i know in real life are all cool.
The ones on here, for the most part suck.
Fucking leafs
I genuinely do not give a shit what Quebec does. At this point separation is most certainly better for them but again I care about Canada not Quebec. I'm still preparing to get out though.
Fair enough. Where to, user?
my comments on canada as a canadian.. worst experiment ever
"fuck everything make the flag a fucking leaf or some shit i don't care"
sir john a macdonald
it's basically the best flag ever. and it's fun and kind of cheesy and not entirely easy to take seriously, like canada in general.
you mean it 'was' a country. Its filled to the brim with pakis, chinks and niggers now.
Canada especially the cities like the GTA is lifeless consumerist hellholes. The country is a globalist mechanism to rack up consumer debt and farm interest. There are herds of sheeple here who are lead to live pointless degenerate lives and buy pointless junk with credit cards. The so called 'Canadians' who live here fuction as worker ants for the elite. Its atrocious. No wonder whites here are all doing heroin and killing themselves
Look, it's a pretty nice country actually. There are a fair share of problems as there are everywhere, but overall things are pretty chill in Canada. We've got trees, clean streets, plenty of parks in our cities, low crime, pleasant but kind of bluepilled people. and basically everythings so fucking relaxed and ideal in canada that we've sort of tuned out in regards to the world at large, which has been happening all across western civilization.
You know the solution.
It will be the most loving, bloodless subjugation and full-scale invasion of one country by another in human history. We will be gentle - I promise.
Those are some sexy guys
Terrible posters.
The cities are hellholes with ridiculous cost of living, people yelling non-official languages in the streets, drone-like suburban lifestyle.
Rural canada on the other hand is great. There is a close sense of community and you can do anything you want without anyone breathing down your neck
i guess he was cool in akira.
Kill Trudeau.
>lifeless consumerist hellholes
yeah i can agree with that, the cities attached to toronto lack identity, it's all chain stores and big corporate chain shopping outlets
towns and cities used to have more character before big american chain stores and resturants took over everywhere. now a lot of places look the same
and i basically agree with the rest of your post as well, but have a bit less of a doom and gloom outlook since i also see the positives of canadian life
Apologize Americucks, or else this will happen again
The Canadian Ensign was superior
Canadian here. I'm not from the city, but currently live and work in southern Ontario.
Canada is a mixed bag. There are many many people I know who are red-pilled. But there are just as many, if not many who have SJW views.
The problem is though, many people who have liberal views get their news from MSM or Facebook. A lot of people are on the fence and just need to be told the truth.
I've given a lot of friends, family, and my gf the red pill. People are waking up, but yeah, still a lot of cucks around.
Canadians enjoy the nice stereotype even from my experiances its far from the truth. But overall, good TV, silly politicians, they seem a bit like whimps, not the Calgary folk ive met though.
7.8/10, would live
We're killing ourselves with dumbass millennial liberals, not immigrants.
Our population is poised to go DOWN believe it or not, in a world that is exponentially growing. Immigration is literally necessary to keep Canada alive economically into the 22nd century.
I still can't believe this is the leader of your country. I mean, look. at. this. fucking. pic. As an aside, how does this man reconcile being "tolerant" of a religion that thinks all homosexuals should be killed in horrific ways?
>traps are gay
Canada isn't the rape capital of the world and muslims are still less than 1% the population so we arent reactionary yet.
For OP though, I personally love Canadians by and large. We do have problems, but given the fact that there's like maybe 6 countries in the world you can currently live in and not be worried about a daily terrorist attack or a minority murdering you, Canada is one of the best places to live memes aside.
Any meme about Canada is based on Toronto and Vancouver and doesn't reflect the vast majority of us.
i was going to type pretty much this
canada was becoming a nation from 1867 until WWI, when it was a nation.
deifenbaker cucked out to the americans and they put pearson in charge after him anyways, at which point the fate of this country was sealed. it has since been a UN/globalist experiment.
>What do you think your average Canadian needs to be red piled on?
go to your ancestral homeland or a better place, because this place is going to get fucked
the best move canada can make for itself in the long term at this point is to become the 51st state.
We don't want that, the Republicans would never win another election.
Chinada not Canada
I as a Canadian on vacation, hence the American IP, would say the biggest problem is our dumbass fucking prime minister. The only reason he is pm is because the liberal party used him as a future had. He was a prime ministers son after all
it's meant to happen
the US is unique in its approach to free speech and freedom of expression
due to the canadian national identity inferiority complex (our identity is a negation of the american identity) we feel that americans are against equality so we must be for it so as not to be american
When house prices crash, does the currency also devaluate?
Basically, do I need to start shifting to gold/silver with the pending Toronto housing crash
Just look at their flag. Canadians are a lost people. I want to help them. With our smaller welfare state, the gimmiegrants will stop breeding like crazy, and we would have access to untold oil and natural resources.
The US and Canada together, if we got the demographics dilemma in order and reformed the (((financial system))), would become the strongest, most prosperous nation on earth. And we 'Murricans would finally force the frogs in Quebec to learn English. They would have no choice but to assimilate into anglohood at that point.
The demographic trends in the US says otherwise. But if you want millions more mexicans and blacks I guess you'd be happy. It's such a dumb fucking meme I see cunts like you spouting.
>the retard calling for Canada to become a state talking about the inferiorty complex
Not fooling anybody.
Canada hasn't had a proper prime minister since Louis St. Laurent
why do democrats love illegal immigration and hate voter ID?
why does ZOG love immigration?
same question, same answer.
i think you're mad jelly that canada has a leaf as it's flag. every other flag is so boring and serious. canada has a fun flag that shows we're not taking the bullshit too seriously and that basically we're down to party
I really like this one.
>since i also see the positives of canadian life
those will be gone when canadians are replaced
society is partly a racial construct
What in the fuck did Sir John A have to do with your leaf flag? Your country had a proper flag in his day.
It makes a good doormat for the new migrants. Since that is what it represents at this point. Something to be walked on and disrespected. Removing the Red Ensign was a mistake spurred on by Grievance Mongers in this country.
hi reviewbrah
I fucking hate them
>America Anglo
You sold your right to claim anything with the Anglo-Saxon race when you betrayed the crown and sold you nation and race over to the forces of (((Democracy))).
Canada is in a far better position, Canada is way more percentage wise White. Lierally over 50% of your children now are non white
In 20 years you won't control your country, how do you plan on stopping that. Trump isn't massively deporting or making white birth rates soar. America is FUCKED atleast Europe and the rest of the White places around the world have a chance
That no matter how many euro-cuck memes there are, Canada is by far the worst. It's a fucking circus freakshow up there with Trudeau as the ring leader
ok, we'll just continue on the path to ZOG since populism is now impossible here
i'm not saying being a part of the US is ideal, I'm just saying that it's the better of two options
I love Canada and white Canadians. Not a fan of the cuck government and the mud invasion
Canadian here,
Canada has a lot of potential but it needs a few purges (leftists, natives, muslims, quebec) then the country will be rock solid.
most nigs in canada come from caribbean or african parents, so while they still have the racial differences and american popculture influence, they often have 2 parents that would try to instill the fear of god in them.
there are some black loyalists to UK from american revolution but i think they are all in Nova Scotia, don't know any
Its a mistake to think that leftist politicians are simply cucks. The truth is that they are not stupid, weak or ignorant but coldly malicious and evil, willing to do the worst thing to their volk for power and money.
I like that Ottawa is out of there, but the GTA needs to be edited out too.
Also the government, every single person who is currently employed by the state should be fired
Come take a stroll through the Greater Toronto Area, then you might get it. The people here are drones with no personality. There are also hoards of lifeless chinamen and poos who can probably all vote and are just happy with buying junk at canadian tire.
They all get indoctrinated with liberalism through schooling. They're third worlders without prior education so they take the lies they're told at face value. Once you realize this it isn't too far fetched to think they get lead like cattle through the media to vote for a faggot like Trudeau.