Is my GF Sup Forums approved?

sup Sup Forums; I wanted to know if you approve of my GF or not; let me tell you about her.

she is 22 years old, 5'5, 135 lbs
Christian (REALLY Christian, but then I like to think that I am as well.)
German decent
Wants marriage
Doesn't want kids (I want kids, but its not a deal breaker for me)
Loves Jesus more than me (I love Jesus more than her)
Voted for Trump
Woke to serial pedophilia among world elites and the threat of Jews.
Woke to flat earth (as am I)

how does Sup Forums score her from 1-10?

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Yes, I'm happy for you, bro

Are you really asking Sup Forums?

You don't deserve a gf :c

Sup Forums approves user. She'll learn to have your kids soon enough.

>Doesn't wanna have kids
Thats gonna hurt the score big time
>Woke to flat earth
If you're both autistic enough to believe that you're perfect for each other

She seems cool but you'll need to work on her so she has your babies. A woman doesn't fulfill her nature until she makes white babies. Good luck

If she doesnt want kids then whats the point? Might as well be dating a mudblood. Go advance the white race you degenerate.

> German
> Doesn't want kids
> Flat earth

Into trash it goes.

automatic 10

Kys stupid faggot. Saged.

to be fair; I woke her to the flat earth. If you guys aren't this woke, are you really living up to the standards of Sup Forums? do you guys really stop conspiracy theorizing at muh jews?

>Wants marriage
>>>>>>>>Doesn't want kids

what the fuck
that's a huge red flag, not just by itself but compared with the other things it seems odd

She doesn't want to fulfill her biological purpose. She's crap.

she doesn't want to raise kids in this corrupted world/system we are in right now. and I don't blame her because I can see that this world doesn't have much time left.

>loves jesus more than me
>i love jesus more than her
>mfw unquantifiable paradoxical jesus love

I rate your gf 5/10 dead average and completely unremarkable.

I rate OP 3/10 too insecure and for some silly reason needs Sup Forums's approval to make life decisions.

All things considered she seems like a catch for you mate.

We need a picture of her taking a shit. Can you supply us with one? Preferably one with her ass gaping open as a hot pile of steaming shit is produced.

I'm asking this seriously, if I demonstrated the 8" per mile curvature using a laser beam on the surface of a lake, would that convince you and other FE'rs ??

My opinion is that you're both young and naive. You'll be an idiot and her contradicting of her own values will actually shock you when you find out about them.

>serial pedophilia among world elites

She's going to leave you if you're a tinfoil hat

>flat earth

you are trolling and I'm upset that I replied but there you go

sorry I should clarify; She loves Jesus more than she loves me; and vice a versa.

>Doesn't want kids
>Loves Jesus
makes no sense
>flat earth
fake and gay


Nice b9

100% on my life I am not trolling.

Only delusional flat earthers fall for this bullshit

> 22 years old
> Virgin
> Loves Jesus more than me
> Woke to flat earth
I give 85% probability that she is a dumb hysterical cunt and suggest you run away while you still can.

well vice my versa i'm glad u found somebody who you can relate with so much. not sure if 'woke to flat earth' is a meme or not

if not

good luck charlie

I want to start a fundraiser where we launch flat earthers into space so they can see the real ship with their own eyes...course they won't have a way to come back, which is the best part.

real shape*

>flat earth

Stopped reading there.

You do realize that the ball earth deception IS LITERALLY JEWISH PROPAGANDA RIGHT?

I had a virgin 21 year old gf almost wife (also very religious) she was the best (affectionate af, always happy and trusting)

>doesn't want kids
not marriage material.

answer my question

she is very affectionate, happy and trusting to a fault actually.

I would like to see how the experiment is performed and the results. its 8" per miles squared by the distance. I would be open to seeing this.

but then you have to fix broken gravity and the lack of any detectable motion of the earth

Keep her, but knock her up by surprise after a little while. She'll love kids by the time you've put a second one in her "on accident."

I figure if we are meant to have kids, it will happen.

>>stopped reading there

it as basically the end of the post anyway jackass

Sounds bretty good, but you guys should probably take a couple science classes if you are still Christians and flat-Earthers.

Easy fix, do some satcom.

Of course I would do a live demonstration in front of other FE'rs that I know. I just don't want to waste $100 on a laser and drive 6 hours so they give me some great excuse for the curvature.

The lack of noticeable motion is similar to the inside a moving car effect.

I just want to know if I'm wasting my time demonstrating it or you're actually open to irrefutable proof which the laser demonstration would be.

> not Asian
> believe the Earth is flat
> doesn't want kids


record it, throw it up on youtube and see if it sticks. you might surprise yourself with your results.

I invite you to find out. Would you take the bet? Flat earth = you come back, otherwise you float staring at the glorious nearly spherical planet we call home until you run out of oxygen?

>Doesn't want kids


>Woke to flat earth (as am I)
A solid 7, because the earth really is flat.

I would take that bet. but when I come back I expect you to eat your humble pie

I'd call you daddy if you were right and could prove it.

I'll record it but there's no reason to post it because "it's faked" will be the only response. I'm hoping if the FE'rs who will be present are convinced then they can vouche for the authenticity of the experiment.

so would you be reasonably convinced of at least the curvature if you were there and saw it with your own eyes?

Its hollow, not flat

I wouldn't say it was faked; but I would also look at it from all angles and see if there are any other valid explanations for the results. but the laser test has been done several times and there is no detectable curvature

ok, I understand, I'm actually scared because you guys are so adamant about it that I think either it will be proven flat or the FE'rs at the test will kill me when it's curved.

just curious, what causes the daily dual tides, if not how it's described here

>no kids
Literally the purpose of life is to create children. 0/10. When whites like you don't procreate, the Jews win.

Tides are caused by the static electric pull of the heavenly bodies upon the earth. this static electric pull can be demonstrated by anyone at home simply by applying a static charge on, say, a balloon (rub it on your hair, like [you] used to do as a kid and it stuck to a wall) and hold it next to a running tap of water, you will notice the water bend and be attracted to said balloon.

When I first met my gf she didn't want marriage or kids, but I thought I'd take a chance anyways.

She did a 180 all by herself in less than 2 years. I didn't even have to convince her. Now she thinks getting married and having kids is her idea. I can't guarantee this gamble will pay off but I'm pretty sure it's instinct for them.

>Woke on flat earth
Please don't have kids.

Insane out of 10 user.

Flat earth, I mean really?

I really hope so. I really do want children more than I'm willing to tell her.

You're a fucking moron, i bet her face is as busted as your understanding of the solar system

>German descent
I would not procreate with russian rape babies.

this is the same knee-jerk reaction every flat-earther had before they became a flat-earther. put aside your preconceived ideas and just research it. admit that the jews may have got you on this point. just because you realize that they are evil doesn't mean you are awake to ALL of their deceptions. and this is the biggest one.

No, I have listened to your stupid arguments and your obvious strawmen. Flat earth is a fucking joke on all levels.

any examples?

oh wow, thats proof right there! saw it on TV so its true! no such thing as fish-eye lenses, CGI, etc. wow you got me user, guess earth is a ball afterall

>Doesn't want kids (I want kids, but its not a deal breaker for me)
>Loves Jesus more than me (I love Jesus more than her)
than follow Jesus' teachings and have kids.

I told her that our first commandment was to fill the earth and multiply