Artificial wombs and women

So seriously, what does happen with women after this?

Do men just have male babies and women slowly die off?

Do they finally give up feminism and come crawling back to their role?

They'll become prostitutes in mass.

>feminists giving up feminism
kek, no. They've tasted ego and what it's like to have male power and now they're hooked on it in the same way a tweaker can't put down the meth pipe.

Their own hubris will be their undoing.

>single motherhood is terrible! it's led to a generation of feminists and men-children!
>the only way to fix this is single fatherhood! that'll show 'em!

Aren't they already though?

The sex havers will think its funny when a race of asexual genitalia-less hyperautists come on the scene, who don't fuck or even tell jokes. The normies will laugh and laugh. At first.

Not for everyone.

Women are good at raising small children into older children but are shit at turning children into functioning adults. Men create strong adults.

Why do you think people would want to go through all of this shit to have babies?
Sane people will form families.
Very few people would bother have children by themselves with this.
Artificial womb isn't the end of women, it's the end of the family unit. And I don't mean the two parents family unit, even the one parent family init.
The state will be breeding and indoctrinating children directly.

Oh, I'm sure they'll find something to make people hate them like energy companies did for hydropower and nuclear energy or what kikes did for stem-cell research.

Anything to keep the masses from the technology that elites hoard, Ted was right we live in a technocracy.

women need to be sterilized, enslaved, and only kept as animals without any rights. only men should be able to be a member of society and men should only love men
>women are complete shit and never added anything to human civilization in the entire history of the world
>men will be just like women i swear
you're going to get removed from this planet roastie.

LMAO white boi take ur fuckin artificial wombs cus you know you can't COMPETE. You know you aint manly enough to be a proper husband or a father, so u turn to sex bots n machines, and how u gonna raise a kid as a single dad.

>Women are good at raising small children into older children but are shit at turning children into functioning adults. Men create strong adults.

Assuming this is true then, who's going to raise the small children? I don't see too many of the autists here putting up with screaming kids.

>you're going to get removed from this planet roastie.

Yeah you got me, I have a pretty pink vagina just like everyone else who disagrees with you.

YOU won't have access to this kind of technology, THEY will. If you are ALLOWED this technology it will be under THEIR terms. THEY are EVIL, so fucking figure it out. Good idea or bad idea? Clearly.

Fucking Monsanto babies that's what, fucking gmo nu-humans bred loyal to the state. Depraved and sick, a mockery of humanity, seeking to replace us.

Women will always be able to get sperm from cucks who donated to sperm banks.
Women will be able to create girls with real wombs or with artificial wombs.
They may vote for welfare to go to single mothers.
Which gender will produce more of their own sex as offspring and control the government through voting?

>Which gender will produce more of their own sex as offspring and control the government through voting?

Meanwhile, the triple parentheses laugh at the dancing monkeys playing gender wars because none of them learned how to become functional adults.

t. gay

>good husbands or fathers

Sup Forums is retarded and i wasted more than 2 years of my life on this garbage

Could program a robot nanny to do the same job. And they won't sit on their ass all day getting fat either.

>2 years

fucking newfag

5/10 subtle b8 xD

>kids get too fucked up when women raise them
>we'll just use a robot instead