Is this it for Sup Forums?
Is this it for Sup Forums?
>memes aren't allowed to be racist, transphobic, or homophobic
This is why the left can't meme.
>the left can't me-
gas yourself
So is this an iPhone thing or an American thing?
It's called, you're fucking stupid
no u
Wow good one - right up there with 'freeze peach'. You guys really are all retards.
youre the only cancer if that light irony went over your head, please find your way back to youtube comment sections under sargon of akkad videos
Further emboldening the truth
Kek, thats not even funny at all.
> what did you say sunny in fall
Thats how cringy you sound
If you're offended by a meme then you are the meme.
the kekening is nigh
the left not being able to meme is a meme, we whip them up like nothing and they catch on like fire
Yes, we already understand that left wingers aren't funny because they're perpetually walking on eggshells. It's pathetic.
Stop bumping this faggots
>image macros
>quality meme
Is it 2010 again?
we vote with words here
that post gave me cancer, and yours gave me AIDS
You just bumped it faggot
Go away, it's fake.
>thinking the left can't make a gif
Think again boys ;)
Is that a converted .ppt file?
>why can't the right meme without offending me? it's not fair when you make fun of colored transfag genderqueer goose rapists
#imwithher #NAMBLAnow #resistance #killWhitesnow #stopAntiSemitism
neo-left humor is the kinda dumb shit females would post and then laugh at their own jokes thinking it's smug.
Memes are jokes about stereotypes.
You cant fight google goyim give up