Are psychologists/psychiatrists a joke?

Has ANYONE gotten better due to these people? has your depression, anxiety gotten better?

has ANY pill worked for anyone that hey prescribed you?

Other urls found in this thread:

They worked when I took them but fucked me up beyond belief when I stopped taking them and I haven't been normal since. And that's just a year off adderall, the SSRI's are a whole different class of fucked up.

Saw one when I was a child. Immediately put me on meds after a 30minute intro. Didn't help at all. I think they are a scam used to take advantage of weak minded people who can't solve their own problems. Nobody knows you like you do.

>falling for the mental jew meme

>user, I think you're on the edge of a real breakthrough
>We'll talk about it at our next session
>That'll be $100 dollars

Prescribed Prozac. It did work for depression + OCD. It also makes your dick numb. Consider your options carefully.

It can be beneficial for some people to have an uninvolved third party to speak with about their problems, but there's no way in hell I'd ever take any (((pills))) they would prescribe. The science just isn't there

Basically legal drug dealers

Psychology is a jo-

I go to a therapist weekly. Insurance covers it, but I have a cheap copay per visit. I refused all prescriptions recommended to me, so I'm just getting the regular cognitive behavioral therapy.
I sit there, tell my doctor what's on my mind, how I've been feeling, and get told an anecdote along with "have you tried doing X instead?".
It's a waste of time, no advice given to me has lead me in any sort of helpful direction. Funnily enough the lack of help it was providing gave me the motivation to find my own way through my problems. Been feeling better for the last few months, still have my bad days, but I get through them.

why did you stop taking them?

Psychiatrists are evil, avoid at all costs

Psychologists are ok, but it's VERY hard to find a good one who isn't bluepilled af

They want your insurance. Medical in USA is a scam.

ask any psychiatrist these questions.
1.have you ever cured anyone?
2.have you ever sent a person home saying''that is just normal feelings,you're a human you'll have them from time to time"
3.what percentage of your patients are on prescription drugs with possibly lethal side-effects.
4.can you detect ANY psychiatric illness with an autopsy?

psychologists can be good,but anyone who will listen can help you.
neurologists are legit.
psychiatry is the medical community's political wing.

Here's an insider secret idk if I should be sharing.

I use to trip LSD, prolly what drove me insane, had a couple stays at some psych wards.

The 2nd stay I was prescribe an antipsychotic, they said don't do any other drugs with it.

Tried LSD after having took the prescription for a while.

Couldn't trip.

Stopped taking the prescription and I could trip.

Check my ID.

I just felt like taking amphetamines every day was going to end up having more cons than pros in the long run, I may go back on them some day I'm not sure yet but it sucks to have forgotten how I felt without them

how long have you've been seeing him/her? why not quit?


But the money spent can be prohibitive. It's not so bad if you have insurance and just pay a copay. But a lot of therapists just avoid insurance and only accept patients who can pay up front.

I probably wouldn't bother with it if I had to pay 100-150 dollars out of my own pocket every session.

> Lithium really helped me remove constant suicidal thinking. Overnight.
> Antidepressants have never done shit.
> Risperdal - not sure wtf they gave me that for.

Therapy works best when you are actively working on fixing a problem. Helped, alongside rebooting everything in my life and working very hard, got rid of my PTSD.

If you're depressed it os most likely because you are having a normal reaction to the dysfunctional society you are existing in. Modern socierty does many things right, but completely fucks the individual, and many phenotypes end up with "depression" because we are now useless and not able to thrive, nor even navigate. In my experience.

One word: dextroamphetamines.

Ive taken Lexapro for like 5 years. Helped for a couple months, then I ended up feeling numb most of the time.

Tapered off of them now and Im going through hell. Its been a couple months.

Antipsychotics are dopamine antagonist (mostly). LSD is a 5ht2a and dopamine agonist. By blocking the dopamine activity you were unable to trip.

((((((Scientologist Detected))))))

They literally only exist to report people that are deemed problematic to the police. Doctor patient confidentiality isn't a thing.

It's all bullshit. They have no bodily evidence. Say something they dont like they start inventing and removing adjectives that describe the functions everybody else does. Things like anxiety. Cant be anxious. That is a pathology! Anxiety is completely fucken normal and serves a purpose but you envy your father's dick or something


Good to know it wasn't some magic potion. I don't miss tripping, though.

Every trip I always tried to normalize the experience until sober. Big no no if you want to stay sane.

Telepathy is my current battle at the moment.

Had symptoms of depression, complete lack of motivation to do anything, didn't want to socialize due to social anxiety and sat by myself all the time.

Went to psychologist, was worthless. Effectively spending money to have someone listen to your shit and then proceed to do nothing.

Went to psychiatrist afterwards, talked for like 6 months before he put my on run of the mill antidepressants. Didn't help with anything except my temper tantrums (Got angry and broke things). Nothing else improved so I got put on antipsychotics after he diagnosed me with a psychoaffective disorder (schiofrenia with a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar, etc.). Did absolutely nothing to help my problems, and now I have tardive dyskinesia (muscle movements/twitching on a permanent basis) and tinnitus (ringing in my ears constantly).

Don't fall for the antipsychotic meme, you will regret it.

Eventually I just stopped going to psychiatrist and stopped taking everything except my antidepressant for my mood swings. Found out my whole problem with not wanting to engage with the world was because I always had a feeling that something was severely wrong with it, kinda like how people have a problem with psychopaths because there's something missing with them. After I became a National Socialist, it all became brutally apparent. My life has improved measurably since.

90% of Psychiatry is a ponzi scheme. Don't fall for it.

I have one and yes they work
Sup Forums is right about some stuff but therapy is not one of them
They help immensely

>sees flag

a racket for the jews user

I got Sertraline and I got the numb dick
Takes forever for me to cum but boners arn't a problem
GF loves it though cause I can pump for hours now

Their founder, the eternal cuck, L. Rond Hubbard based much of his work on the belief that all existing mental health services were activactively working against the betterment of the overall human condition. Such as the statement that " Hitler's mania was caused by psychiatric treatments and medications".

Agreed. Sup Forums is not always right.
I was feeling like I was gonna kill myself any moment until I went with a psychiatrist. I was extremely shy and I often had panic attacks in public. Now, I finally got the balls to talk to girls and I can go out without feeling like I'm gonna die.

About 6 months now. I have to keep going to appease my family and girlfriend despite me telling them it hasn't done much good for me. They'd rather hear that I'm "in remission with little chance of relapse" from my therapist than from me.
It's odd because my therapist knows I have been forging my own path through my issues, and knows my thoughts and feelings on visiting them, yet still gives unhelpful advice and refuses to revise my patient report in any way, even though I have met some of the goals we outlined when I first started going. I was actually going to ask about why they won't change anything next time I visited.

>sees the other vast majority of people who arent standing for this kikery i wont take your word for it! start taking blood tests or image scans to prove anything you say. Kikes like this
MUH MUH ANTI FAGGOT MEMES. You are why everybody is half a fag. Men and women and always have been. And you put em in boxes and they kill themselves and you invent words like gay and straight to keep them in your womany organised mess. The sign of the covenant literally burns your witchcraft and heresy. Crusader fags are THE WORST

Anxiety and depression serve many useful purposes. They are emotions that can help you id that things are going wrong in you life, and at a primal level make you take action.

But we do not have a society that allows us to address or deal with the systemic anxiety and depression it causes. Nor can we discuss these things, the media lies to you, your parents likely can't help, so medicine offers a good a solution as it can make.

There is bodily evidence that some people have broken or overactive or underactive neurotransmitter receptors, generation, or brain activity. These can be detected - for example with pet scans and mri, or with biopsy after death. There is also evidence that psychiatric drugs due have effects. Many times the side effects are not worth it, or it is totally over prescribed, because medicine cant say "your life sucks because x y and z"

ITT: fedora tipping morons who don't understand the value of mental health because they lack any real mental capacity anyway.

I dont believe any of that. Sorry. All mental illnesses are spiritual problems

In the same boat as you, keep it up bud
Therapy mixed with proper medication can do wonders

>Are psychologists/psychiatrists a joke?

Not a Sup Forums thread.

SUSPICIOUSLY sounds like a stealth $cientology thread, however, so their hate boner for the one profession that can break their cult hold on people.

Know this, $cilons....We may share an enemy in the eternal Juden, but you are next on the list once we are done giving Helicopter rides to the leftists.

nope. pills suck. i really encourage you to just be healthier. it can help some people, i just didn't feel any benefit from pharmaceuticals or therapy.

Fuck off

>the lack of help it was providing gave me the motivation to find my own way through my problems.
Holy shit. This is exactly what happened to me during the very brief time I regularly saw someone. I was never actually able to find the words to explain this though

Oh damn, you came out of the woodwork quick.


Warning Sup Forums you are in a stealth $cientology thread.

THis sounds about right Minus the adderall.

Yeah, it's not a magic meme. There is hard science behind it. I think doing any psychedlic in your case is not a good idea, and I am a huge proponent of them. You know yourself pretty well though so that's good.

There are many newer antipsychotic medicines that might help. You most likely have a very active dopamine 2 receptor system inside your brain. There are many evolutionary advantages to this, but sometimes it can cut the other way as you have seen. Examing the exact makeup of your or mine brain, at the chemical level, is currently impossible. If it were we could make some really cool treatments.

If standard CBT doesn't do it for you (it didn't for me, I found my therapists to be too affirming) look into DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), it's a different approach that forces you to confront mental roadblocks head-on instead of skirting around them. Helped me a lot.

They're just drug peddlers that work for big pharma, like doctors.

What the actual fuck are you on about dick sucker? Go find your man ass safe space somewhere else. Stay on topic faggot, nobody wants to hear you shill for fruits.


What meds did they put you on?

Yes and no. The pill they gave me did a great job of numbing me up. "Numb" is an improvement to "miserable." Let me work with a therapist to make and take steps to improve my overall situation.

It was good for the year that I took them. I wouldn't say that they are a magic pill that makes you feel better about your problems, and I wouldn't advocate taking them long-term.

Ugh. Everything is fake and divide and conquery. Mixes the spiritual problems I said. With spiritual problems. For more spiritual problems. And you. And scientologists. And psychiatrists. And the puppets behind them. Are all wrong. Pic related and also the movie "Misery"

ive tried going to a number of them and they are all extremely blue-pilled, every single one has immediately tried to put me on meds.
one before i even divulged anything worth medicating me over.
it was just a get-to-know each other thing.
got up and left as soon as he suggested it.
they are 100% jokes.

if you want real help, help yourself... maybe seek cognitive behavioral therapy.

> Couldn't trip.
What do you mean?
Did you suffer from dissociative disorder Schizophrenia?
The antipsychotic apparently blocked the psychedelic effect, shouldn't it just do that?

CBT is babby's first therapy.
REBT and DBT are god tier.
Keep it up, you really can make a fantastic life with it. REBT helped me reprogram my brain.

Just because therapy wont cure your gay doesn't mean it doesnt work for people with REAL problems

I try to stay away from psychoactive substances now-a-days, don't even smoke pot anymore.

Having been involved in some crazy psychonautic stunts with tech and field I've been offered UX positions that I'm certainly underqualified for.

UX for psychotherapy could be huge with the right education and experience.

Anytime anybody exposes or uncovers your fucking synagogue of satan right wing tactics or lies you just repeat what was already blown out but triple down on the ad homs. You cant tell me im fucked in another thread. Come in here see everybody agreeing with me. On this. And then call me a fag and leave the psychiatry to the other threads. Piece of shit
I guess

I was on Setraline a few years ago for a few days. It worked wonders on my depression. However I started to have hallucinations. Needless to say I stopped.

NAXALT rule applies here
Yes, the guys that actually can help you exist and I hope they don't stop fighting the good fight, but the median are basically drug pushers and friends for hite5

So theyre fake problems and i went to them but didnt and they didnt fix anything but they did or fixed me and fixed nothing about me. K

Honestly I feel like I've gotten better but it's become a 2 steps forward 1.5 steps back thing and I feel like I might be able to go well without the meds but I fear how the long-term withdrawal effects will fuck up my work and schooling.

Yeah, well, you should ideally just be using them to take steps so that you can get off them, and not feel miserable.

Yeah, in a sense their failure (or mine, depending on how you view it) was still a success. I had identified everything that needed to change and started working towards actually changing.

>Ugh. Everything is fake and divide and conquery. Mixes the spiritual problems I said. With spiritual problems. For more spiritual problems. And you. And scientologists. And psychiatrists. And the puppets behind them.

Holy shit mother fucker, learn to construct proper sentences before posting next time.

Took an SSRI and a benzo for 6 years for anxiety/depression/panic. They temporarily helped with anxiety attacks but my life got completely fucked when I came off. They aren't worth it. The mental health problem is nutrition problem in America. Research copper toxicity and what other toxic metals can do to a persons mental faculties. The drugs are mostly garbage that allow you to not face your problems.

Well he probably said wanting to snip off your peepee is concerning and you got offended
sorry sweetie

psychiatrists are like cleaning out a wound. You gotta get out the dirt. It's gonna sting, but it will heal better in the long run.

Me neither, I can't smoke pot without hallucinating. The last time I did I felt my psyche literally break and have no desire to do it again.

That's cool about the jobs. Many old school tech companies were founded on LSD inspired ideas. This is what I was sayingabout dopamine cutting both ways - it can make you halluciante, or be super creative. Take the UX jobs my man, tech needs redpilled people more than ever!!

Psychiatrists = drugs. Can be useful in some cases, but generally nowadays it's all insane. Psychologists can be helpful but it's hard to find a good one. Most are shit and have serious issues themselves. You need somebody smarter than you with a lot of life experience to basically be your mentor. This is what really helps. Particular psychological methods vary in effectiveness depending on the type of problem and your personality. A good therapist will make any method work if he knows it well, but some are more suited for some cases.

Nice literary critique but youre a spineless bucket of gelatin and a goof eh

what does REBT stand for?

No you just let a woman hold your balls in her original sinning coin purse of an estrogen hole


Can't tell if Gay lead, ESL leaf, or $cientologist ESL Leaf.

>Has ANYONE gotten better due to these people?
>why do they get paid if they dont help any one
it makes normies feel safe
>that doesnt sound right
and how does that make you feel
im going to prescribe some pills. low level anti depressants and a sample bottle of a sleep aid on the house

duly noted.

Kind of funny since DBT was created by a woman for women suffering from borderline personality disorder

God Bless Marsha Linehan

Wow sweet. Nice discussion on fake psychiatry we're having

There were so many buzzwords in that sentence it made my cis head spin

Anyone else here been on fluoxetine or olanzapine?
I was put on both at the same time and I turned into a very violent, manipulative person. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Rational emotive behavior therapy
It was like the alpha version of CBT.
DBT is so good also because of the mindfulness component, which is about the only place medicine will bring any spiritual concept into play.

>No you just let a woman hold your balls in her original sinning coin purse of an estrogen hole

So much purple prose to say so little.

Has anyone gotten smarter listening to retards on Sup Forums?

Maybe try neurofeedback therapy. It treats your brain like a muscle and it tracks when you hit certain levels and rewards you; it retrains your brain.

Been on them for 2 years my dude and at 200mg (2nd lowest dosage I can physically be on)

>generic meme memes
Wew laddies. 1+1= meme frog. Everything is either gay or a meme frog. The simplest of statements. WOW LOOK I DONT UNDERSTAND OR THESE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH OF WORDS BUT I CAN MOCK EM GOOD


Just keep the scripts and sell the adderall. At least profit from your illness.

I took SSRI's for 5-6 yrs. Coming off of them is shitty. Your brain is used to the pills providing serotonin. Once you stop its.... not fun

One pill I used to take did help me a little. That was until I stopped taking it and I was unable to eat or sleep properly for months. I still need a few drinks each night just to get to sleep. It really isn't worth it. Improving my diet, exercising more and religion have helped me far more than any pills ever did.

Not a pill. maoi patch. Emsam. Selegiline hydrochloride delivered transdermally.

Helped massively with depression and motivation.

dont be a kek, it's all in yer head. dont buy the pharmagarchy's lies

Not sure if it's related, but my exes girlfriend had Electro-Shock therapy to deal with her depression.

Her memory is now shit and slowly coming back, but it did cure her depression. She's not cutting herself anymore, and she's also moving ahead with her career.

That is funny. I have many issues with personality disorder labeling, but they are real, and BPD can actually function and become human after DBT (as long as they have empathy). If it can help such an extreme case it can help many people. I am very glad you were able to help yourself with it.

Yeah the fall of man was fuck all. I dont like how you debate or type either. Go tell the bus driver your sopranos lady all about how your mom was mean to you once or some shit

I'd be working on wrapping that shit up soon. Nothing wrong with a good dose of numbness to let you fix what you need to fix, but its not something to become used to.

Psychology itself is not evil. That said, you're generally far better off talking out your problems with someone who is successful in life - if you can find such a person who will discuss such things. Most issues in people's lives can be solved by some rational discussion.

That said, if you had some significant childhood issues, I might look into something that is called "parts therapy". The truth of the matter is that we have multiple "parts" to our being, that surface from our subconscious to our conscious at certain points in time, dependent upon the circumstances. These parts, while not usually complete individuals, can present themselves as such, and are - probably to the disbelief of most people - able to be communicated with independently. A person can, given enough time, work out the problems with these sub-personalities on their own, and even unlock hidden potential that these are hiding. Specially trained psychologists can help with this.

The solution is almost never chemical - though the current field of medicine has been corrupted, and therefore deals almost entirely for the pharma industry.

I worked at a mine in middlewestern canada
these people make 200k but are very depressed and drunk all the time because of nothing to do + family away + hard work

I did sessions with them, getting them over stuff and etc