VA Disability

I'm against the welfare state, but what does Sup Forums think about US Veterans on disability? Especially those who earn 100% ($3,000/month) for things like Schizophrenia or PTSD...

it's one of the major reasons for Opioid abuse
still we wouldn't have all these fucking loser drug addicted vets if we weren't fighting wars for isreael

When I got out of the military, I was entitled to claim 35% disability. I chose not to because:

A) At the time I was getting out to go get a degree, to come back in later commissioned, and didn't want to be denied a certain job because I claimed disability.
B) Because I wasn't "broken".
C) Because I looked at people who took the disability, who were not "broken", and thought they were fucking parasites.

The military is a strange creature. They harp endlessly about efficiency and getting shit done as quick as possible with limited supplies, while acting like they are broke, but spend money on the dumbest shit and worthless programs. What you and I pay for a part, the military pays 3x that. Then they give women breast implants and give trannies their hormones.

Veterans should be lined up and shot after their tours of duty, why should we waste resources on these drug addicted degenerates.

more money for people who were actually injured in the line of duty
nothing for crap like PTSD

>Veterans should be lined up and shot after their tours of duty, why should we waste resources on these drug addicted degenerates.
What the fuck?

Have a 10% rating due to neck and back problems that are legitamite, don't go to VA anymore because I'm not broken and don't want to hold up the line for anyone else more broken.
I literally use the 10% for outpatient chiropractor care. It's money better spent than the mongloids at my local VA.

Disability ratings for physical problems usually sit around 10% which is sad. The highest ratings are granted for things like mental disorders, sleep apnea, GERD, etc.

if you're physically injured as a result of service I don't see a problem, but unless you're a paraplegic you do not deserve 70-100%...

You evil bastard, they fight so you don't have to. Give them some respect.

Myself and many, MANY vets I knkw havr never been addicted to drugs.

I'm sure you don't know this because you're a little cunt leaf, but the US military does not hand out pain killers such as Opioids like candy.

>I got shin splints doc!
400 mg Ibuprofen
>Just had my wisdom teeth yanked!
400 mg Ibuprofen
400 mg Ibuprofen
>But doc, my dick is falling off!
Generic antibiotic and 400 MG IBUPROFEN.

Now for people whose faces are scar tissue or have undergone life saving surgeries, they'll give you good stuff. Those people NEED that, and sure as hell more than some cunt leaf that drank yoo much maple syrup and wrapped his Prius around a mountie.

triggered much?

I saw people game the fuck out of it. The disability system rewards a sense of victimhood and disgusts me

Ahh the old 400mg of Ibuprofen and drink more water thing. 95% of military medicine right there. Cures everything short of death.

If you need the disability allowance, and have a legit disability, TAKE IT! By all means! It just made me sick when I was getting out and saw people who were also outprocessing who had nothing wrong with them but were taking disability.

That's what I'm trying to tell that leaf fuck!

Lol it's like the military had nothing else to give the majority of people who went to the clinic.

I had a 80 pound test set fall from the nose of the aircraft and knock me out, and when i was asked by my Major why I didn't go to the clinic, I told him I already had 400 mg Ibuprofen at home.

Vets should get a stipend based on their years of service and a lump sum bonus if they lost a limb or vital organ. This whole 'muh PTSD' just because they spent some time in a desert and saw one of their mates lose a leg to an IED needs to go.
Libs have this retarded system where:
>Kill one with ten witnesses.
>Kill ten with one witness.
means to kill the ten so that less people have to suffer having watched it.

I've got a spine made of titanium plates, two shot out knees, and near deafness in one ear...

Just because I had all my limbs and can walk doesnt mean I'm not gonna take that sweet uncle Sam check.

>I'm sure you don't know this because you're a little cunt leaf, but the US military does not hand out pain killers such as Opioids like candy.

The military might not, but the VA will. It's a fucking pill mill. They'd rather medicate people than provide actual things like surguries.

5000 dollar computer case fans that are 10 years old, equivalent or better parts are 15 dollars. Ridiculous.
Doubt its true but read about it somewhere a few years ago.

Let me play double's advocate for a second. Would the military be more or less efficient if it was a private organisation?

>I had a 80 pound test set fall from the nose of the aircraft and knock me out, and when i was asked by my Major why I didn't go to the clinic, I told him I already had 400 mg Ibuprofen at home.

You're an idiot if you didn't get that shit documented.

I used to work with vets, and the number who got injured while in service, but "manned" up and didn't get it recorded, then tried to claim the injury when it caught up to them years later would make your head spin. The VA won't grant anything without evidence. Hell it was difficult enough to get the VA to recognize hearing loss with troops who worked around artillery every day.

If it isn't documented, you're fucked. And many things like back injuries can manifest themselves years after you get out.