Will y'all miss him when he's gone?

Will y'all miss him when he's gone?

Not even for a moment

I will. McCain is good man, a hero, and a true citizin of the world. A good friend to Israel and to the free peoples of the world

No, fuck white people and fuck baby boomers

I'll miss waking up everyday wishing old pissgate McCain was dead. Lets just hope he last long enough to see his daughter relies what an embarrassment he was


I will. A lot of his behavior can be explained with Alzheimer's and the cancer. He couldn't help it.

Also, no one deserves to go like this. No one.


i dont even think his family will

He needs to get it right with Jesus soon.

top KEK

By the gods!

I'll miss him making a fool of himself. Burn in hell.

Celebrate the death of an evil man.

i liked mccain until he proved to be such a poor sport.....too bad he didnt retire and live longer with his mouth shut

Don't blame me, I voted for John McCain's brain tumor.

Fuck no


No, in fact I hope he burns in hell for all of the suffering he has inflicted on American troops by misleading the public into supporting foreign intervention.

I-s is this a young Bernie Sanders about to run over a young Jill Stein?

>was possibly the biggest mistake of my life
have you tried a handful of oxys and a quart of vodka yet?


You owe me two sides


One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

I will miss him negatively when he's gone. Which means I want him gone, and any other RINO on the face of the earth

Fuck McCain. Bye bye warmongering antiamerican scum. Hope he gets monsterfucked by a funta in hell,

Press P to piss on grave.

I'd piss on his grave if given the chance