ITT: Debate what Sup Forums labels as an sjw. Won't be replying to severely autistic comments.
ITT: Debate what Sup Forums labels as an sjw. Won't be replying to severely autistic comments
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Subservient to Jewish Whims
That group of useful idiots either from soft science courses or with friends from soft science courses who have been educated in a specific way to accept Marxism but not identify it as Marxism.
When you point out their professors were all taught by a real Soviet Marxist sent to the west to sow dissent they deny it. They can accept Soviet spies were sent elsewhere, but not to universities? That's how miseducated they are about Marxism.
As per normal there is no evidence. Link me some that isn't "muh obvious" and then I'll read it. I have heard this argument but never seen any evidence this happened.
Assuming it did happen, is it still happening today? If so how have they been able to infiltrate the ENTIRE public and private university system without anyone (even a conservative SCOTUS, POTUS, and congress) noticing?
Even granting somehow that is able to happen, do you have any examples of anything taught in universities that supports this claim? Or maybe is it possible for liberals to just base their views on science more than conservatives?
anybody who believes in equality of outcomes among different people.
Is that a question? An assertion? LMAO
"I am right and if you disagree it is an axiom you are wrong"
And that is a strawman.
I am outright stating what you are saying is a strawman, but apparently strawmans are strawmans are strawmans right?
Do you have no idea what a strawman is? A person who believe sin equality of outcomes (for instance, that blacks and whites should score the same in algebra, and any discrepancy is due to a discrepancy in the system ) upholds a core value of social justice. I suppose the "warrior" part would only come into effect when they start trying to spread their toxic ideology online.
Are you denying the cold war happened?
So you'll believe they infiltrated government organizations, but it's suddenly unbelievable when it's universities? This is exactly what I mean, why would you suddenly deny the cold war happened? How did they do this to you?
Of course they sent spies to universities, of course only the soft scientists are still believing.
Not all straws are man, but some man are more straw than others.
Archive the clickbaiters
>abc net au/news/2016-10-25/asio-penetrated-by-soviet-moles-during-cold-war/7964846
Did you read my comment? I responded to this. You don't respond to 2, arguably 3 parts of my argument.
Yeah, and when your axiom is that you are right and I am wrong you can kind of discredit every argument regardless of merit.
Reconcile Islam and gay rights.
I think we should shun wahhabism and work with the safe muslims in the middle east to re stabilize the region. Literally nobody advocates for working with extremists.
Two guys fucking doesn't effect me and neither of them is hurt by it so I don't care?
This isn't even about right and wrong, you autist. It's about ideology, and beliefs of equality verses beliefs of hierarchy and survival of the fittest. You speak like you're reading from a script.
Yeah, show me evidence that we don't have a broken system and that whites are better than blacks then. This is how arguments work. You make a claim, give evidence for that claim, then link that to an impact of why it matters. If you don't think you need evidence you are too far gone for any of this.
You do know you are quoting a terrorist right? What's different between that and me quoting a Wahhabi Muslim?
Sorry I don't know how.
My point is fairly simple, you'll believe and nod to all the cold war facts, but how do you get off believing universities weren't more infiltrated than government agencies? We only have diversity quotas, which are designed to cause racism and sexism and lower standards, which is exactly what happens when white men are rejected because race/gender, they get racist/sexist!
No, I didn't because it was dripping with blue shit.
Critical theory is directly linked to Marxism, critical theory is still taught at universities. Critical theory has every aspect of being an intellectual vanguard for a revolution, it does everything Marxist revolutionaries are instructed to do.
As per Derrida and post-structuralism they even gave it a name that is the antithesis of what it is. Critical theory isn't critical, it's only ever critical of upper class European culture. It's cultural Marxism and we all know this word fits, which is why you pretend anyone who uses it is crazy.
We know your tricks.
And no I won't address arguments that are literally nothing more than incredulous fallacies. Just because it's crazy doesn't mean it's necessarily untrue.
So no, fuck you, SJW are brainwashed by Soviet ghosts and everyone should know.
Just look at official government crime statistics. Other than that, there's IQ scores, the outstanding success of Asian immigrants that came here poor as fuck, etc. But ultimately we have threads for this sort of information, and your arrogance reaks of /leddit/. If you really care about truth, lurk moar.
The most I can shorten it is probably the re-framing of "rights" to being about outcomes without really caring about the process, and having this applied to "marginalised groups" rather than individuals.
The social justice part is that society is leading to "unjust" (that is unequal) outcomes through the structure of it, and when there are not obvious reasons for this it's blamed on hidden processes rather than any individual or group being responsible for their actions.
The term warrior is relevant as rather than being someone who advocates for their views in a balanced way they subscribe to an iconoclastic ideology that explains every outcome, so listening to other opinions is unnecessary. This means that rather than having a dialogue they only "fight" for their point of view, so are acting as warriors rather than debaters or arguers.
Really weird how all of that can be explained by things that are broken in the system huh? If blacks are sent into poor areas in the reconstruction, and schools are funded based on property taxes, does it not make sense they will score lower in school? When you control for socioeconomic status, these differences all go away. Obviously you will say all of that is just bullshit aimed at hiding up the truth, but I don't really think that statistics can be covered up. Really weird how nobody has ever done a critique of these studies but instead just says "liberal education" and moves on isn't it?
Except there are very real things we can point to that do show that these groups do face disproportionate problems? Why would you want to focus on an individual if there are very clearly trends in data among these groups?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Being a terrorist doesn't make someone incapable of providing a good explanation of what you're asking for. It's completely irrelevant.
Why don't you just be honest and admit that all of your comments are going to be severely autistic, and this thread is just an opportunity for you to project, as random posters on a Mongolian throat-singing image board shitpost because they're drunk with nothing else to do.
Still doesn't respond to how this can still be happening when we have an entirely conservative government now, and other times in the past 30 years. Why hasn't it been fixed?
LMAO. Sorry I triggered you buddy. I think it matters because it shows that person has a slant that is very obviously wrong. Kinda makes me think you didn't know who that was.
Even if you want to pretend like the arguments can stand separately, why aren't you capable of making them yourself? Do you just have that picture ready to go whenever you get into an argument?
Ideological creep.
Look we have lots of smart people researching this which you'll just dismiss for being our smart people, essentially it's cult like behaviour left unmoderated without directions from the Soviet union. Without guidance, they took it to themselves to continue the revolution.
And from someone who throws around accusations of a strawman: a strawman. Lovely. Your entire argument rests upon the assumption that people born poor are doomed to poverty for their whole lives, which is blatant bullshit. Black people of great intelligence (see: bell curve) do just fine despite "the system". Ben Carson, for instance. And again, Asian immigrants, many of which came over as dirt poor laborers, and now on average have a higher wealth than whites. And "muh schools", which seems to be a pretty common argument, is also total b.s. As someone who grew up in a shit school system, I will tell you this: anybody can succeed in school if they give a damn, no matter of the neighborhood. It's a matter of desire, self-discipline, and intelligence.
Can you cite any of them? Go ahead buddy. Burden is on you.
No, I've provided enough reason, proof and evidence to safely place the onus on you. Your inability to provide counter-reason, counter-proof and counter-evidence is enough to dismiss this argument.
Never said that or asserted it. It is obvisoully possible. It is just a lot harder for people because they are born A) further down the ladder and B) they have things they can't control thrown at them all their lives. I think that is wrong. Citing the bell curve, the literal only work that backs this up, shows how misled you are. Not only did Charles Murray state that people who come to your conclusion are misreading, but the book is highly discredited by the rest of the scientific community.
I really like your anecdote, but the plural of anecdote is not data. I trust data. Good for you on being socially mobile though.
Idk man it really shouldn't be that hard if there are SO many. You have given zero evidence, thats why we are having this conversation LOL.
Besides every link posted in this thread?
>it's not evidence until I say it is
Just make ONE single counter argument, please. Just make the one so it'll be your first in this thread.
This only strengthens my point. If this subversion only takes 20 years because that is the time it takes to corrupt one generation, how are the US congress, white house, and supreme court (all conservative) not able to shut it down then?
> believe LGBT isn't mental illness
> believes Socialism works
> believes that Cop Violence is a bigger problem then black on Black Violence
> believes woman fucking lots of Men is empowering
> believes sex is A social construct
I'm sure you can keep going
>Besides every link posted in this thread?
No links in this thread have been about how this can still be happening today, which I have asked for repeatedly, maybe answer that question first. LMAO
Yeah, hard work, doesn't it just suck that people have to work for things in life? And yet the vast majority make very little effort to improve themselves in any way. Black on black crime, for instance, is astronomically high and this is, at the very best (from your point of view) a cultural issue that needs to be addressed. The 'system' isn't holding blacks back, the only thing holding them back is themselves.
1. Maybe people who are different than you aren't mentally ill.
2. Never said that.
3. It's a bigger problem because that violence is racist and black on black violence is caused by our (white) institutions.
4. Why do you care?
5. No, but gender is. Maybe at least learn what the common arguments are?
Because they can't just shut down the teacher's unions and fire marxist professors, as much as I would love for them to.
>And yet the vast majority make very little effort to improve themselves in any way
Simply untrue
>Black on black crime, for instance, is astronomically high and this is, at the very best (from your point of view) a cultural issue that needs to be addressed
It is a problem of the institutions we have built. Why are black people sent to longer sentences for the same crimes?
A. Wow dude, that sounds a lot like violations of freedom of speech this board pretends to love so much.
B. Why have they done nothing to even attempt to counteract this?
>how this can still be happening today
Why would people with cult like behaviour just stop believing? Why is it so hard for you to believe that soft science professors are preaching radically aggressive Marxism?
What you're doing is the incredulous fallacy.
>Simply untrue
I'm willing to bet you've never lived in a majority black city your entire life.
Example a: Detroit
Example b: my hometown, 60% black
>longer sentences fro the same crimes
maybe the same reason white men get longer sentences than white women? And blacks aren't slaughtering eachother out of anger towards the courts.
>someone out there actually believes these things
1. It's more genetic defect than mental illness, but he's generally right
2. K
4. Because it leads to the degradation of society, a construct you depend upon to survive.
5. That's flat out not true.
A. Sup Forums isn't one person, /leddit/.
B. In red states, they have tried, but again you can't fire a tenured professor because they're a flaming marxist. The most that can and has been done is funding cuts.
SJW: A fucktard who pushes leftist social justice issues above all and tells anyone who disagrees with them that they're racist, evil, cruel, bigoted, etc. just for not sharing the same opinion. They adopt social justice as a religion and are more in-your-face about demanding you conform to their opinions than the most diehard proselytizing street preacher ever has been. They usually end their tirade by either turning red in the face and screaming, or breaking down into deep sobs, both of which happen when you fail to adopt their beliefs or pat them on the back for their stance.
Basically, 90% of all modern American liberals and about 99% of most Europeans.
>When you control for socioeconomic status, these differences all go away.
Uh oh, redpill time!
Because it seems like our conservative government would try to do things to stop this espionage.I understand your conspiracy theory argument, but you can't understand my argument. As made evident by how it goes un responded to.
The plural of anecdote isn't data.
I think white men getting longer sentences is wrong too?
>It is a problem of the institutions we have built. Why are black people sent to longer sentences for the same crimes?
Yeah, I'm sure the EVIL WHITE MALE CIS SEXIST institutions force poor black babies to rape, torture and murder.
1. Can you source this? Can't find anything that supports you.
2. no response
3. no real response
4. Show me how society is degrading
5. What gender are people with XXY chromosomes?
Basically anyone who will use these words in a sentence seriously:
"Evolution, oppressed, racist, patriarchy, equality, LGTBQ, offended, fascist"
Then spend some time in a majority black city, there aren't exactly polls for "have you every tried to improve yourself?" or "how hard did you work in school?"
Schools aren't losing funding, this is plainly wrong.
How are red states not just starting to hire conservative professors? And off of that, how are all of these conservative schools even marxist in the first place if they have always had red state officials?
Have i called anyone in this thread racist?
>can you source this
The genetic/natural/basic purpose of an organism is to live long to reproduce. Any innate trait that prevents them from achieving that goal is a defect. Pretty simple A -> B thought process there
>Show me how society is degrading
Get out of your basement and look around
>what gender are people with XXy chromosomes
Male. If you have a y you are male, if you don't, you're not. Also,
>implying most trannies actually have both sets of chromosomes and aren't snowflakes trying to out-privilege each other
criminally unchecked
My home state recently threatened to stop funding the arts and sciences college at my university, so...
To answer your other questions, the state doesn't get to decide who the university hires. Universities have been breeding grounds of leftist thinking as far back as the 60's, and even earlier. The "hippie" generation that went into academia, however, was the real turning point where socialism gained a large foothold.
"Because humans have high within-group genetic variation, genes are unlikely to
explain average differences in IQ test scores of different racial groups. We do not know
the extent to which genes underlie a person’s ability to perform complex mental tasks, but there is no reason to think that people whose relatively recent ancestors all came from
one continent would have different variants of any relevant genes than do people whose
ancestors came from another continent. "
sjw are what happens once you shift the definition of violence to include words
But in order to look at trends you need to look at the individuals in the groups and find out what's going on. You can't compare different groups of people and then say they have different outcomes because of racism/sexism/whatever if the groups have massively different levels of education, have different socio-economic backgrounds etc etc which is what people do.
I'm not fully aware of America's situation as I don't care but in Australia it's very often the case that minority groups (in particular Indigenous groups) are much better off for their educational and economic background.
A recent example is this
I'm curious as to what evidence you have from the states about actual real barriers individuals from minority groups face.
Sorry bro, didn't realize you don't understand how statistics work.
Even still, you prove my point that you don't even know how hard these people are working if you can't poll that right? But your annecdote proves that all blacks dont give a fuck.
No, I understand your argument, my issue is it's not an argument and instead is a fallacy. Of course conservatives would try, tell me, how are conservatives received on college or university? If your answer is, not well, what the fuck do you expect them to do?
We've boycotted them by saying you're not a real man if you dont STEM and they're still going. Now we want to take their government funding as well as their private funding, from university enrollment.
>no source, just a vague description of evolution
>just look around, no real examples
Also, I thought gender was linked to biology buddy? Why does Y = male?
Why not try to even pass a law or even bring it up in congress then?
Your FUCKING RETARDED ! The Answer to How can it still be happening today with a conservative government is because the 1st Amendment disables the governments ability to censor speech and expression. The remaining cultural marxist preachers are no longer actual Russian spies but the products of their subversion.
This is why we control for those things and find out that without those major differences they would be the same.
As an example of things active minorities face in America: our schools here are funded by property tax. So if a district has a bunch of wealthy families, the schools is better. This means that lower end areas will be bound to have worse schools and get a lower quality education.
I don't think it matters how they are recieved if the government is going in and trying to fix a problem. Why is the government so helpless against this supposed espionage?
Okay, so why not try to change curriculum standards for higher ed? Is that against the 1st amendment?
Ah, yes, you're definitely from r*ddit. Personal experience, and even without polls about work ethic, one look at the black community in America shows only a portion have tried to self-improve themselves, but those that have tried have succeeded. And on top of that, if blacks are, on average, mentally on par with other races, why do they need affirmative action to compete with whites? The simple fact is that the bare minimum is a serious cultural problem in the black community, and quite frankly genetics sows the seed that blooms into culture.
1st amendment, and McCarthyism in the 50's failed.
Exactly because "proving it" is received with yells about conspiracy theory, calling cultural Marxism instead of critical theory and all the backlash after is exactly my point.
I'm not sure why you think the soviets would do this openly, do you not understand how espionage works?
There's actually a lot of evidence that (above a certain level that is pretty low) school funding doesn't relate to outcomes to a large degree, but instead cross-correlates with the income of the families who send their kids there (which is a much better determinant for educational outcomes).
This is why public schools in Australia (which are almost all funded the same other than a very few select entry ones) are much better in wealthy areas than poor areas.
If you've got evidence that refutes this I am happy to look at it.
>one look at the black community in America shows
From your perspective, maybe. This is why we need to use actual data. What was that saying? "Facts don't care about your feelings"?
Blacks are on average in terms of iq when you control for socioeconomic factors. Thats why we need affirmative action.
>quite frankly genetics sows the seed that blooms into culture
Link me something that shows genetics influences this.
and on top of that, attempts to "equalize" black education have all failed to improve the general state of African American education. For instance, in Dixie in the 60's black kids were sent to white schools, and vice verse, with the only result being horrendously long bus rides.
Anyone who promotes cultural diversity, praises obese and gay people just for like on the internet. If the internet no longer existed these people wouldnt give a shit about being "fair" it's all just a way to generate more likes in the form of attention.
If it was such a secret how do you know about it then?
>on average when you include socioeconomic factors
then why do rich black families still score less than whites of equal wealth, as another kind user posted?
And 2., is drinking milk part of the culture of the lactose intolerant?
Because I believe Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux when they say everyone teaching soft science is brainwashed?
So you are saying that there is reverse causality. That is a fair argument. Can you show me some of this evidence?
I responded to that image, (which I can't find in any college board documents btw).
Not sure how the milk thing proves your point. There is less genetic diversity between northern europeans and africans than between northern europeans and southern europeans.
How do they know about it though? "Do you not understand how espionage works?"
Hey dudes. It is getting late here and I have work tomorrow (I know a lazy SJW actually has a job). If you all want I can set up a discord server and I would love to continue this tomorrow after work. It's been a lot of fun.
Because they're literal experts on Marxism. Being an expert means you get to say things and people believe you, it's reserved for historical figures and PhD recipients, in which both of them are one, the other or both.
No, you merely used someone else's words to try and negate the fact that a black person and white person of equal wealth will have substantially different score son the SAT.
Source on that, but the different races of humanity have already evolved to have substantially different bone structure, diseases, tolerances, and heights. To believe intelligence is magically not a factor is just plain foolish, but there is sadly a major taboo of doing research on the subject.
>Won't be replying to severely autistic comments.
So you're not replying to any comments?
Doesn't really answer the question, even if they know a lot about marxism. How do they know it happened but people in our government (conservatives) don't?
that's ableist, shitlord
I literally cited the research I use to support my opinion, but somehow that isn't okay because I am using their words? Man this explains a lot :D
Why do you hate white people?
Why do white people aren't allowed to have in-group preference, just like blacks, asians, latinos, etc?
your source says there is no biological evidence for an iq difference between races, and yet there's the evidence right in front of your face. Seeing and refusing to believe.
But as far as social justice and affirmative action go, it's socialist bullshit to punish the successful in order to try and force another group to be as successful. Asians succeeded on their own, so did Jews (sadly) after centuries of pogroms, if blacks are truly equal then they can rise above their history without the need to punish whites and Asians for the sake of equal outcomes. Survival of the fittest.
Because they can read between the lines of these people, again, because they're experts.
>trying to explain expert opinion to a post modern special snowflake that thinks all opinions are equal
>implying they are experts because they have degrees when trying to use their opinion to devalue education
I provided evidence to you. I could say the same thing LOL
Soft science isn't education. It's indoctrination. The only real university education is STEM and a few management/business/accounting/pre-law for the unintelligent.
There is no educational value in soft science or any course ending in studies at all.