Native species under threat

There's a native species that is almost extinct because of interbreeding with a species imported from the middle east.

Can Sup Forums think of any other examples?


catto thread you say?

We must secure a future for white and blue eyed cats.

>BBC Teach

Wildcat is code for pussy you fucking idiot

Nice cats.
Why you snaggle toothed savages destroying them?


Muslims dun did it

stop Sup Forumsringing politics into completely unrelated topics like ecology

Are there any native animals on that island that haven't been driven to the point if extinction or beyond?

Not really.

thats a cute squirrel

They're even better IRL because they're smaller than the american grey squirrels that are wiping them out.

Not anymore. At least here in Ireland.

We reintroduced the Pine Marten which is a predator native to Ireland that was nearly hunted to extinction. Now they are flourishing because they BTFO of the fat burger grey and black squirrels. Meanwhile the red squirrels which evolved alongside the pine marten have an instinct which allows them avoid them.

So two native species are beginning to stablise in numbers again.

The Red Wolf over here is basically gone thanks to miscegenation with Grey Wolves.
Honestly, this kind of thing is why I became a white nationalist so quickly after visiting this board. I've always cared about conservation of animal species, so all you guys had to do was get rid of the "racism is bad" conditioning for me to think the same way about people. Thanks, I guess.

>wow humans are taking all the space and other beings are disappearing and shit! wtf

That is horrible. You need to start eating the grey squirels to turn the tide and make things right again.

Kitty cats don't need that much space. They're not a pack of hyenas or lions that roams around in a grandiose manner, although they may not be quite as excellent at lying low as racoons.

But there's even one species of thems racoons that we're failing to give a modest bit of space and driving to extinction right now!

It's perfectly related! It's caused by bongs being hysterically scared of guns and hunting!

It damn well should be turned political, "Imagine a world where every ecology is overrun by rats, cockroaches, pigeons and asian carp!"

pathetic europoor wildlife