Prime Minister Andrew Scheer?

Does Scheer even have a chance of beating Trudeau in 2019?


Fuck no. The conservative party made the decision to let Trudeau win when they let their candidate with the highest amount of first choice votes lose. Especially when the new option is some soy drinking man child looking Harper-lite.

I mean there's technically always a chance

That's how the system works you fucking kike, its been around for more than 10 years and no one complained about it until it got them a candidate they didn't like.

Honestly? Trudeau is going to win.

I'd be making exit plans if I were you.

Well, there's always 2023- fuck, who am I kidding. His father was in office for almost 16 years.

you fucking know Canada fucking hated that zog bastard Harper he won't be even close to the liberals .

Nope. Scheer is a smiling Harper clone who got kicked out. It's going to take quite a bit longer to forget Harpshit.

No. We are stuck with Cuckdeau until 2023 at least

No, Bernie was the real hope last time around but the corrupt party structure chose the lamest cuckservative possible. He will not energize the base and is already placating the muslims without prompting. He will attract zero new voters and less than zero young voters. Bernier would have engergized the base and brought in great new demos. The NWO (Con leadership included) wants Canada taken down financially by Chinese money and wants the welfare class heavily muslim. This will allow Canadas assets to be in control of the NWO while the remanining Canadian populous is consumed by muslim violence and strife making coherent resistence to either Chink money or muzzie welfare heads basically impossible to achieve. Trudeau will be PM until at least 2024 maybe even 2028

Probably depends on two things.
1. the Conservative campaign
2. Trudeau legalizing dope.
If Scheer campaign's smart he could pull off a minority.

If Trudeau can legalize dope before the next federal election he'll win again.

Sadly I think Commissar Trudumb will win...proceed to set up gulags for all those opposing his sjw agenda and become the Fag Emperor of Cuckada.

brb liquidating my assets and leaving

Yes he does.

The instant run-off system allows for the person with the most support win. Max had more first choice ballots, but Scheer had more overall support. I think it's a pretty fair system, and very good for elections with many candidates. Max was my 2nd pick, Scheer was my 3rd, but I'm very happy with the results.

Max was more meme worthy, but Scheer is the better leader. He's well spoken, very intelligent, and pretty funny. His banter is great in the House. I always assume that people who shit talk him here on Sup Forums are simply clueless.

He has very pinchable cheeks

>legalize dope
He only needs to decriminalize weed.

>I'm very happy with the results
I'm very happy to see liberals continue to lead.

Yah kike its the system and systemic systems are unchangeable and it wasn't Jews getting their candidate.
Until the conservative party uncucks itself from the mindless inexplicable blind support for Israel it has zero fucking chance of ever getting elected. I hate him already because he supports Jews. Most Canadians hate Jews like they hate hell but somehow he thinks its vital that Jews get Canadian dollars

>inexplicable blind support for Israel
Yeah, changing this might actually help Conservatives and the right in general. Jews are not the problem. It's radical zionism.


That's the problem. Scheer is literally who? right now

He does gomad? /myguy/

No he's not. He's only a literally who to politically illiterate Canadians who spend too much time LARPing about western culture on Sup Forums to know anything about their own politics. The fact that you guys have no idea who 1 of the 2 front runners from the Conservative leadership is says more about you than him.

To all the idiots who think Canada is outraged by The ten million Omar gets,
1. The well educated aren't because they understand its a smaller payment than the courts without a doubt would award.
2. Most "new" Canadians are Muslims so they don't care.
3. Irish folk who fought the bastard English were tortured by Britain and Britain paid for the human rights abuses too.
NOBODY CARES unless your butthurt Jews and rural western uneducated farmers.

Yes, he's going to win the next election.

Trudeau is going to get Scheered.

>front runner
Yeah, after Kevin O'Leary dropped out (who also happened to endorse Bernier).

Gotta laugh at the 3 people who got fewer votes than Kevin, though.

whatever you gotta tell yourself

He has to beat the CBC Party, so no.

I kinda like having a pussy slayer leader moisten the princesses panties and who actually cucks the future king right in front of him.
I can't see sheer swinging his Dick like Trudeau does.

things change very, very quickly in canadian politics. it's way too early to tell as the stage for the next election hasn't been set yet.
i was shocked that the liberals got a majority. we really fucking jumped the ship on that one

Scheer Doesn't stand a chance against
Just"Chin" Trudeau

Literally a non issue.
If he had the power to overturn a supreme court ruling than maybe but Harper lined this sandniggers pockets not Trudeau

No chance. He can hurt the liberals a lot forcing them into a close minority situation. A strong NDP would make a big difference too.

And before you say max would have won he probably wouldn't since fear mongoring would be easy, and the cpc would fuck him over by voting down his bit promises forcing him to campaign on contradictory pledges.

Cbc is hardly a liberal party. They are pretty internally upset with how the press gets shafted so often despite liberals promises of openness.

Regardless Trudeau won't survive a third term, he could possibly really damage the party with typical liberal arrogant bullshit.

It was the perfect storm. The NDP's gains in the previous election were a protest vote against the BQ. Once Layton died, his replacement (Mulcair) decided that they were the new BQ, thereby handing all their seats to the LPC.

Harper should have stepped down, though.

If you were shocked you either weren't paying attention or you live out west because Conservative governments federal, provincial, got BTFO everywhere in Canada except Allbutthurtah.