whats Sup Forumss opinion on black people (aka known as african americans)
Whats Sup Forumss opinion on black people (aka known as african americans)
they are BASED if they support the God Emperor
Black people? fine. Niggers? gtfo.
They need to go back to Africa.
The more places I go the more I realize I don't hate niggers, I hate poor people
literally worse than trannies.
i hate niggers and spics, because they're murderers.
They are alright. I don't have issues with any normal person, as long as they are not trashy and rude. Hell, I can even get along with stupid people, as long as they aren't trashy and rude,
The longer I study poor people, the more I realize that I hate the types of thoughts, ideologies and behaviors that make people poor.
They're okay.
The BLACKED posting makes people much more afraid.
I know alot of girls who flat out despise blacks and blackcock.
Simply don't think it's attractive.
There is no difference. Bigger is a racial epithet not a descriptor of behavior. Blacks are niggers and niggers are black.
Go fuck yourself.
Until we've got gene editing down, we're just going to have to deal with low-IQ poor people, though.
your query is invalid
More like: All niggers are black but not all black ppl are niggers. Luckily they don't all behave like apes/thugs.
Way better than actual Africans, still shit-tier, at best they could have a civilization like India
Black people are good citizens and strong members of the community, but 1 nigger outweighs 10 black people.
kill everyone of you if I could
Yep. And at that point, everyone will self correct or be left in the dust.
No. All blacks are niggers because nigger is a racial term. It is not a descriptor of behavior.
I believe Africans and Europeans are entirely different subspecies, and that each has evolved to suit its environment over the course of thousands of generations. I believe Europeans are superior in terms of abstract thinking and forward planning, because the harshness of the European winter prioritized intelligence in agricultural societies.
Africa, in comparison, has almost no winter, and its climate supports a multitude of relatively easily accessible plants, however, due to its climate, diseases and predators are far more numerous and prevalent than in Europe, resulting in a situation where food is easily obtained, but the child death rate is much higher. To counter this, Africans evolved relatively higher aggressive tendencies and sex drive, prioritizing reproductive success over intelligence.
This can be seen throughout history, that there are fundamental differences between races. That isn't to say any one race is superior to another, just that each has its strengths and weaknesses as a people, and cannot coexist in a stable society. To maintain the uniqueness of both race's culture, each should remain in their ancestral homelands, and reproduce with their own people, so as to preserve and continue their irreplacable genetic heritage.
They deserve to be euthanised via doorknob.
They are a efficient and cheap source of manual labor.
otherwise true
pic related
They are a cancer upon society
Knew quite a few really cool black people in college, even dated a nice black woman for a while. I cannot stand ghetto thugs that put off the hate whitey vibe, though. It would be foolish to ignore that.
It is weird how my black friends listen to rock or alternative music, the only fools I know that listen to gangsta rap are suburban whites.
broke: liberatarianism, NAP
woke: ancap, sell wallets made out of nigger skin for profit
They're the most aggressive LARPers I know.
>aka known as african americans
>also known as known as
>Hey community with Nigger Hate threads almost daily! How do you feel about blacks?
How is it that you currently DON'T feel like an asshole?