No really they don't
>nigger loving slut
>nigger video
>nigger flag
gtfo nigger
damn my ex has the same tattoo and similar face, less boobs tho
sauce? asking for keks
siri has innie nips and it kills my boner
It explains why Japan still exists.
Nukes don't exist. They are a Jew trick. Hiroshima's brick buildlings were untouched and all the wood buildings went up in smoke.The trains were up and running on the very same day.
Fear of the BOMB made everyone get behind the UN and JWO. If the Nuke could have been made, the Germans would have made them and put them in rockets.
No one has used nukes since WWII because we have practiced so much RESTRAINT. But we've used chemical weapons and Willie Pete and every other freaking illegal weapon. BS. If nukes existed we would have used them many times in the last 70 years.
Every video of nukes is easily shown to be a FAKE, and most were produced in the lookout mountain studios.
Exactly, the Jew space illuminati lizards would just deactivate the atoms anyways
Siri user, Siri.
Look up Siri PMV on you know where and thank me later
If nukes dont exist then why do nukes exist
this is true
also a picture of an atom has never been shown
only "you know fake drawings" labelled in jewy trick ways
Is the American military, down to the regular GI that trained with nukes or sailor that positioned shitty boats for nuclear tests in on this conspiracy? Do the Russians and Japanese also collaborate, including their respective potato/rice farmer and conscripts? Why does North Korea constantly posture about using such a weapon, and why are we concerned about Iran who wants one? Are they only pretending to want nukes?
Is nuclear power fake too?
>taking science lessons from this fucking nigga riko
>refers to bomb explosions as memes
Right. The sub I crewed just ran on magic.
>neck yourself
no one cares.
>does everyone collude
its long but fuckign
this guy worked on the manhattan project and used to hold the uranium rods until they made a big deal of it, and only done it cause
the price of it is idk what it is, like 10million aton
What boat?
Yea, nig doesn't understand that radiation from a bomb dissipates rather quickly. Within weeks or months.
It does not do so with a reactor, because the source is ongoing. With a bomb, the source is not ongoing. Therefore neither is the radiation.
Which is why there's folks walking around Hiroshima and Nagasaki just weeks after the blasts and have been living there ever since.
>Hiroshima's brick buildlings were untouched and all the wood buildings went up in smoke.
I take it you never saw The Three Little Pigs as a child.
I think so. I'm not a fan of Israel in the least. Though I wouldn't call em hooked nose kikes. I'd just point out what they're doing is creating lebensraum and that's ethically wrong at the best. At worst its genocide.
>3 little pigs..
hahahaha wtf nigger this isnt story time
have you seen a tornado and a brick house?
I tried to read that website and now I have cancer
i've heard this 3 little pigs .this story, ive heard it, more than a few times for the brick stone building standing story ive heard of the fake nuke story
Ive heard this story too many times.
>i've heard the 3 little pigs story as an explanation of Nukes too many times.
What the fuck where 3 pigs doing blowing on buildings for anyway?
and why stick buildings? in america? i dont think so only japan
take that
the pigs don't blow on the buildings, the wolf does
typical nigger
Fake and sage
what a twist
Oh look...another slide thread that doesn't get deleted.
nigger be scared, it seems
Nazi Germany would never have used atom/nuclear bombs for the same reason Hitler never genocided the jews. He didn't want to be like them.
> literally dressed like charlie chaplin
> didn't want to be like jews
is it the fate of all right winger leaders to be rejected by their idols?
Sage doesn't work if you reply to a post ID
You're wrong.
bump a fake nuke thread
This. I want to believe anons.